What do pilots/flyboys think of skyguard spawns at every base?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BeyondNInja, May 20, 2014.

  1. BeyondNInja

    Have fun participating in even the tiniest of battles when every single base can spawn lightnings/skyguards, including enemy bases with hacked terminals. (Y)
  2. Silus

    Honestly as a Skyguard pilot, I'm mostly excited about this due to the fact that if I die or my Skyguard blows up (Friggin' C4 Faeries), I won't have to search around for a redeployable base close by with a tank terminal. In Esamir it's less of an issue, but on Amarish and some places on Indar it's a make-or-break for tanking.

    Edit: Also it'll make deep-strike Skyguard classes easier. Have everyone sneak deep into enemy territory, pull Skyguards and teach the outfit members how to lead targets going to and from the enemy warpgate.
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  3. GaBeRock

    I welcome this. Instead of getting nerfed, we'll just have to play smarter and/or coordinate with friendly ground forces. Libs/esfs are nerfed a bit against small battles (which no one has a problem with) but it doesn't change performance in large battles.
  4. Seizure

    looking forward to tankbust the hell outa them!
  5. Ruvan

    Skyguards are one of the easiest forms of AA to deal with. It's fine.

    Most Skyguards users are completely useless at using one to the extent that they're just free exp.
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  6. ZeroErrorz

    as a pilot:its disturbing
    as a skyguard driver:its disturbing not to get kills
    all up: :( its disturbing from which ever end of the barrel, all up - + - = -
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  7. John_Aitc

    (Great signature. Kill La Kill is an excellent, quirky series)

    I like being able to spawn one base behind a fight to pull my Skyguard. There have been too many occasions when I have had to retreat all the way to my Warp Gate to get a Skyguard. By the time I am able to drive back to a battle, the air cover has either tipped the battle beyond recovery or has disappeared leaving me sitting in a useless vehicle.
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  8. JackD

    I dont care, people dont pull AA. They rather go to the forums and complain how strong air is. If they would use AA we pilots would have a very hard time, luckily for us people are to lazy and ignorant to do so.
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  9. Flag

    Ok, then why don't you have to use something as specialized as AA to deal with ground armour targets?

    Oh I forgot, different standards and all.
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  10. JackD

    I do, i have to use a plane called the Liberator which is specialized in dealing with ground armour targets.
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  11. Dreadnaut

    As a long time pilot, I see no issue with this. Lightnings are already fast enough to get from a base that's close to where they need to be. I think it should be a little easier for them.

    However, the issue here is still that Flak performs poorly and it NEEDS to be fixed.

    Flak needs to:
    • Do more damage up to 100-150m,
    • Reduced CoF
    • Added Gravity
    • Not ruin FPS to the guy getting hit
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  12. Flag

    Except you don't ... ?
    And it's not about using a -craft- but a dedicated and very specialized loadout on said craft.

    Which air simply don't have to do in the same way ground does.
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  13. Eyeklops

    Eye agree.
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  14. WyrdHarper

    Agree. Although it is kind of entertaining to hear "OH GOD 1 FPS I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING WHAT ARE YOU DOING" from a lib gunner when one of our lib pilots decides to run into a bunch of flak.
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  15. dstock

    So tired of getting pinged at 900m (horizontally) by a guy sitting on level with me, +1 for gravity at least. This coming from someone who flies as much as they play ground-AA now. The last point is annoying too, but I don't think they should adjust the CoF. I like that Flak has a skill ceiling most players will never hit. The current Skyguard and Ranger have no problems (maybe a small one on the Ranger) hitting stuff at render range, provided you can lead the target. Otherwise, full agreement.
  16. Tentakewls

    It's not an issue, since skyguards are still weaksauce. Also, bases that don't have vehicle terminals are usually the ones with very little defense around them so you are just going to be eaten by the next Lib/MBT that drives by.
  17. MajiinBuu

    NO. That is the exact opposite of a solution to bad performance.
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  18. WycliffSlim

    Dis exactly

    To OP, as a pilot I couldn't care less. People still won't pull AA or they will. I have a problem with it from an infantry stand point now though. Every jack hole is going to be pulling a HEAT lightning to move from base to base. We're going to wrong way with adding meta-game to Planetside. We shouldn't be making it easier to get everything all the time, we should be making it harder... or at least requiring SOME work to be done.
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  19. Flag

    It does amuse me how the Galaxy and MBT are the only truly restricted vehicles in the game.
    At least the Galaxy is worth the hassle of acquisition.
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  20. JackD

    Except i do, there are quite a few different loadouts. Except for the nosegun because the Vektor and the Spur are total garbage.

    Dalton and Zepher are very specialized. The Shredder isnt but the equivalent of tanks is the HE so i dont see your point.

    When i want to go after vehicles iam for sure going to use the Dalton, but of course it can also kill infantry so what? Are you trying to tell me that you cant kill infantry with AP or Tanks with HE rounds and that the Heat isnt a allround weapon?