What Irritites you about this game ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Andy04, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Andy04

    Here are a few things that actually make me log off A LOT!!!!

    Very bad hit detection, Bad server lag, camped out bases, Zerg's, TTK (time to kill),

    Most of these happen daily when logged in and it takes no time at all to just end up getting bored of it and logging out because of it and these issues have been here since beta !!

    What Irritates you the most. post your Issues here and perhaps someone may just pay attention.... (unlikely, But worth voicing the issues YET AGAIN)
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  2. Flapatax

    Spelling errors.
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  3. z1967

    People. They're the things that ruin multiplayer gaming :|
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  4. MaxDamage

    All the topys and bad spellong.
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  5. Valadain

    Really, for me it is only the hit detection and lag, or rather, how it is currently handled. Beyond that my problems are mostly player issues, primarily people focused entirely too much on the wrong things. Being jerks about everything, yelling angrily in local, or playing at the expense of their own team.

    I think the lag and hit detection really plays into the short fuses. The play styles though, I really don't know how to fix that. I'm not sure what would make people not jump in another person's line of fire to take a kill or scramble stupidly in front of a quick moving tank, or rolling a tank up to max range and stopping... On a road.... surrounded by mountains... with no path around and ten tanks stuck behind.
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  6. gigastar

    People who use rocket launchers on infantry.

    Im happy thats getting nerfed.
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  7. Andy04

    Thank you for posting your reply ........ very useful indeed
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  8. Andy04

    wow Spelling errors are a major issue of this game..... Thank you for your reply though very informative
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  9. Benwah

    Performance. I'm almost obsessed with it, and I've spent way too much time trying to find little tweaks here and there to improve it without seeing any tangible results.

    I built an expensive rig to get a pretty 60 fps, but I cannot get my pretty 60 fps. :(
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  10. starlinvf

    You know what really grinds my gears? People who complain about crap, but don't actually do anything about it. I mean, I don't see you learning programming and doing a better job. The least you can do is add useful feedback instead of just repeaten the same argument over and over again like broken recording of a parrot.

    And thats what grinds my gears.
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  11. Prudentia

    Vehicle zergs
    from either side
    there is nothing more annoying than not being able to do the things that a First Person Shooter is because one side doesn't/can't take part in tue engagement.
    1 or 2 vehicles are fun, you can outsmart them, flank them and have all these little cat and mouse games, but against 20 tanks it's like running from a nuke with only one leg

    and often there is no jumppad nearby to C4 all the vehicles. or even worse the vehicles are on my side and none of the enemies are intelligent enough to use a jumppad.
  12. Klypto

    • Debris Suck.
    • I have to use tape on my monitor for my sights to work properly.
    • The commissioner, a "ranged" pistol has it's damage cut exactly in half before it's even at mid range distances (less than 50 meters! holy ****!)
    • Desperado is short 2 rounds in the mag.
    • Warden is a joke rifle.
    • Tank flips easily.
    • Turing while the front is in the air at 30+ degrees up can cause upwards momentum on the front of the tank hull causing a hilariously bad backflip.
    • Getting out of vehicles can sometimes put you under the map.
    • Tick rate of the server feels like 20.
    • Can't can't right click and invite to squad from chat menu consistently.
    • Chat window is different in the menus than in the game & can't click on names.
    • Can't kill a HA with a decent shield at 20+ meters with an Underboss without multiple headshots or 80%+ accuracy.
    • Tanks have no feel of heavy mass or momentum in collisions or airtime. 60 tons of metal off a jump doesn't become a slow flying, 60 ton projectile like it should.
    • Map's AS3 code is bugged and occasionally renders lattice and resources in a mess or fails to display enemy / ally activity without requiring a mouseover.
    • Pressing WASD while accepting a revive will leave you stuck looking at your map.
    • Squad recruit options are Friends AND Outfit not Friends OR Outfit
    I will say that I am now extremely thankful that the game no longer spawns me at random NOT CHOSEN places multiple times a day. This will save me hours of my life from re-redeploying.
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  13. Andy04

    I got a new righ also and this game still under performs until you have to drop all your graphics and such and even still then can be bad. Makes me sad, Such a good looking game in full graphics but kinda unplayable
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  14. JudgeNu

    Trying to get to a high area on the terrain and if I slip I start to slide and it is difficult to stop.
    Sometimes my body gets so contorted I end up wanting to punch my monitor. seriously.

    [Suggestion] Infiltrator Jetpacks!

    lol jk ik its OP
  15. Stormsinger

    • Hit detection
    • Vehicle Physics (lack of vehicle weight, easy flipping, no way to right vehicles once they've been flipped)
    • Flipped vehicle damage
    • Lack of vehicular loadout swapping
    • Lack of defensive options in some OHK scenarios (My own opinions, mostly - tank rounds should OHK. Sniper rifle rounds should not, if the player has picked a suit option specifically to defend against it. (There isn't one.) )
    • Lack of control customization for aircraft
    • Lack of UI customization options (different colored reticules, etc)
    • Lack of easily accessible rangefinder (Seriously, everything has finite range limits / thresholds spelled out in game, and no easy to rangefind without the use of an energy-intensive implant, or lots of map / waypoint micromanagement. )
    And finally, the lack of documentation / in game info on how various aspects of the game behave. (Point caps, generator takedown / repair, lattice behavior.)

    Edit: Horrible, horrible render range.
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  16. Pikachu

    ■ Amerish sunrise is still broken because the sun is not synced.
    ■ Amerish having different time zone than the rest.
    ■ Dense fog completey hides the sun, without even a proper transition.
    ■ Hossin lighting not being that of old.
    ■ Number of hits on me does not seem to correlate with damage taken or ttk. The ttk might be correct but its annoying when it seems like the damage came from 3 143 damage bullets. Ouch-ouch-ouch *dead*. What, 3 bullets killed me?
    ■ Vehicles take damage when upside down. I hate it so much.
    ■ Grenades and rockets having no effect if fired just before death.
    ■ Lock-on missiles flying into terrain.
    ■ Getting tier 3 implants that I already have.
    ■ Team mates not setting up sunderers when defending.
    ■ No HUD for deployed explosives.
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  17. FateJH

    Everything about this game irritates me
    and that's why it's so much fun.
  18. Captain Kid

    most actually.
    Everything seems designed to annoy or frustrate.

    From the delay if you want to place another ammo pack to the random spawn system. From not being able to see friendlie sunderers when you're driving a sunderer yourself to trying to traverse a cliff. From the repair tool not working properly to the crosshairs not properly aligning. From the horrible driving physics to the horrendous base and map layouts.

    I can go on for a very long time. Still, somehow, I keep playing. (although mostly for a few weeks max then I take a looong break)
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  19. Phyr

    Improper use of [PSA].
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  20. brighthand

    the fact that this game could easily be so much more but the dev's constant pandering to casual preferences keeps undermining it all; I do give SOE credit for some of the recent changes going in the right direction thought ;)
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