What gets done about the increasing bad Server Performance and the insanely low network ticks?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xebov, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Xebov

    What gets done about the increasing bad Server Performance?

    Im playing on Woodman and the Server Performance gets even worse every day. Its noticeable that the double XP weekend reached another spike in bad Server Performance. For me and my Outfit Pings around 200 are now normal (was 80-100 months ago). There is also an increasing number of warping or lagging players and vehicles across the server. At some points its even so worse that players glitch half way into walls, stairs and floors. Not to forget the noticeable lag when trying to drop down stuff like mines and ammo packs wich come with delays up to a point where the drop simply fails, the same applies to enter/exit vehicles. Its also noticeable that dmg from other players get sometimes applied at once in one big blast or dmg is not applied at all. While the Server Performance has grown bad over the past months its noticeable that there was a hit around the release of Hossin and the Continent Lock.

    When will this problem finally adressed so its possible to play again without constant Lags and Glitches that currently happen on a regular basis?

    What gets done about the insanely low network ticks?

    It was allready brought to the Communitys attention that the Network Ticks got halved from 10/s to 5/s a while back. While such low ticks may work for RTS its insanely low if considering that the TTK is very low. The low Tick Rate also gets exploited by players who generate ADAD Warping, letting them Strafe left-right with increased speed for other players while they themself not realy move, giving an unfair advantage.

    When can we expect this to be adressed and Tick rates raised to reasonable amounts?
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  2. Tito

    Soe time to listen Community, time to change low tikrate wee not stupid soe wee wery smart Community

    check this video guys and soe

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  3. Jbrain

    I agree op.. the server side lag has been so horrible I cant tell you how many times I have shot a guy, turned and ran about 20 meters and he falls over dead.. or I can empty a clip into someone at point blank range for him to turn around kill me before he dies because the server hasn't registered him as dead yet.. so he gets about 4 seconds of life. This problem is getting worse and worse and worse... This last week on emerald has been a miserable experience and lagy server is the main problem.

    Most fps games have a tick rate of 30-60.. battlefield did something similar a year ago with tickrates and what they found out was anything below certain number cause hit detection issues and so they bumped it to 35-50. Please PLEASE PLLLEEAAASSEEEE fix this issue for us sony.
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  4. lNeBl

    Considering CS:GO servers run between 64 and 128 tick and even those perform pretty terribly with 10 players, 5 tick server with hundreds of players is literally like tossing dice to see who gets the kill.
  5. Zombekas

    I assume server resources have to be cut all the time as the playerbase decrease and SC purchases get rarer and rarer...
  6. Stigma

    A higher tickrate is one of those things that is a necessity for higher tier gameplay - especially for infantry where the TTK is so low. I'd really like to see it higher, as currently you feel a lot of unfair deaths. I mean, sure, there will always be a lot of "unfair" situations in PS2 where some scatmax glimpses you can can literally run you down and gank you while you literally have no weapons that can kill it in the time required to save yourself - but that's just a part of the game having so many options to it that everything can't be fair against everything else. It's not good when you essentially insta-die because all the damage gets delivered between ticks though, and neither does dying 3 meters behind solid cover feel very fair and responsive.

    I have no idea what is technically feasible though. You can't just comare to CS and say that we should have 120hz tickrate because another game can do it. PS2 is a lot more resource intensive and tracks a whole bunch more stuff. I would hope that some smart soution could be fund though, like adaptive higher tickrate for closer players like they did in BF4, or a tickrate that can adapt to the server load so that a small base fight at least dosn't feel as bad as a 60v60 biofarm.

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  7. Codex561

    Heh, here an idea: Dynamic tick rates?!
    The larger the fights the lower the tick rate.
  8. Kunavi

    Brought this up in game recently, got told PS2's tick rate rocks and that it's on par with BF4 currently and that I'm just bad. Oh and that PS2 has excellent gun play... By members of a certain VS OutFit on Woodman who took it way more personally(Wonder why...:rolleyes:) when I mentioned in a very generic manner that I saw 2 players(Did not name them) clearly warp when ADAD or sending condensed InstaKill bullets every single encounter. This OutFit had no reason to think I was referring to a couple of their members by the way I stated what I did. Yet they picked up the bait like nothing... :p In any case. That's what I got told, despite others agreeing with me on /Yell from all 3 Factions. I LOLd hard IRL and left the Base when it escalated to just immature comments, right after trying to tell me my ISP and PC suck no matter the specs and rates I gave them. o_O I also put them all on Ignore, I reached my BS-O-Meter limit.

    In any case, to me this(Net code, Hit detection, FPS drops, performance) is becoming so frustrating that I'd say it's a more tangible threat to PS2(Losing people, getting a bad reputation ETC ETC) than cheating ever was or will be.

    Hossin, Resources, Valkyrie, continent lock? That bought SOE a pink slip for the next couple of months(Back in June) as far as I'm concerned, but come July's end they had better sorted this **** out best they can or I'll have to go back to thinking about cancelling my subscription. It's not a threat, it's how many people I've talked with about this, feel.
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  9. Cinnamon

    MLG ready.
  10. Tricycle

    I ran packet sniffer few weeks ago for some testing purposes.

    I moved to one of the corners of the training area to make sure no one was near me. I activated the sniffer for 10 seconds and I didn't move at all. The log revealed that the client sent packets to the server in about 1-2 packets per second rate. Then I repeated the test, but instead of staying put I moved around and kept on shooting with a rapid firing weapon. The sniffer revealed that there were now about 30 packets being sent per second (it was not a fixed value, it varied every second).

    Now I know from other games that the damage is usually sent immediately in separate "damage packets". They are not part of the "tick rate" which means that the most of the 30 packets I mentioned earlier were damage packets caused by me shooting the machine gun. Unfortunately I didn't check how many packets were sent if I would have just moved around without shooting, but I'm sure it would have been more than 1-2 packets per second.

    What comes to receiving packets. I moved closer to the other players in the training area and the client received up to 50 packets per second. Yet again, I'm sure most of the packets were sent due to people shooting all the time.

    I think the bottom line is that even if PS2 would have only 5/s tick rate then you must realize that due to the large number of players you can't really compare the tick rate with games like CS or BF or actually anything else and tell SOE to increase the value. I'm sure SOE had to compromise when they decided how many players they want the game to support.
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  11. Bush82

    thats weird on your ping times. i get 50-60ms to all EU servers and 110ms to Emerald. Connery i get between 130-180ms.

    sorry if this sounds daft to you guys but have you tried plugging out your router and letting it cool down completely. when my pings get so high that i see warping its normally because my router has been on constant for a month or 2 with heavy usage.
  12. Kunavi

    The bottom line is, its unplayable when 1 person is having issues and another isn't(And the opposite, I've scored some ridiculous behind the wall kills along with Head shots I didn't even aim for nor had LOS to), randomly, with so varied effects, in a game where things already are too random and happen too fast and where cheats also exist and there are too many ways to InstaGib someone.

    If it was as you said, then all of us would be knee deep in this crap. It's not the case.

    Earlier a guy came at me from ~10m away, I opened fire first and hit him plenty with a TRAC5, he starts rushing left and right like mad and gets a knife kill on me. Hahahahahaha ^_^ Second case, I see a door case which is empy - Next MILISECOND there's a guy rushing me through it, next slide I'm dead by knife again. We're not talking me being slow here, we're talking X-Men's Night Crawler teleporting in and knifing me, that's how sudden it was.... Top LEL.

    So I'm not going to rage over explaining to you how bad PS2 is at the moment or bringing up more examples or trying to diffuse your arguments, just like I'm just going to log off for now because I'm ruining my KD for nothing.

    Note that both the players who knifed me are actually good and I have actually played against them before, no sign of cheating or any other strange behavior. But that was not it earlier, it wasn't their skill or the situation. And I'm pretty certain that on THEIR SCREEN they saw me standing there like an idiot, probably firing at the walls(Since they obviously only took none to very low Dmg despite what I saw happening on MY screen).

    And please, do not degrade this discussion, refrain from questioning the quality of each of us' ISPs and connection or PC builds. At least on my side of things I'm covered on both of those and still it doesn't change a thing. Plus the very simple fact that with the same set up and connection I am doing so much better when PS2 doesn't have obvious problems like now.

    EDIT : Let's say it's SOE's compromise, then they are stupid - "Let's give the public an MMO which can take in up to 338794324 players, but can't handle them! That sounds like a good idea!" *Derp* We all like ice cream, but we all know what happens if we try to fit 20 balls in 1 cone. Except SOE according to your reasoning. Doesn't sound it's them compromising to me... Sounds like PS2 is broken.
  13. Kunavi

    Yeah so PS2 is the only game that requires me to cool down my modem? :S Cuz I play all other titles fine. And I should tell you I've tried that too and saw no difference in either playing or browsing.
  14. sindz

    Oh how BF4 ruined FPS' for everyone.

    Pre BF4 no one had a clue about tickrate and so on :D
  15. Bush82

    for me it was yes. i could play every other game online without a problem. i even came on here for a rant at the time. then i started pinging google.ie . every 10 tries or so i was getting a single reply of 500ms.every other reply was 8ms. it was unnoticeable in other games, but in planetside tanks were flying around on my screen. a simple cooling of my router sorted it out.
  16. sucoon

    i got also the problems, sinsce 1 week the conection problems get bigger. yesterday the ping still raise up to 500ms normaly and spikes over 1000ms.

    i run a ticket for some weeks now because of desync problems, but still have no solution. one problem could be overcloacking, but at the moment i don't overclock my system.
  17. Yaesu

    When I first started playing there were 7 of us(between family and a couple friends). I'm the only one left. Here's a game that's FREE TO PLAY and they don't even bother with it anymore. It was SO FRUSTRATING for them they moved on. I really don't understand it. FIX IT and people will be happy and continue to buy memberships. Just logical, right?
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