What brings you fun?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Foxirus, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Foxirus

    I have reached a point in the game where mostly everything I need has already been unlocked and things are becoming stale. I am someone who is very loyal to their faction and not one to swap factions (The BlackOps System will change this, As I fully intend to use it for the lowest pop faction).

    What do I do for fun when my friends are offline? I grab a racer ESF, Booster pods, Ejection seat, my PhaseShift, and a silencer and head to the nearest TR/NC 64+ battle happening. When I do this, I will snipe targets from 250+ meters out. If I see an air base where people are landing and utilizing, I will often hack out a nearby sundy and keep it parked for rearming and resupply. Normally I can find a good enough hideout for it and make a base of operations out of it. I will then set up multiple traps at that air base. Be it tankmines on the pads, knifing people at terminals, or back hacking AV turrets where a tank is so happily resting. I get such joy out of destroying unsuspecting people. I am that one Vanu that is at every TR/NC fight. Taking all your shinies when you least expect it.

    The rage tells I have gotten from this are the best food ever.

    Other times when my friends are online, I will get 3 of them together and we will take a max stealthed sundy. We will then drive all the way to an enemy warpgate and all 3 lock onto passing ESFs. So long as they don't have Flares, They are instantly destroyed. This does not happen as much due to it requiring 3 or more players with AA lock ons though (Which is kinda stupid, Why does it take 3 lock ons to down a single ESF who isn't running flares?).

    I will also attempt to destroy high value targets, Like Klypto, ToK5s, or AOD pigs while they are in their vehicles. For Klypto and Tok5s, I will often times pull a suicide scythe and hot drop onto them from 600m in the sky with c4.

    What is it that you do when you are seeking entertainment from Planetside 2?

    (Sweet mother of Jesus, I cannot wait for the cloaking AMS to become a thing.. That will make people accidently finding my sunderer happen so much less...)
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  2. Vargs

  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    When I really want to play late at night but there's hardly any of my faction on or any decent fights happening, I'll just go Stalker Crossbow and make my way all the way to the nearest NC/VS fight available and go around bothering people. Sometimes I don't even kill anyone but the amusement I get in watching people waddle around the area trying to find me is always a game pleaser.
  4. Kentucky Windage

    You're the dude!!!!!! I knew it!!!!! LOL.
  5. Foxirus

    The dude? Who might that be?
  6. Mythologicus

    Grab a tank, drive somewhere, shoot people.

    These days not any specific tank, no specific location, no specific people. Just find a fight and see what situations you can get yourself into (and out of). Best fun for me.
  7. Iridar51

    So troll, so bad, so low.

    Thanks for posting this. Now I'll know exactly how much you're worth in my eyes.
  8. Leftconsin

    Today I pulled an HE Lightning. With it I killed 75 Vanu in 14 minutes 19 seconds. That was fun.
  9. Foxirus

    What you view as my worth will be viewed as gold to my allies and your enemies. Do you know how many kill streaks I have ended from skypigs? Or sunderers I have ravaged? Forget me not pigdog, For when you do, I will be waiting in the shadows. You will never escape the Vanu's Wrath.

    And If I recall, I remember killing you in a mossy a couple times. Gotta watch them landing pads :D
  10. eldarfalcongravtank

    the chaos!

    no other game is as chaotic as this. i am pretty much addicted to large all-out combined-arms warfare. when all hell breaks loose, you know where you can find me, in the midst of it! (crouched in a corner rocking my head until the shelling stops)
  11. Goretzu

    Huge battles, unfortunately this seems to be becoming rare, last night in Prime Time my main server only had 2 contients unlocked and nither was full. That's not good. :(
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  12. YoungPedro

    grabbing a lock-on launcher and hide somewhere behind enemy lines somewhere near a big battle to lock on to incoming esf´s. It might not reward you with certs but it's fun to watch them evade/fly into trees, plus you get to cherry pick smoking esf´s that retreat from the battle that otherwise would have gotten away, hate tells from entitled pilots are pretty much guaranteed.
  13. Liewec123

    zerging with lasher
    stalker mag-scatter
    fury wraith flash
    pounder max AI
    drifter jets + shotgun
    sticky nades+grenade belt and continent lock for less nade cost.
  14. Dgross

    I collect Vanu tears when driving my Vulcan harasser.
    It has a special bin in front that catches them as they slide off magriders, lightnings, other harassers....just about everything really.

    I'm saving them up for a special Vanu tear bath I take at the end of the year. Then I celebrate the new year and make a resolution to collect even more tears the next year so I can fill a swimming pool and do victory laps with a TR speedo.

    Harasser. Check it out.
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  15. Eternaloptimist

    Huge combined arms battles if I'm feeling active, or the surge out of a recently defended base when you are chasing the remnants of the attack and heading towards their base (though this usually ends badly, as most uncoordinated attacks should).

    If I'm not feeling active or don't have long I like logging in to a defence that is going down and is heavily outnumbered in the hope that the defenders are pinned in their spawn room and I can just shoot at the attackers running around outside from the safety of the spawn room for a few minutes. I also like those battles where the enemy is on one hill a long way away and your team on the other, or where guys are running into the attack from a spawn point miles away - sniper heaven

    My most fun however, is trying to pick off esfs with Phoenix or Striker - a bit of a challenge, doesn't connect that often but so good when it works.
  16. FieldMarshall

    I enjoy large fights with lost of things to shoot at, because i also like going for directives.(Have Exceptional and Engineer done so far)
    Sadly, i dont have time to play during primetime, so im lucky if i get ~50 kills during the 3 hours i can play.

    I made a fresh (NC) character on Emerald (i live in EU) during the night-time here, and got over 120 in 1.5 hours.
    Things seemed to react slower when i attack, and there are lots of people to shoot. People seemed more complainy over voice, but it was ok.
    Like "Hey guys, lets do a max crash and save this base!" randomly and instantly got replied with "Shut the **** up. F*** you ***hole"
    (Though me may just have been a new yorker trying to say a friendly hello)
    My ping was ~120-140, maybe thats why enemies seemed more "derpy" and slow in 1v1s, so im not sure it was fair.

    Really wish i could transfer my Miller char sometimes.
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  17. Utrooperx

    My most enjoyable moments are shooting down Sky Knights that zoom in, randomly blast one ally, then zoom away with my AA MAX...I must be getting pretty good at it because I quickly gain the Enemy's attention...and I'd rather they play "peek-a-boo" with me while my allies go about their business of defeating the Enemy infantry.

    I don't know what they did to the Valkyrie, but those things are hard to hit...a VS Scythe, end-on coming straight at me is easier to discourage then a Valk...but I bang away at it anyway!

    Hey you Engineers out there...when you see a AA MAX trying to run off the hordes of aircraft, be nice and drop ammo packs! :)
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  18. AlterEgo

    Yesterday was one of the funnest (and best) sessions I ever had in this game. I started out in the warpgate, got stuck in a Valkyrie, then explored Indar with a fellow StormtrooperMK (who would later die of an explosion, Vanu smile upon his soul:(), interfered with a NC counterattack on Broken Arch, decided to pull a Magrider (which would be destroyed by a surprise Vanguard attack), would socialize with the Vanguard's crew (AWESOME people, they didn't kill me when I bailed), discovered this AWESOME bug with the Vanguard in which you can jump to amazing heights if you throw an ammo box on the cannon, and jump when it rises, met the two when they switched to VS, pulled a Battle Bus which we used like Panzer commanders, all whilst maintaining a respectable 2.85 K/D. In short, such a good session:D
  19. FBVanu

    This Forum.
  20. Ballto21