what did they do to shotguns?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyBunny, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. Hatesphere

    are you seriously saying current shot guns are OP? sounds like you have been in the air to long.
  2. Imp C Bravo

    I...really don't think shotguns are op....because its easy to kill shotgun users before they get close enough.

    Unless, of course, you are rambo...
    • Up x 1
  3. Demigan

    So basically anyone can insta-win a 1v1 wearing a sniper rifle

    So basically anyone can insta-win a 1v1 using just about any vehicle in the game

    So basically anyone can insta-win a 1v1 using an SMG/Carbine (if you do it right you can kill them before they even register the first hit)

    So basically you can insta-win a 1v1 using explosives (proxy mines anyone? C4?)

    It is neither skill-less and neither insta-win. If they spot you at 20+m distance, it's an insta-win for them as they will mow you down. Isn't that skill-less? blowing someone to pieces who won't be able to defend himself (because duh: shotgun at range)?
    A shotgun in CQC has had to avoid detection, use cover, possibly lose health or die before getting in close. Then when he is close, you can't afford to miss as in CQC your enemy has all the power to blow you to pieces just like you can, which is in shrill contrast if you get caught at range.

    So sure, you can get 2 kills per clip, if you can get close enough to use it.

    Also, if you check Oracle Of Death for it, you'll see that the best shotguns have similar KPU's as the worst best of many other weapons. even Scout rifles and Battle Rifles score slightly better or similar as the best shotguns.
    The only imbalance is in your mind. Also, ESF sport much more advantages without disadvantages, so how come you are up in arms against shotguns who have massive disadvantages and some great advantages for it?

    What do you mean, "will kill just as fast as a Scat-MAX"? You realize that a Scat-MAX's shotguns are of similar power to normal shotguns, only he wields 2 of them?
    What you probably mean is "it can OHK". But unless you are using a pump-action you'll need headshots to pull it off, and to pull it off with headshots you need to be really close and have good skill and aim in twitch-fighting.

    The most specialized shotgun in the game for range, available to only one faction, which makes up for the extra misses by unloading much more of it's clip in one go. Great example! Let's compare all LMG's to the MCG! That'll work!

    Everyone should start their day with some awesomeness. Keep it in a permanent tab and look at it to start your morning!
  4. Demigan

    Do you use a Carbine for long-range combat? Or an SMG?
    Do you use a bolt-action for CQC? Or a specialized long-range LMG for CQC? They usually suffer in ROF and similar to give them the power to shoot at range without much damage falloff etc.

    Weapon choice should be the main factor. Within a weapon category you should have different options for different playstyles and tactics, but overall the entire category should work similar. One weapon should star in a certain scenario, but other weapons should have overlap and be able to defend themselves based on factors as skill, position and tactics (funny how the skills "tactics" and "position" are so important that it's not lumped together with "skill").
    And what do you know? That's pretty much there. We have CQC and mid-range Carbines, CQC LMG's and long-range LMG's, weapons that sport more ammunition for longer engagements, 1v1 weapons that rely on the skill of the user, ROF, trigger discipline and fast reloads to finish off the target, Long range weapons, turrets with vital advantages and disadvantages, classes with different skills and features to make an even more diversified battlefield (of which the Heavy has been highly overrated) etc.
  5. RykerStruvian

    Shotguns are extremely easy to use though and very rewarding. They take a lot less skill to use, especially something like the Sweeper which is CQC spray and pray shotgun (only trumped by the Piston). Considering they're also the only guns infantry can use, outside of HA's RLs, which are OHK just adds on the fact they're for people who can 'get the first shot' on unsuspecting players. Something like the Claw just requires one torso shot for a kill :\

    Also, why are people talking about the jackhammer? It's a **** gun. Not the best shortgun for CQC, not the best weapon for slightly out-of-range CQC. Has one of the lowest ammunition counts of all the shotguns and some of the fewest attachments of the shotguns.
  6. Jawarisin

    I do use a bolt action for cqc ^^ You should know that if you ever looked at my profile.

    I didn't lump them together simply for the sake of precision and to avoid possible complaints from someone else. But I do believe skill and tactics are different in regards to shooters. I'd lump positioning in tactic though.

    The problem with shotguns is that they outclass EVERY other cqc alternative, and not just by a little, by FAR FAR FAR FAR. I mean, there's a reason infiltrators got SMGs and not shotguns. But they are still stupid on just about every class anyways. No weapon should so drastically outclass every other weapons in most scenarios.
  7. Jawarisin

    Winning 1v1's with a sniper rifle, especially up close, requires a lot of skill, which shotguns don't.
    Ressources -> Because how the game works, vehicles mostly fight vehicles, not that much infantry, and when they do fight a lot of infantry... they don't last long usually.
    Shotguns>SMG The first hit IS the one that kills.
    Ressources -> Utility

    Killing someone at range is nearly impossible if they have medkits ready. And even then, ever heard of slugs? They are the next generation snipers.

    But consider most engagement in this game are CQC, and those that aren't... there's specialised pistols for medium/long range that will do just as well as a primary.

    Most fights ARE close enough to use it, and if not, as I said, pistols. But really, there should always be a way to break LOS if you're out of range anyways. So it's no biggie.

    Well, most good players that I know agree that shotguns are ******** strong. Anything that can skillessly OHK is pretty dumb. So yeah, most good players stay clear of shotguns. But yeah, the end result is most players who use shotguns are players who aren't good enough to get kills with automatic weapons (not always mind you, just most of the time).

    ESF are skill based which is completely different. They aren't overpowered, what makes you think so is that the person spent 500 hours in their ESF, and since it's a mostly skill-based platforms, you get swatted easily. But there's plenty of a2g options that will destroy even the best ESF pilot without caring for his skill level or anything he does, really. The debate isn't on air though, we've had that one a lot.

    No, requiring skills and good aiming is what Elusive1 does, he's using a sniper rifle. Shotguns give you this big circle that you can just place over the person and clic once or twice to kill (maybe 3 times for a heavy).
    And yeah, don't worry, I've got my own NC max. But maxes are limited in movement, which makes getting to CQC just that much harder. Regular classes don't have that problem.

    pulling the same thing with any weapon will be harder then anything you can do with a shotgun, so skill isn't really an issue here. Shotguns are the easiest thing to use in this game. Except maybe the MCG which is a whole other issue to me (imo the most OP weapon, but most people wouldn't agree, meh).

    Jackhammer function the same as a semi-auto. Burst mode... isn't that good anymore, it seems to have a lot of hit-registration problem. MCG/Lasher have completely different mechanics, not just tweaked numbers.

    Food for Thought: Shotguns on infiltrators, it was removed because of how game-breaking it was. SMG on infiltrators? Those were fine.

    Nooooooooo! I've been trying to get rid of that first result forever now, but it just keeps coming back... crawling back in my results. There's no end in sight, but I haven't yet tried wiping my computer...
  8. Jawarisin

    I've been both on infantry and air quite a lot. Tanking not so much.
    But if you really think so, what about shotguns on infiltrators?
  9. Vargs

    If shotguns were overpowered you'd probably see more than 1 in 30 dudes using one. And pump actions are extremely unforgiving. Not at all something I'd recommend to a "scrub".
  10. Jbrain

    Back when I first started ps2 one of my favorite things was to use my light assault piston combo. Well when sony gave everyone and their brother access to nc shotguns they also added a normalization patch which significantly Reducd the pellet counter in each shotgun blast, semi auto and auto hit the hardest while pump still strong. After that I tested it in game and my piston performed like I had switched my weapon out for a spit straw shooting waded paper. Its aweful. Now in the time It takes to kill someone even at close range they have a good chance of getting you too.. when back then if you practiced flanking could get the instagib.

    That day was a big day for how ****** it was to be nc.. our nc max shotguns were hit too.

    the only reason I am holding hope is that they were adding ns heavy machinegun to our nc max arsenal that I want so desperately. If that isn't patched in this year then I am definitely gone from the game. I want to see a LOT more ns weapons.. good weapons too that all factions will use. Money in my pocket waiting for that day.
  11. Tommyp2006

    Shotguns are so "meh" these days, there are very few situations where I would take them over a CQC rifle or smg. They've been hit with the nerf bat a few too many times.
  12. Demigan

    My Jawarisin threshold is already reached. Just read your own garbage back to you and think about each thing. You are wrong on just about every point, again, Chugging medkits doesn't work against a sniper who can deal 500 damage in one shot at long range for instance. A shotgun is not guaranteed a OHK (especially with the hit detection of today), most engagements are not in CQC but at the mid-range (that's why they call it 'mid-range'), Slugs are great and all but they require far too much trigger discipline between each shot to reliably hit and kill, most scout-rifles or even Battle rifles perform better from my usage especially when you are headshotting away. And Battle rifles aren't exactly the pinnacle of the game's weapons. Shotgun OHK is not skillless, the skill required to play ESF gives an exponential power in return, which quickly gives much more power than balance should allow for your skill increase, using a single example of one guy that is good with something doesn't support your case (and he's using drag shots while he's at it too, which does something strange to the code allowing for easier hits, i'm sure he's skilled, but that doesn't mean it's not there) etc etc.
  13. Jawarisin

    My own personalised threshold <3 I knew I had a place in your heart all this time.

    You're right though, you don't need to chug medkit against a sniper... you can simply zigzag. No ressources needed! Though I'm surprised you didn't knew about this amazing tactic.

    It's incredible how (hey it will be the first time I use this expression... but I really got no better words) salty you are about people with skills. You seem to feel the need that they should drop down to your level because you're entitled.
  14. CapEnTrade

    4. You're a moron.
    • Up x 1
  15. Demigan

    I thought you were a dedicated sniper? Zigzagging will make me miss a bit, but won't prevent you from being immune for a hit.
    And just quit with all the magic thinking you do. Either come back to earth or stay in Magic Jawaland, but don't confuse Magic Jawaland with earth as you constantly do now.
  16. Jawarisin

    AAaah, I see the problem. You think it's eath! But no, it's auraxis (Jawaland is awesome by the way, you should come visit).

    If I'm far enough, the odds of being hit if I zig zag is something like 1%. And if I'm close enough... then you can shoot back.
  17. Demigan

    In magic Jawaland, sure! In Auraxis that wont help.
  18. Demigan

    How can you see that? Is this magic Jawaland stuff again? There's nowhere on any page an average distance counter for when your shots hit for different weapons. So how am I supposed to see this? Head over to magic Jawaland where suddenly these stats are visible? I would love it if they added these stats, but they aren't there.

    The reason infiltrators didn't get shotguns is because a stealth shotgun surprise was far too good when it was tested in the game. They were given scout rifles instead to prevent them becoming OP... and a year or so later they got SMG's thrown into their lap.

    Shotguns do not far far far far outclass other CQC alternatives. I've explained that already. And I would you to tell me what these "most scenario's" are, since most battle is done on the mid-range and not CQC. Keep in mind, any battle that takes place on a distance longer than a Sunderer is already past the CQC range of a shotgun.
  19. Jawarisin

    Well, I did say it quite often in the past. Also, it's the cqc sniper for a reason... That's how you should know.

    Shotguns do outclass them by a huge margin, hence why infiltrators don't get them...

    "Most scenarios include: Anything in a building, an amp-station, a biolab, a tech-plant, inside nearly any base in fact. It's only downside would be open-field fight.... and we both know those aren't exactly common.