What if C 4 had reduced accuracy...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Azawarau, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Azawarau

    What i mean is after dropping so many meters falling it drifts in different directions
  2. Demigan

    I don't see why not. Let's say it diverts if it falls more than 40m distance. That way an LA is always visible in radar kitted tanks and most of the tankers will see that most of their deaths aren't due to valkyrie dropped C4 but by people who they actually could have seen comming.
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  3. Taemien

    I was playing heavy into vehicles yesterday, something I don't normally do. I was killed by C4 all of one time. That one time was inside a base and I wasn't even near a vehicle when it happened.

    Leave it alone. And please don't try to turn this game into Fallout 2 with ideas of more RNG. This is a First Person Shooter. Not a RPG like Dungeons and Dragons. We have enough fantasy based dice rolls with CoF as it is.
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  4. Ryme_Intrinseca

    And horizontal recoil.
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  5. FateJH

    A computer simulation can be easily allow for unrealistic, inhuman precision. That's the purpose of utilizing an pRNG.

    It would be better received, though, were it not built on a random system but one of a defined mechanic to track and be mindful. I'd propose that even a maximum fall distance (before it breaks) would be better received that a vouch for more cone of fire.

    At least, if they were going to simulate thrown things being affected by "wind," I would hope they do more for it than just what has been proposed here.
  6. Taemien

    That doesn't bother me as much since I can see where the next shot will be when fired and can sorta account for it. But this is what the OP is suggesting, cept for C4:


    Red being the reflex sight, purple being where the shot went. Its unrealistic, frustrating, and makes no sense. And a six degree inaccuracy at 10m. Blunderbusses and unrifled muskets weren't even that bad.

    Now they want C4 to do something similar? Wtf... There's plenty of MMORPGs with all the RNG-goodness they want. I'd love to have one MMO where they took out the RNG entirely.
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  7. Eternaloptimist

    That wasn't a shotgun firing a slug by any chance, was it? ;)

    Or just make it so the remote detonator has a 40m range cap (but it already starts crapping out at 30 meters, meaning you have to sometimes press the button multiple times to make the skill-brick recognize the radio signal and detonate).
  9. Reclaimer77

    What's with all the lame attempts to nerf C-4 lately?

    This would eliminate entire playstyles as well as nerfing LA, the least played infantry class in the game. And all for what? So we can bog down the servers and our clients with more "random" calculations.

    No thanks. C-4 is fine.
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  10. FateJH

    Can you repost the video where that screenshot came from? (If I recall properly, it came from a video.) I want to remind myself that he isn't using a moving CoF while ADS, that is, he wasn't continuously hipfire shooting while switching into ADS view, before the discussion continues further down this route.

    No, no, I'm not actually supporting the drop distance idea I referenced.
  11. Demigan

    For the people who think of it as RNG:
    The current C4 already works with RNG when at greater distances, since you don't know when the C4 actually lands due to the server lag. I once waited for a painstaking 4 seconds after my C4 landed before detonating, and the server still hadn't caught up.

    So why not? I never drop my C4 from extreme heights anyway, since targets have a large chance of accidentally dodging it, not to mention the quantum state C4 gets in of "has it landed or hasn't it landed, measure it by detonating it!"
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  12. Azawarau

    For those wondering

    Im on the "C 4 is fine as is" camp

    Just posing the question as food for thought and discussion

    Its an interesting middle ground to the C 4 talk thats mostly about nerfing C 4 itself when most of the complaints are about LA specifically or lack of tank utilities to spot LA rather than the C 4 itself
  13. Reclaimer77

    I hear you man.

    But tanks have tons of utilities to avoid C-4 completely:

    1. Pay Attention
    2. Keep Moving - It's a tank, not artillery
    3. Have a top gunner with AI weapon
    4. Radar
    5. Don't camp in obvious stupid spots to get C-4'd like near walls, towers, near cliffs etc etc
    6. Don't clump right next to other tanks/vehicles. The opportunity to kill two vehicles in a single C-4 run to "fairies" like me is irresistible

    The list goes on and on.
  14. Demigan

    I am also of a mind that it's fine as it is, but adding this COF won't do much to change how C4 works at great heights. It's like adding an increased COF for LA's that are flying at the flight ceiling. It happens so rarely and has so little effect on the overall game that you might as well add it, especially since a COF to C4 will instantly remove a large portion of the complaints people have about C4.

    For you as well: Why not? It will barely affect the overall gameplay, if it does at all. Throwing from a large height is a prayer to the RNG gods anyway with server latency and the possible movement of your target, so I don't see why a little more RNG would hurt, especially since it won't change the outcome in many situations.
  15. Reclaimer77

    Forget why not, let's get back to the why. Why do this?
  16. Demigan

    To shut up the tankers that complain about high-altitude C4. High-altitude C4 is seen as impossible to defend from, since it circumvents things like proxy radar and you can easily drop it from heights that tank elevation cannot see.
    High-altitude C4 is a rarity that usually only happens in combination with teamwork (or massive expenditure of resources). Even then, most players drop down to almost on top of a tank to ensure the C4 sticks and no accidental movement from the tanker will mess up the shot. By adding this we change barely anything gameplay wise, but it would eliminate one thing tankers complain about.
  17. Cheezy Q

    I agree. Besides, having worked with C4 extensively, I already feel it's inconsistent enough in where it travels and lands.

    Not to mention that PS2 rewards purposeful movement and awareness. If you're immobile for a period of time in a large battle, especially among 96+ enemies, you're asking to be killed.
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  18. Taemien

    Best way to shut them up is report them for nerf calling.

    Which is what I'm going to start doing. Again.
  19. Reclaimer77

    Tankers will never shut up until 2 bricks of C-4 cannot kill their tank.

    High-Altitude C-4 drops already have a pretty high failure rate. If the tank moves even a little, you've blown your wad on nothing. Even if not it takes a lot of practice to perfectly hit an MBT from that high while tossing C-4. Then you have to know when it's safe to set off, and game mechanics don't allow for you to actually know if the C-4 is still in the air or if it's landed.

    Considering all the factors involved, as you've pointed out, I feel you should be rewarded for pulling this off. Some wonky C-4 "COF" change will just water down gameplay.
  20. Reclaimer77

    Yeah it's pretty buggy already. Like it can land right on-top of the turret, but slide off if the gunner rotates the turret a little. What's that all about?