What are your top 3 bases or outposts in PlanetSide 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luperza, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. aRottenKomquat

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. The Old Crown, back when it was defensible and had epic battles.
    2. Wokuk Amp Station.
    3. Scarred Mesa Skydock.
  2. Jovisfulmen

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. LithCorp Secure Mine
    2. Splitpeak Pass
    3. J908 Impact Site
    • Up x 1
  3. KodanBlack

    1. The New Freyr Amp Station
    2. Esamir Munitions
    3. The Bastion
  4. Posse

    1. Esamir Munitions Corp
    2. Freyr Amp Station
    3. The Stronghold
  5. Torok

    1. Crystal Ridge Comm Array... so sad it's that near a Warpgate you never get to fight there...
    2. East River Skystation... Unfortunately again never got to fight there :( :( but the concept is awesome, the location too.
    3. Esamir Munitions Corps... Needs Hangars or cover for Sunderers. It's a sick base with more depth than your usual base.

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  6. Firlan

    My top 3 bases are:

    1. Crossroads watchtower

    2. The Crown (Old design, pre lattice)

    3. Zhurvan Amp station (including satellites)
  7. DeadliestMoon

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. Esamir Munitions Corp
    2. The Stronghold
    3. Nason's Defiance
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  8. Doomzzg

    1 The OLD Crown
    2 The Crown
    3 Zurvan Amp Station
  9. AuntLou42

    My top three bases/outposts:

    1. Crossroads Watchtower
    2. Esamir Munitions Corp
    3. Amerish/Hex style Bio Labs
  10. AndyTB

    Auraxis Firearms Corp.
    The Octagon
    Snake River
  11. The Best

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. The old version of The Crown (with control points all on the peak)
    2. The Ascent (location location location)
    3. Terran BL-4 Crash Site
    • Up x 1
  12. Kanil

    1. Regent Rock Garrison, Indar
    2. Allatum Bio Lab & Satellites, Indar
    3. Jaeger's Crossing, Esamir

    For what it's worth, Allatum Research Lab was more fun before PU1 moved it's boost pad.
  13. DreamWarden

    Mostly anything that does not prevent ground vehicle units/air units from partaking. With the exception of Biolabs.
    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. East River Sky Station
    2. Vanu Archives
    3. Elli Forest pass
    • Up x 1
  14. Kaizer

    1. Vanu Archives
    2. Terran BL-4 Crash Site
    3. Anything that isn't a tower based capture point. Indar is teeming with them right now and these fights have become incredibly predictable, repetitive and boring.
  15. dp_nox

    1. Splitpeak Pass
    2. Howling Pass Checkpoint
    3. Searro Listening Post
  16. Amundsenkalmah

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. The stronghold
    2. Esamir munitions corp
    3. Howling pass checkpoint
  17. shadowwolf0093

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1.The crown
    2.the octagon
    3.Auraxis firearms corp
  18. Odamit

    1. Snake Ravine Outlook
    2. The Octagon
    3. Crux Headquarters
  19. xvee

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. The Stronghold.
    2. The Octagon.
    3. Any biolab.
  20. theCROM

    My top three bases/outposts

    1. Genudine Physics Lab (The area surrounding this base is incredible for firefights as well as the base it self).
    2. Esamir Munitions Corp
    3. Snake Ravine (This area in general is just great including: Crossroads, Xenotech, Vanu Archives, and of course Snake Ravine)
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