What happened to the GD-7F NC ?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Teykila, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Deladin

    I am sorry but your data is wrong. I have been only using the GD-7F since day one, gold medal in it many many weeks ago, and know how it felt. Not just felt, but the average TTK on it from close range. At range it was always iffy, but up close it killed fast.

    Now, I will unload 3/4-1 full clip into a guy, and after he kills me(even if I got the jump on him) I only did shield and maybe 1/4 of his life in damage. Sometimes I even get a reload in and put another 10 shots into him, and he just wont die.

    It feels like complete trash and I have completely stopped using it, despite all the certs I put into the gun. Seems like you ninja nerfed it(and are not telling us) to make the SMG more desirable in order to boost sales of it from all the "SMG is best LA gun" that is going around now.

    fyi, i have tried adjusting sensitivity, but from 3 meters away, with a not moving guy, sensitivity does not come into play. Simply weak as hell bullets.
  2. japro

    Considering he is most likely looking at the actual game source data that is a bold claim. Anyway I got back to using the GD7F again a little for comparison purposes with the Cyclone and found it also pretty much unchanged... After the patch (especially before framerate fixes) a lot of stuff "felt different" though as a result of the whole game feeling slightly different.
  3. haniblecter

    Would it be hit detection? Did the animation change? Maybe they're not synced up?

    Cause I swear my Gauss S and Gauss SAW both feel off since hte patch. Little 'wonkier' as someone described in a GD thread.

    Something feels off, and I've been firing those two weapons for over 7 days of playtime before hte patch, 4,000 kills, millions of rounds...something feels off, just slightly.
  4. Deladin

    Its something. I understand he has the "data" but number and bytes mean nothing when compared to actual game play performance. My guass saw also feels off as well, though I can chalk that up to the issue with sensitivity because its already a pain in the *** gun to shoot and keep a small grouping.

    It could be hit detection, something with how shield are interpreting the rounds, or something SOE is not telling us, but the GD-7F just feels extremely weak and ineffective now.
  5. Lakora

    GD-7F feels the same for me after I tweaked my sensitivity againt cause of the changes to sensitivity.
  6. Rak

    That's exactly how I feel when fighting some NC with my tickle bullet TR guns :p

    I'm liking low rate of fire/high damage guns more and more every day.