What Irritites you about this game ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Andy04, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Pikachu

    And I think the opposite. :rolleyes: More faction weapon diversity and all guns that performs the same should look and unlock the same. Real NS>fake ES.
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  2. Valadain

    Not sure if this will alleviate your suffering, but I've been programming professionally for 15 years and with the information that we have available on the game code (zero), what you want is simply not possible. There can be no meaningful suggestions or code examples without actual knowledge of the code base that is causing the issue in the first place.

    Additionally, fixes like what are being asked for are very rarely blocked by technical issues, they are blocked by priority and scope. That is, the change may cost more than other features that the higher-ups believe are more likely to generate revenue. In which case... They will not be done. Even though people likely know what does need to be done to fix them.
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  3. Pikachu

    ■ Death screen is still p*** poor at telling the source of my death. More inaccurate than ever.
  4. DK22

    This can be a tactic too, as in not doing what they expect you to do. highly situational though.
    they just took my control point, likely expecting me to come take it back, lots of time for that yet
    lets see what else there is until then.
  5. BadAsElite

    "What Irritites you about this game"


    This guy not fixing half the main problems.
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  6. Unsp0kn

    Then at least give them each advantageous options that are of equal strength.
  7. Theomanic

    Not much really irritates me. I like that it seems the developers are constantly working on improving the game. I've had some very interesting experiences on the test server that have illuminated how much thought goes into the changes made.

    The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is how unstable Flash's are. They're just... wow. It's like they run on skis instead of wheels. Heaven forbid you get the Racer frame, like I unwisely did. Just the slightest turn sends you into a crazy merry-go-round spin. Every time a blueberry hops on my Flash with me, I feel like I need to explain what a mad ride we're about to have.
  8. Valadain

    Hah, when I was getting my wife into the game, that was tough to explain as well. That we had a 50/50 shot at making it to the next base in tact. That my goal was primarily to take us over the hex so we could spawn after turning into the nearly inevitable spinning fireball of death.

    Not to mention, a distinct lack of guard rails on the roads. Seriously. I was jetting up a hill in my lightening, avoiding some heavy fire, and flew right off a blind turn onto a massive drop. A nice guard rail would at least let me know there's a turn in the road, with a vehicle that doesn't have much downward visibility in the first place.

    Still, those are things I laugh off. I wouldn't call them irritations.

    Now an ATV running over and killing a MAX would be an irritation in my book. Seriously?
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  9. Verviedi

    Infantry AV in general.
    Spawn room warrior burster MAXs
    Reaver aces who camp our warpgate and kill everyone who leaves.
    Cheeserocket spam (Ravens)
    Victory-o-matic on HAs
  10. Maljas23

    Tryhards... the MLG kind I mean.

    Worse in this game than in most, imo.
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  11. Leftconsin

    I'm irritated by how truly awful I am at it.
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  12. SacredRay

    I hate the shoddy mechanics like bad hit detection, kill trading and ADS being inferior to hip fire + ADAD at ranges that matter.. but..

    What I hate most is this community. Never have I seen a poisonous bunch willing to ruin their own game with blanket nerfs so that their self entitled pet play styles are padded. Why adapt when you can make erroneous statements about something to the extent it gets nerfed.

    The most recent example was the rocket primary idiot who made a compilation video to prove that shooting a rocket at someone was OP. The guys name is Mustarde and I bet my left dick that the video was about 6 hours worth of gameplay of him DELIBERATELY taking favourable engagements using a rocket launcher against everyone he came across. Poisonous and effective - because now the "rocket primary" is getting nerfed. Its just too bad that the gravity of this change won't be realized until it goes through.
  13. Church41349

    The Community
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  14. KnightCole

    Air power in general. It turns the game into a game of cat and mouse, or Russian roulette and less of a tactical shooter...You dont dare venture out and try to flank a position. You cant really move around to defend a base thats not entirely enclosed..just makes this game very campy and boring.

    Hit detect issues. They have improved, but I still see instances where hit detect, lag or w/e makes guys take obscene amounts of rounds.

    Hacks, real or imagined.

    The headshot mechanic. It turns this game into a sniper simulator rather then a shooter game. It was 100000000x better when armor and shields protected the head. It made HA feel truly tanky and was just more fun to actually be able to shoot the body and get kills. Now its a race to land the most shots to the head...Only snipers should get double damage with no protection...

    Huge *** Zergs: Its death around every corner, its lag, TKs, bad hit detect, poor rendering, and just all in all a terrible experience in game.

    143@652 weaponry...cuz dear god do these guns suck.

    Teamkillers.....cuz seriously dude?

    Im sure there is more but thats it for now.
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  15. DK22

    Just the Warp gate, sometimes its fine, other times TK hell, or even the threat of it.
    What's the point of random firing all over the place anyways?
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  16. King Feraligatr

    A no means complete list of what aggravates/irritates me:
    • SOE
    • NC players being incompetent
    • Lack of content
    • Nerfside
    • Relentless zerging
    • Vehicles being paper and jokes
    • Cheese everywhere
    • Vanu always winning
    • Performance
    • Hit detection
    • Flying
    • Spam, spam, spam. esp. explosive
    • Bad base design
    • My own suckage
    • My aim (so bad it needs its own entry)
    • People in general
    • People more concerned about farming than taking the dam base
    • The grind
    • Imbalanced things
    • Every gun being short range
    • Getting farmed
    • Spawn camping
    • Lattice system (at times)
    • Boring stalemates
    • Frequency of losing
    • Hackers (or seemingly hackers)
    • Players knowing more how to help the game than the devs
    • Teamkilling
    • Allies who jump into my line of fire
    • Lack of a more "functional" game world (I guess "immersion" is a good word)
    • Game getting worse performance than a couple months ago
    • Etc.
    If I haven't said it before, I like PS1 more than PS2, but even that is not as good as the vets make it out to be and PS1 still has heaps of problems. I usually like single player games more (esp. moddable ones) than multiplayer games. In fact, PS is my first "MMO" that I've played in a long time.
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  17. DK22

    King... Loosing? come on, you can't be serious, it negates your whole post.
    Lets all have a cry for losing, boo hoo I got killed.

    Nothing wrong with the game. Something wrong with some players, yes, its like they want personal win cheats.
    Just quit.
  18. King Feraligatr

    It can be quite aggravating losing all the time getting stomped on with incompetent allies. Maybe I should have said frequency of losing.
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    Suicide runs appear as a core gameplay mechanic. The majority of the fights are decided by a single kamikaze warrior with Mines or C4. It's an effortless way of beating the opposition and it makes the gameplay look extremely shallow at times. What irritates me about it is that such a strong focus on Kamikaze stands highly contrary to what I expect from a war in the future.
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  20. andy_m

    FWIW, I agree.