Yep, that max has composite. You'll find that comp armors tend to make more of your body camoflagued. Also, still waiting for the VS pic!!! SOMEONE MUST HAVE IT, or can VS scum not afford good graphics cards ?
Buff TR camo! I want it to be visible on my composite armor as well, right now the composite armor hides it and all other camos.
Looks nice, seems like the VS composite armor also covers up the camo though. I see no problem with that, people instantly recognize you and join in to be slaughtered! It gives them either a false sense of security or make them commit suicide in terror! Win-Win! I love putting the camo on my Galaxy and give it to one of our Galaxy pilots when his is on cooldown, you are like a flying beacon of "LOOK AT ME, SHOOT ME!". Obviously, everything TR is the best.
Well, I suppose I'll give you that. I hate how most of them don't represent your faction, also. This one looks cool an is still faction specific. **** uniqueness. You're not a snowflake. We're all hairless, talking monkeys, give me the god damn camo!
I am a special special snowflake and mom told me that there is no one like me. Your opinion is wrong, you need to pay a visit to the re-education center.
Is this camo from the Free to Play Nvidia bundle? Cuz I got a 670 and redeemed the $50 SC code, but I didn't get the camo Also, the NC one is best looking I think. The TR one is a bit hard to see cuz of the dark red and black. A little more contrast between the two like the NC one and it'll be a lot better.
There were two things; America got $50 of SC (5000 SC) Europe got 3x Camo's and a bunch of boosts. You got the better one, dont stress.
Its not a Baby Zepher, its a Zepher with less splash but higher velocity aka less bullet drop... GREAT for shooting down Aircarft! =)
That is kinda BS that it's EU AND promotional only... They better make it available to everyone at some point.
Not unobtainable, have to get the card shipped from Europe though. Kinda like the whole gamestop deal in the US for the NS-11P. I do wonder if the camo will be shared cross faction now though, but not sure since it's a promo item and not a SC purchase.