What If There Was No In Field Infantry Spawns?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoctD, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. z1967

    I see where you are coming from for this, but this one extreme too far. Shooting somebody means not just a 15 second respawn, but instead a massive amount of downtime between deaths. Yes, battle buses and Galaxies will have a much greater use but new players will find it frustrating when their death results in having extreme travel times and very little infantry action. A more moderate version of this (eg. removing spawns for small bases and outlying outposts) would be far better with the current state of the game being one extreme and OP's suggestion being the other.
  2. Phazaar

    Hilarious. Aside from dropping KPM to a decimal figure, the other thing it would do is kill -any- amount of strategy or team play beyond the number one, be all and end all strat.

    What's that strat? Go to their warpgate and don't let them out. Cap all the bases behind you.

    Sure, that's a viable strat at the moment in MLG, but only because MLG is worthless and brought it on itself.
  3. Hosp

    I'm still of the mindset that fewer but more defensible AMS are a better alternative than the current system of dime-a-dozen spawn points. As it stands, in a large fight with the drop pod change, it becomes quite the task just to get to a hot AMS to do damage to it. Once you get to it though it's still pretty easy to take out...but 10 seconds later there's a new one to replace it.

    I'm all for popping XP Pinatas, but in the cases where underpopped defenders can hold back an enemy, eventually the attacker wins by pure attrition. Which is mindless.

    Make the defenders work a little harder to pop those AMSs, but also make it so the attackers have to be smarter with those AMSs.

    (I also want a death penalty and a slightly longer TTK but those are topics for another thread)
  4. NoctD

    So I see a lot of naysayers, but 2 really great offshoot ideas as well:

    - Limited Spawn Points
    - No Hard Spawn Points (AMS only)

    I like those! Yes WG only might be a bit too much, but limited or soft spawn points, and spawn beacons that can be destroyed. Now those present interesting scenarios.

  5. SolLeks

    what if it was like this:

    Large facilities - spawn rooms like we have now (with downable tubes)
    Small facilities - no spawn rooms

    sundie AMS work as is.

    Maybe we get cloke bubble AMS's back? and not every base can spawn one so you have to drive it from the nearest large facility?
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  6. KnightCole

    I have ArmA II and I really dont like it much. Its not a war simulator so much as its an Aimbot AI with perfect omnipotence who seem to insta shoot me as soon as I reach say, 550m near the objective. I was trying to do the challenges in the armory or w/e...yeah, passed like maybe 2 of them in the 5000 I did. The only way to get anywhere it crawl everywhere. But see, the enemy can see me through the grass fine but I cannot see them back. I stand up to try and fire and blam dead...

    Then the recoil on the weapons and movement characterisitics of that game is more like a lethargic, autistic, 1 legged, half blind, drunk, carpaltunnel cursed leper 3 year old who never even heard of a gun much less actually tried to fire it.

    I find PS2's overall feel and mechanics much more enjoyable.

    I would like a "realistic game" but the only thing that ever makes a game "realistic" is how insanely stupid amazing the AI is or how annoyingly hard it is to move or shoot.....Red Orchestra is the same thing. Super AI with god vision who insta shoot the first little tick of your body they see from 5000000m away. Then what makes these "realistic" games worse is it always takes 1 round to kill the player but the AI...omfg, its like bang, bang, dakka dakka dakkadakkdadkakdakdkakdakdkakda and nothing...they just go pew...dead...from 500m....

    No realistic shooter or game is really that fun...just stupid, you move you die. You crouch you die. You poke around a corner you die. I guess some people think its fun......ArmA the only way to stay alive is to crawl and never get anywhere near LoS of the enemy.......as soon as you crouch, bang dead.
  7. KnightCole

    But on topic of spawn at WG.....no, that would be far to damn annoying.

    However, I can see placing a value on spawn beacons and sunderers. Placing a limit on the amount of times a base can respawn you. Say, the base can get a max of 1000 spawns before it's Nanite System is run dry. Requiring simply time to recharge it. Yes, this would mean even after the enemy takes it, say the defenders spend 700 of the respawns, that gives the new owners only 300 uses until it runs dry.

    I also wish Galaxies could be redeploy points, or we finally got those big battle cruiser things and we could redeploy and drop from them onto those spawn beacons like in that one LA super man trailer.

    That is how I actually imagine this game. An armada of Gals fly in, hot drop squads of men onto a base, storm it then try to defend it agains the hordes of whoever is there.
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  8. CleanUpGuyCZ

    Actually this is a good idea for an event, just one day with a really high XP bonus.
  9. TheMercator

    I think sunderers should loose power compared to hard spawns. I would limit there spawns to something like 60 per piece(sounds not many, but there should be a lot of AMS Sunderers needed to attack a base).
    This system could even give us some kind of faction-flavour. What if, TR can spawn 10% more troops, but NC can attack bases easier, because they need less time to conquer one, while VS can defend them better by having a buff on Capture time when defending
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  10. Kociboss

    Such simulation.

    Much realism.
  11. KnightCole

    If I was to place a limit on asundy spawn, id say 150 is fine for one. Yeah, requiring more sundys to join a fight would be better. Would pretty much promote a 4 way siege on a base. One sundy wouldnt do it.

    Of course lets have SoE provide us with more than 1 way into a base....all the goddamn walls everywhere now......ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu....

    Of course id love if the Galaxy was also turned into an Airborne Sunderer. Where it could more or less hover around in the sky and be a mobile spawn room, say it had access to 200 respawns before its tubes ran dry.

    To boot this would give more to do for air units........it would put an Air battle into this game defending and killing the Spawn Gals and like wise defending the spawn gals.

    This game has so much potential, only limited by imagination, balance and the dev's work ethic.
  12. JonboyX

    You'd be tk'd by someone most likely...
    (and by you, I mean "one", rather than you personally)
  13. Klondik3

    It probably wouldn't work due to many reasons people already mentioned. Still I think it would be interesting to do a test run just for data gathering purposes. Disabling spawnpoints shouldn't take much work so SOE could do it as a one day experiment.
    I wouldn't be so sure about that. If all spawn points except the WG are removed then maintaining warpgate lock would be immensely difficult because you would have to travel much longer back to battlefield if you die than the enemy faction you are trying to warpgate lock.

    That said problem remains that this system isn't noob friendly.
  14. FieldMarshall

    It would end with everyone being stuck at a bottleneck somewhere
    with 50 Medics cluster-humping in the back for massive XP cause nobody wants to release
  15. Hosp

    At the mention of Soft Points and outposts...Why not put SCUs back at outposts, right next to the spawn room somewhere, and only down-able with the same lattice requirements? Towers though are another beast, and shouldn't have these IMO.
  16. SolLeks

    I still wish we could down the tubes like PS1, all the camping complaints would go away instantly.
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  17. Aegie

    I think that you are on the right track with the exception of AMS sunderers and spawn beacons- I think that AMS sunderers and spawn beacons are necessary to allow for fast paced action that people expect from a FPS. However, removing the spawn fortresses and redesigning base capping processes would do amazing things for cutting out the awful experience (on both sides) of camping (that too diminishes the fast paced action btw).
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  18. NoctD

    Keeping this going for more ideas, actually quite excited at the various ideas being thrown by others that are less drastic but would still revolutionize how we approach the game.

    - Limited Spawn Points (only certain facilities get spawns)
    - No Hard Spawn Points (AMS/spawn beacons only)
    - SCUs everywhere (all spawns can be disabled)

    As for towers - I'd say if you want to put SCUs elsewhere, towers should get them too. But I'd put the SCU on the middle floor in the center on the landing at the top of the stairs. Even if the A point is not in the tower, the SCU will be there so storming the tower becomes even more critical.

    I'd love an experiment if they just disabled Squad Deploy/Re-deploy/Spawns for a week or so in live, and we can see how this experiment goes. It would be pretty easy for SOE to put into place and remove. So we'd be relying on AMS and beacons only.

    And I'd imagine if we have soft spawns, there's even more reason to do the squad based AMS on Gals too.
  19. Andy79

    might want to add special revival grenade style ammunition options for vehicles

    I am no fan of teleporters / jumppads / gravity lifts -> give me stairs and jumpjets for everyone (with individual class based tweaks)
  20. Crackulous

    Well, this is nowhere near a simulator regardless of whether or not there are in field infantry spawns.