What exactly is the point of population bonus?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Beartornado, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Beartornado


    While I am NC it wouldn't matter if this image showed either of the other two factions at a disadvantage, the point is that the population bonus is a pretty big joke right now.

    I remember posting an image when the server crashed and it showed NC having 100% pop and the other two factions had 0% pop, and the each got 27% on the pop bonus. Isn't that a little ridiculous? A population situation that will never happen is what it will take to get barely 1/3 of your exp earned added on top of itself. And when both opposing factions have a 5% pop advantage over you it still isn't enough to even get a minor exp boost.

    I'll admit, all 3 factions being in the 30-35% range is a pretty even server overall and I rarely if ever see this shift significantly, but with the current system the population bonus is meaningless if one faction ever has to deal with a significant disadvantage population-wise against the other factions. They shouldn't even bother with numbers that are not multiples of* 5 (math derp for a moment), 1% to your exp and resources is a complete joke and you're probably at an ugly disadvantage by the time even that pathetic bonus kicks in.
  2. CaptainKirk

    I agree, the population bonus is incredibly lacking as is. I often find myself in a position with a 20% population disadvantage on SolTech only to get a 5% bonus.

    Pretty gross.