What happened to MAX flamethrowers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Niller, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Niller

    Will they get added or not?

    They where on the test server, but are now gone. Can someone explain to me.
  2. OddChelsea

    I have to assume they were removed either due to them not being able to work out performance issues or due to them not being able to balance it effectively. I can't say if we will ever get them or not though.
  3. TimeyWimey

    they were a bit buggy in tech test iirc, sometimes instagibbing and sometimes not dealing any damage. I think it's mostly a matter of balancing why they're not in yet..
  4. LordMondando

    It wasn't a flamethrower, it was a short range industrial laser with a flame graphic.
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  5. ReformerTR

    The flamers would basically make NC maxs redundant. I guess the Devs realised this and pulled the plug.
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  6. Sekaszy


    NC MAX scenario:
    VS/TR: ohh look enemy NC MAX with Flower
    NC MAX: "bbuummppppp" bbuummpppppp"
    VS/TR: Good we can ran away
    NC MAX: :(

    TR MAX scenario:
    VS/NC: ohh look enemy TR MAX with Flower
    TR MAX: "bbuummppppp" bbuummpppppp"
    VS/NC: Good we can ran away
    TR MAX: :(

    VS MAX scenario:
    NC/TR: ohh look enemy NC MAX with Flower
    VS MAX: "bbuummppppp" bbuummpppppp"
    NC/TR: Good we can ran aw.........
    VS MAX: "ZOE ON" "bump" "bump" "bump"
    VS Max: >:D
  7. huller

    Because it's rather tough to ballance a short range flamethrower. The version on test was only good in combat because your enemies' frames drasticaly drop when even a hint of fire is mentioned.
  8. Liewec123

    it'd need to be more effective than the TR/VS or it'd be useless, and at the same time TR and VS currently have similar TTK as NC in CCQ so NC maxes would be totally redundant.

    so they'd either not be useful to anyone or make one faction completely redundant.
    only way they could get it to work is to buff the NC shotties.
  9. Gheeta

    Oh god please no. We already have a low skilled **** fest with shotguns, noobtubes and anti infantry mines.
  10. Goretzu

    I'm not convinced they'll get them working well enough to push live, hope I'm wrong though.
  11. ent|ty

    LIke most games I hope they don't get added. There goes more of your FPS trying to process all those flames on screen.
  12. FateJH

    Just give an ini setting: "use gif flames."
  13. Baleur

    What happened to Hossin?
    Same thing. Their MLG plans came in the way and sucked dev time :(

    I'm so tired of people on game forums commenting about how something will suck up FPS when they have no clue how rendering works.
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  14. Chowley

    Ah i loved the flamethrowers in the tech test, they were ridiculously entertaining. Maybe they were having issues working out the visibility problems they created, although i did not see their latest iteration. So i could be way off.
  15. FnkyTwn

    I can't believe you guys missed this? The Flamethrowers are an "exclusive"
    item that's unlocked once you introduce 50 players to PS2 who each spend
    a minimum of $10. So for a mere $500 you too can own the Flamethrower!

    You can read all about it here: recruit.soe.com
  16. IamDH

    and ESF revamp is August?? Wtf
  17. Morpholine

    The last PTS video I saw had them literally insta-killing other Max suits when combined with ZOE.

    Perhaps they're still trying to figure out balance interactions with other available options.