Now that I have tested the Cyclone, I think the Cyclone is a better weapon than the GR-22. They both have the same attachments, but the Cyclone does 167 damage while the GR-22 only does 143. Cyclone has a slightly faster fire rate and only has vertical recoil while GR-22 has up and to the right recoil. Also Assault rifles are the worse than carbines and smgs for hipfire but better than LMG and Sniper rifles.
and SMGs are for CQC-only, though the GR-22 gives you lots power for CQC, but also a very decent medium-range gun. and often you are not just in CQC. even in biolabs. in biolabs, techplants etc. etc. there's enough space to "make" the assaultrifles more powerful than the SMGs. but it's up to you^^
I just don't like how the blitz works. It's a bullet hose, but the bullets are far less accurate and has horizontal recoil.
Don't underestimate a Cyclone for mid range. It's still good out to about 100 m in a pinch. I personally like my shotgun for CQC though and NS-11A or my shotgun with slugs for the times I play medic in more open fights.
kk that's also a good loadout, havent tried it yet, but i would take my gauss S for the ns11a, just for the sound