[Suggestion] What if...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nexus411fr, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Nexus411fr

    Too much idea to make one topic, so instead I'll put my idea quickly, and, like the video series "what if..." we can found in youtube, see what guys think will happens.

    What if 88mm mortar is added for the engineers
    what if artillery vehicle (instead of mortar) is added
    what if the Colossus tank is added
    what if the Liberator got better angle for his primary turret (at least +10°)
    what if a second heavy machine gun type is added for Heavy assault
    what if a third unique faction vehicle is added (and what it would be)
    what if a fifth (VR excluded) continent is added

    leave your answer or suggest another "what if"

    ps: is adding a new vehicle break gameplay?
  2. arnoldX05

    Are u some kind of ****** **** and die slow from poison piece of ****
  3. Demigan

    1&2: only if a proper firing system is added. We don't want people to invent ways of "sit here, aim at the sky at this point and fire to launch shots exactly into the point room" for example to make it a low risk high reward type of weapon. I would either force these things to deploy, the player to buy a target designator like the Flail has (potentially for resources so you lose something if you die!) and then the player has to personally be there when the artillery is fired, making the weapon a support weapon.

    3: It depends on how, since it's so big it either has to deploy through the PMB system or through those experimental giant crates we once saw on the PTS that spawned a large vehicle when accessed. The risk is that because it might take a lot of resources or time to create one that it's power has to be off the charts to reward the player enough for it's use. This is basically the cycle of horror the PMB system is stuck in right now: Either you get rewarded for your time investment with obnoxiously much power or you get so little power for your time investment it's just not worth it.

    4: Only if we get a suitable G2A vs A2G system would I consider upgrading aircraft even more.

    5: like what? An actual HMG? What purpose does it have? What niche would it fill? How would it differ from current LMG's, Carbines etc?

    6: It would be awesome if that happened. It would be better than adding another continent.

    7: This will either keep the game as-is or ruin the game entirely. More continents will simply suffer the same problems with pacing, spawncamping, overpops, always fighting around about the same bases and other things we have on current continents. You are much better off offering new capture mechanics that rotate amongst bases after each continent lock, adding alternative continental lattices to each continent and even picking a base on the map to be the warpgate so that bases we see more rarely become the focal point of fights.

    My own idea's:

    1. Add more capture mechanics. PS2 is perfectly suited for several kinds of CTF and VIP type gameplay modes. After every continent capture these mechanics are randomly assigned to each base, making the next time you play that base a more unique experience.
    2. Make the PMB system easy and fast. Currently it takes some time to gather resources, build up a base and when you are done either the fight has moved on or you might see it turned to dust. This makes it incredibly hard to create satisfying gameplay. Simple additions like being able to call up a drone from the Silo and having access to all building blueprints as weapons you can switch to would allow you to quickly build your base within the silo region and with greater precision. Or having light PMB elements that take little cortium to build but can quickly create some small defenses for players to hide behind or use.
    3. change how infantry, vehicles and aircraft interact with each other. A2G vs G2A is a great example. If there isn't enough G2A then aircraft are in little danger and have a lot of space to simply operate and kill enemies who have virtually no defense against them. If there is enough G2A then aircraft are prevented from acting in the area in a meaningful way and they'll just leave for an area where there isn't enough G2A. PS2 should be about all 3 unit types fighting each other constantly in large-scale battles, not about negating one unit type entirely from player or that unit type dominating almost helpless enemies.
    Oh and ignore Arnold, just report his post for insults and it'll go away.
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  4. Nexus411fr

    I'm talking about an equivalent to the T7 Mini-chaingun, NC05 Jackhammer and the Lasher X2.
    It's classified (in fandom wiki) as a Heavy gun not HMG, my bad sry m8

    For the mortar, I tought something inaccurate, with a large dispersion, the thing is you aim (horizontally only) and then you set (with the scroll) the range, about 50 to 200 (maybe 150) meters, which it will make the weapon kinda more inaccurate. In fact, if it's for the artillery vehicle, yes, your idea is best for this vehicle

    Also your ideas sounds like a complete rework of the game, which I think will be good for the game (the game is kinda old, and it's getting old badly, some rework would be nice and "refreshing")... instead of making another battler royal caught* caught*

    last thing, what PMB stand for?
  5. CazadorDeLaBruja

    its good to see people with a fire of suggestion in their hearts but Daybreak sense back when they were SOE are notorious for NEVER looking at these posts. if you want your suggestion read by devs post it on thier Reddit page found here https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/

    additionally if you necro the millions of posts on the forums you will find many of your suggestions were brought up years ago. don't be discouraged by this... go to those old posts as many have fleshed out much of the obstacles and prettied up their formatting (clearly in vain) that you can copy and reuse to further the discussion and prove to the devs and their shareholders that the discussion isn't dead and this game is worthy of continued investment and development.

    as to my addition of new items for the game i think a new engineer mana turret would be great. i made the suggestion 5 years ago of an infantry mana turret that fires a powerful electromagnet with a grappling cable attached allowing engineers to snare tanks or pull allies free of obstacles... i think it would have allowed for some hilarious fun... but it was disregarded as back then vehicles that tilted over more than 30 degrees would explode instantly and the devs had to fix the engine first so it got shuffled under the rug and forgotten. i still think it would be a fun toy but this is a game about bullets so i doubt the community cares about such things.
  6. CazadorDeLaBruja

    who cares if a weapon is virtually identical to another weapon. so long as it has a unique look and the player who buys it feels like buying it was worth it (buyer remorse sucks) it can't possibly be worse then the dev's trickling level of new content to the game. let's face it anything is better than the great NOTHING this dev team is capable of producing... make it so the community can produce raw weapons and vehicles not just hats and this game would explode in player count and cashflow... sure there WILL be problems with performance but that would only open the doors to allow for new game modes such as peer to peer servers converting PS2 away from its expensive single shard server the devs have no understanding on how to manage (the original devs that created this gem left long ago and kept all their notes making it hit or miss to the maintenance team to add or remove anything beyond a couple stat changes in the notepad ready files not locked behind encryptions they don't have the keys for... blame Sony for that.)

    planetside 2 has code that is so advanced it literally predicts your future actions up to 10 and 15 seconds in advance to offset the lag issues that a game this scale would suffer from if it was created by any other developer in the world. it's no wonder the devs can't create anything new for it... they simply do not have the education or experience required and the company cant afford developers of this capacity. so open it up so the community can do more than cosmetics and lets make this game into the powerhouse it was bred to be!

    so what if its old stuff with a new look. if people will spend money on it... its all good in my book.
  7. Demigan

    Just adding some unique weapon-types would be good period. Although since the Heavy Assault is already the most used class it doesn't really need more gadgets and goodies to make it more interesting to play. They already made the Thumper a HA exclusive which was a big mistake as far as I'm concerned.

    That would mean people would just place a waypoint on the map, then walk until it says about 200m and deploy it. This way they could easily use the map to aim the Mortar and fire directly at their intended target. This is why I think that it's a bad idea to fire mortars and artillery manually. We've already seen what it does in Biolabs where people would stand just so and fire underbarrel grenades at the spawnroom to get cheap kills. Now imagine if they don't even have to be in the same postal code and could have 2 or 3 players set it up, aim near the most used spawnroom exit and fire away for a OHK every time...

    Which is why I always propose to make artillery a support weapon mechanic. You can call it in with an item or button which ideally reveals your position so that people always have a chance to retaliate against the artillery user as the user needs to have visual range of his target.

    It's not a complete rework, but from my POV it would take less time and effort to rebalance all the infantry, vehicles and aircraft than it does to build an entirely new continent.

    New capture mechanics are also pretty easy from where I'm sitting and have a massive return of your investment. Imagine a VIP mode where you move up to a point and then pick it up. Only when picked up does the timer run. So the defenders have to carry it to make the timer go back to it's maximum and the attackers have to carry it to capture the base. Now you have an interesting mechanics where you want to defend a player as a team, or hunt him down as a team. Add some limitations like always being visible whilce carrying a point, not being able to leave the construction-denial area or carry the point for longer than 10 seconds in a painfield and you are set! Well also limit if you can carry a point after using a jumppad. We don't want a Drifter Jet defender to constantly hop around an AMP station with the point and become nigh uncatchable.

    The thing is, coding this once might take some effort but if you can rotate this mechanic through every single base then the gameplay value it offers is massive. Much more massive than another continent or weapon. And this is one of those things that if you add more it'll offer even more gameplay value as each additional capture mechanic will add to the variety a player might encounter after each battle is over.

    Player Made Base. The construction system that is available with ANT's.
  8. TR5L4Y3R


    lots of crys and salty tears .. so no ..... OR only if it needs to be deployed to get a marker out of it (think flail)
    with no deployareas to decrease/limit latticebasebombardment ..

    make it a expensive player made base spawnoption (maybe add BFR mechs to that aswell)
    from a dedicated vehicleplattform only a squad or plattoon can use ..

    how bout we nerf the lib for once, it´s more than powerfull enough as is ..

    wouldn´t mind but what ideas?

    how bout you give some suggestions yourself ..
    kinda tough to add more vehiclytypes .. factions are well covered with current vehicle and aircraftoptions

    well oshur is planed but i am skeptical if it will pan out well for ....

    my own ideas:

    1. medic AV grenades and primary antivehicle option (nadelauncher/rockletrifle)

    2. AV nades for infil for dedicated specialisation

    3. more G2A options for vehicles like sunderer, lightning, ANT (wireguided missiles, podmissiles, saronesque autocannon) .. and/or increase pitch of existing turretoptions (including engineer manaturrets) to provide AA ..

    4. NS BFG type heavy weapon or launcher for the heavy assault that however uses the grenadeslot for nanocosting, limited ammunition (would need grenadebandolier)

    5. (something that´ll never hapen) put all secondary ESF weaponoptions into the primary weaponslot and rebalance them accordingly ..

    6. make ESF controls more accessible:
    remove constant need to acsend, ad strafing/banking/both(?), allow yaw with mouse ...

    7. give the lightning a walker-esque mainturret and ballance walker- and rangerlikes torwards AI and AV respectively (that includes bursters)

    8. give supportoptions to the max like ammobox, shieldregen, radar f.e. ...

    9. grenadeweapons such as thumper or underbarrel nadelauncher should benefit from ammunitionpouches

    10. thumper should do AV damage with default ammotype, better become a launcheroption for the heavyassault
    and a primary option for the medic (see 1.)

    i may have got more but that´s it for now ...
  9. Nexus411fr

    being inactive cause vacation. sorry

    Got others idea, or reformule some older question

    What if a bomber is added (Galaxy conversion) or at least, a dive bombing weapon for fighter

    What if a G2A/A2G cooperation system is added (example: target designator for infantry)

    What IF the Colossus tank is the third unique faction vehicle (meaning it's a COLOSSUS class tank)

    What if MBT got rework, and instead of 2 crew, got 3 crewmember (Pilot, main gunner, secondary gunner... like the Lib)

    What if, prototype tank is added (btw why it wasn't added ingame?)

    What if Thumper is reworked (damage to vehicle, more splash damage or range... seriously this thing should be remove to the game if not reworked)
  10. TR5L4Y3R

    galaxies have pelter or bulldog for bombardment, esf use hornets and often dive with them or use podmissiles for AI

    if it´s a tool or attachement like a tagmissile or tagbeam ala mechwarrior online i think that it wont get used at all but by the most specialised squads/platoons..
    what planetside would need in this case at least regarding vehicle combat a system to have a targetlock so other vehicles or aircraft can see the possition of a target and launch lockon weapons on it ..
    yet how PS2 is you can only tag targets by calling them out and other than marking its position for a couple seconds it does nothing ..

    as said before the collusus should ONLY be a spawnable vehicle from a dedicated PMB platform .. not from any laticebase

    would be too strong against other vehicles such as the lightning and and sunderer, infantry with current AVballance would have an even harder time fighting against mbts .. so lets not put this idea into the game ...

    what for? with no purpose there is no point in having it ...

    thumper as is is a fun weapon to play with and i don´t mind it ..
    the changes i would want from it is to be able to damage light and heavy armor with the defaultammotype
    have it put into the HA launcherslot instead of being a primary
    but also let it be a primary option for the medic ...

    don´t see a need to remove it ...

    as said before rather than just asking "what if" rather include in some details to your ideas ...
  11. Nexus411fr

    Didn't meant the opposite, i mean faction should have their own Colossus (with specific faction weapons, Dual 254mm guns for NC, Quad 180mm gun for RT, and pew pew laser cannon for alie... I mean Plasma cannon for VS)

    So you mean a sort of a "shared" target lock system for vehicle? (btw it sounds good)

    I prefer to tell the idea in general, and avoiding details for nothing especially if the idea is kinda ********ed for new or veteran player
  12. TR5L4Y3R

    considering their possibly low resources i´d rather DBG brings in the collosus as NS vehicle but with some ES flavor on the secondary weapons ... so bassicaly like a much bigger and tougher harrasser, everyone has the same baseplattform but can put empirespecific weapons on it ..

    rather than empire specific collosy i would want PS1 battleframe robotics back .. but again as PMB specific spawnoption

    imho PS2 could very well learn from MW:O ...

    screw salty vets especialy skyknights ... if you have a idea detailed or not don´t be afraid to share it ..
  13. TRspy007

    Yes for mortar and artillery vehicles (though technically the prowler is supposed to be artillery), idk about liberators, the colossus tank was cool, idk if it would have much purpose.

    Always yes to more vehicles, however, the devs are not planning on doing so, they don't have the resource.
    They are adding Oshur, and island continent supposedly at the end of this year, and this would have been the best excuse to add new vehicles. Adding new vehicles doesn't break gameplay, it opens it up, but only if those vehicles are built to fit a specific niche, in order for each vehicle to remain overall balanced, only having the edge in (a) certain situation(s).

    Adding a hovercraft or boat along with the addition of Oshur opens up fights on water, which would be pretty epic I think, or at least add another layer of gameplay. Problem is devs don't wanna do that.... :(

    Either ways, the devs have to come up with ways to get players to
    1) Join the game/discover Planetside 2
    2) Stick with the game
  14. Pikachu

    What if maps were curved.
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  15. TR5L4Y3R

    ummm those are continents, not planets like in planetary annihilation ...
  16. Twin Suns

    Self Propelled Artillery that requires 3 people to operate. (Driver, Spotter, Fire Control)

    Recoilless Rifles that requires 2 people to operate. (Spotter and Fire Control )
  17. adamts01

    Then we'd be fighting on the tiniest floating space rock ever. Actually, such a small rock to share would explain the constant fighting. If I didn't have a garage to escape to my wife would have killed me by now.
  18. Pikachu

    How would recoiless rifle differ from raketen shooter?
  19. TR5L4Y3R

    naval boats/ships aren´t worth it, they are too limited in capability dependent on how much water a continent offers ..
    it´s a similar problem with naval combat in planetary annihilation with multiple planets, if a planet doesn´t offer as much watter as the other planets to fight over naval is pretty much useless for anything but defense, it only makes sense for single planetplay in that game ..
    if a continent doesn´t offer any watter then there is no point in creating naval in the first place, making naval specifically
    for one or 2 continents ... ... just why? ... it´s too specific for too limited use to be implemented just for the sake of variety ..

    hovercraft/hovering vessels like the magrider or its PS1 harrasservariant or floating ships like the Carrier make the most sense ..

    so realy if anything make something like a naval base .... or a small island that is rather reachable by air or amphibius vehicles ...
    maybe make the sunderer amphibius ...
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  20. Pikachu

    Even smaller and curvier.
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