What does chambering time in sniper rifles do?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gnometheft, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. gnometheft

    To me it sounds like that means the time between when it fire and can shoot again. But in game the longshot is marked as a.855s chambering time and the nc14 bolt driver is a 1.6s. Now maybe I am wrong but testing these things doesn't feel like one or the other really fires any faster. Does chambering time do something other than what I think it does? Or does the longshot really fire almost twice as fast as the default sniper?
  2. Phyr

    It's exactly what you think it is.
  3. Planetdoge

    I asked myself the same question, too. It doesn't feel like the Longshot's chamber time is any shorter than the Bolt Driver's.
  4. TheMercator

    Actually the longshot is supposed to be shooting slower than the Bolt Driver.
    • Up x 3
  5. starlinvf

    The descriptions are messed up. I imagine its either semi-autos are using different formulas to control chambering animations, or its a hand jammed flavor stat that never gets updated. Its the same deal with the pistols.... the Magshot and Rebel both show 0.9 chamber times, but clearly have different refire rates.

    The spread sheet shows the ideal RoF, so it can give you some idea of how fast they can shoot.

  6. KAHR-Alpha

    I did some measurements in the VR, and the chambering time of the bolt driver is 1.5s, while the chambering time of the longshot is 1.8s.
  7. Aethestis

    The chambering time makes a huge difference in the right situation. that much time can be the difference between a successful followup shot and your target making it to cover or landing a fatal shot on someone's friend before that friend hits you.

    Ive used all three tiers of the sniper rifles quite a bit and there is a marked difference in the chambering speed when you are used to one versus the other, at first it doesnt feel much different but it does eventually.

    If the descriptions say otherwise, its only because they are messed up as was mentioned, but when you play infiltrator with BASR a lot you notice a difference, especially in shorter range engagements.
  8. Erendil

    With semi-auto weapons the chamber time is only applicable to determine the difference between short and long reload times.

    You're right that they seem to be doing some further calculations (or using some other value entirely) when determining the minimum time required between shots (and thus the Max RoF) on semi-autos. Pistols, semi-auto Battle/Scout/Sniper rifles, shotguns, etc all appear to be this way.
  9. TRPrideMan Forum MVP

    I swear that that statistic is inaccurate on most guns displaying it.
  10. Wobberjockey

    on paper the rechamber (or perhaps refire time if that makes more sense to you) seems small, .2 seconds.

    but it FEELS very different... i know my ghost feels like greased lightning compared to my paralax

    AFAIK, this is correct.
    because, for those who are unaware, when you reload a weapon that you did not completely empty the magazine on, there is still a bullet already chambered. it's why the TR, NC, and NS weapons have an extra step in their weapon animations. as far as i can tell the VS ones just play slower since we use batteries.
  11. TheFamilyGhost

    Weapon abilities are arbitrary, and then adjusted based on in game performance data.

    Thinking about it logically, or as a result of a set of physical laws is a waste of time.
  12. Maelthra

    If the chamber time is supposed to refer to the bolt-action time on the BASRs, then it's horribly wrong. For example, the Parallax supposedly has a chamber time of 0.855 seconds and the Ghost is 1.2 seconds. However, if you go into the VR and try out both rifles, the Ghost has a noticeably faster bolt-action time than the Parallax.
  13. gnometheft

    Seems the gneral consensus everywhere I've asked is "it's broken" So, devs please fix this Tool tip.