TR got the Ravens and NC got arm-mounted anti-vehicle railguns? Currently fractures are garbage and Ravens don't really follow the NC faction trait. If you asked me then being wire-guided fits the TR military theme better. Also Ravens shoot multiple rockets rapidly which fits TRs dakka trait. Ravens could also be slightly readjusted to shoot even more rockets, although with less damage (10 rockets/mag, half the damage,double RoF) As a replacement the NC would get heavy railguns, with very fast bullet velocity (although below VS Vortexes), very high damage and a unique heat + ammo mechanic (the railguns overheat very quickly but they use ammo as well). The idea is that they cool down faster when close to overheating and they don't have that strange delay after firing other heat based weapons and the Engi rep gun has, so if you manage your heat level well you could increase your sustained fire damage up to the level of Vortexes. Sustained damage: TR Ravens > VS Vortexes >= NC Railguns (VS got higher velocity) Burst damage: NC Railguns > VS Vortexes > TR Ravens Now you must be thinking I am TR because I suggested to give TR the OP Ravens. Guess what, I am NC main and I simply want to broaden faction diversity. Also I want more Raaaaaaaailguns Higby Sites pls!
The Raven are still closer to the concept of the Phoenix as a guided rocket than the Fracture is to any version of the Striker, even with its current dumbfire mechanics. The Coyote mechanic against anything has been refused to the TR. No one has it as consistently as the VS, whose Vortex is a MAX-mounted Lancer. The problem still goes one of two ways: either the Fracture does not maintain the accuracy at a distance like the aim-compensating Ravens or the quick-hit Vortices; or, the latter two weapons should not be allowed to operate so effectively at the ranges that they currently do. The Archer was a bandaid against the latter two, if the range was a problem in the first place, but makes the former even less of a competitive choice. That sounds like a "VS mechanic," or at least the last thing I would expect from something that could be called "NC."
Well yeah, that was the idea. My second char is TR and fractures are really bad compared to Ravens and Vortexes, especially at longer ranges. So the idea is to give the TR something truly long range... But I couldn't think off anything interesting enough. And then it occured to me that wire-guided missiles are often used in modern military and that Ravens fit the TR theme better than the NC theme (low damage/rocket, wire-guided, similiar to Striker - rapid fire RL). The NC could, of course, use more Railguns (currently one Railgun... seriously?) so why not kill two birds with one stone? Why? Because it has a heat bar? So Phalanx turrets, MANA turrets and engi repair guns are also VS? IRL Railguns do overheat really quickly and since Railguns are supposed to be one of the NCs faction traits then IMHO a heat bar would fit here well. Also it forces you to make a conscious decision: You can either fire your Railgun rapidly until it overheats for optimal burst (3 rapid shots = overheated) and then wait until it cools down or you can fire more slowly to achieve optimal sustained damage
I would sacrifice the Dalai Lama's goat while standing in boiling holy water suffering splinters from a wooden cross if that's what it took to get my hands on the current version of the Raven as a TR character. Holy **** the things I would do... (except actually playing an NC character...that's blasphemy)