What Irritites you about this game ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Andy04, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

  2. NC_agent00kevin

    The forums for it.
  3. Camycamera

    the fact that tanks can't go up hills even though they are, you know, TANKS yet they slide everywhere and fail to go up hills infantry can get up over with ease.

    how easy it is to see running infiltrators; you can spot them from 30+ meters it's ridiculous....

    and the way spawn rooms are handled and how close bases are to eachother really grinds my gears as well. PS1 had fights between bases all the time because of how far apart bases were, giving the loosing team time to counter attack due to how far away each base was from eachother. you only see large battles between certain bases because of some bases being close to eachother, while others being further away. the way spawn rooms work further contribute to the problem. while some are put underground like they should, most are smack bang right out in the open for all to farm (especially when the attacking team has an overwhelming force), and that just makes the ones getting farmed stay in the spawn rooms instead of going out and attacking (or redeploying to another base to counter attack).

    the last one is a big one, and prevents massive fight happening a lot. Hossin is a definite improvement, but theres still work to be done, especially on Indar.
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  4. Nerovox

    The Forum side with the nerf everything mentality, and the infantry only attitude in a so called multi vehicle game.
  5. novicez

    Lighting inside some of indar bases at night. Not really sure if it's an intended feature or bug, but there are certain bases that have lighting but feels like it's no different than outside the base without lights.
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  6. Kunavi

    I just went ahead and gave plenty of Likes here, because I can't bother bringing up what I've put down in various other discussions, including some which I started... Not again, not in detail and not when I know it'll just be read by the rest of you and not a Dev who can give a single flying F*. F2P trash status coming in hard for PS2.
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  7. AshHill07

    Lock On launchers with the terrible new locking system that makes the rockets fly headfirst into the wall next to you 99% of the time.

    C4 having the ability to insta-gib my MBT, and as I recently discovered, Vanguard shield no longer prevents this ...

    Myself, for being terrible when it comes to performing under pressure, thus why I almost always run support.
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  8. Tuco


  9. Tuco

    hehe. That's what my hair use to look like when I use to have hair.
  10. DQCraze

    If you want to be taken seriously the least you could do is spell check your work. It just shows your lack of attention to detail. The last thing I want to do is decipher a paragraph on the forums, it just reminds me of the sad state of our educational system.
  11. NinjaTurtle

    People sitting is tanks or libs shelling spawn rooms

    The piss poor connection issues/ high ping
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  12. FieldMarshall

    • SOE doing what they usually do. Release awesome games and then quickly run them into the ground. Because $$, and Higby.
    • Performance.
    • Moneygrabs.
    • Reddit and Twitter.
    • Higby. (Really scares me that this guy is in charge, as he has a record of destroying everything he comes in contact with)
    • Good ideas from PS1 not being used.
    • Bad ideas from PS1 being used.
    • Balance. Its usually OP or useless. There is no "lets tweak it a little and see what happens for a few weeks" with SOE.
  13. DK22

    maybe I was a bit harsh there, but I'm the assist king, losing is my career in PS2. I still have fun though.
  14. baka

    And I look at it the other way. The death screen shows me (if I ever care to read it) the name of the person who killed me, and with what weapon as well as the name and weapon of someone who assisted. That is all I want. I hit space or click the mouse as fast as I can to get to the respawn screen since getting back into the game is my ONLY goal once the death screen has come up. At the respawn screen I spend my timer deciding where best to re-enter the game.
    If I noticed the direction the death came from as I drop, then I gained information - I do not need a chart showing me the direction on a map (which is probably completely wrong by the time I would get back to that area). I do not need a graphic of my stats up until that death, once I have killed an opponent, destroyed a tank or a turret - I know this fact and have already moved on looking for another target. I don't even need a text printout of what I did.
    But that is just me.
  15. Champagon

    1. C4 fairies
    2. MLG kiddies
    3. CoD kiddies
    4. Historical Teamkillers
    5. Cheaters
    6. Forum Whining
    7. Weps getting nerfed due to forum whining
  16. Robertooooo

    1. Piss poor performance.
    2. Bad hit detection
    3. Spawnroom design. It's stupid to have a spawnroom above ground with hills all around it.
    4. Spawnroom warriors
    5. The state of TR on Cobalt. I don't even feel like playing PS2 anymore because of that. There is some good outfits like RiMG, but overall we suck.
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  17. Hoek

    There are two things really irritating me. One thing is the fact that almost all fights revolve around the close proximity of the spawn rooms. It drags down the entire game making it tedious to play.

    The other thing is that the designers are absolutely clueless in solving the first problem. I'm sure they don't even realize it's a serious problem. It's so disappointing to see how a game like this is allowed to be ruined thanks to obvious incompetence.
  18. rocko95

    1. Maxes
    2. Bulldogs
    3. Maxes
    4. "Lag compensation" that makes people run/duck inside geometry
    5. Maxes

    Like, I don't like the PPA, or HEAT tanks, or rocket primaries, but whatever, I don't care that much about them. Maxes though, I ******* hate them. They don't serve any purpose than to take a player who can't kill to save his life, and turn him into an overpowered farming machine. If this game had no maxes it would be so much better, AI maxes serve literally no real purpose in this game. If you can't cap/clear a point fair and square with infantry, then you don't deserve to win it because you got outplayed.
  19. Tyrant103

    Kill/Death Ratio.

    Capping bases XP=meh.
  20. Andy04

    Indeed..... well Some of us did not have the pleasure of a good education.... So if you do not mind you can use your education that you have been greatfully given and decipher everything that needs deciphered :D