What are your top 3 bases or outposts in PlanetSide 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luperza, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. ManiaDaWiz

    1). Esamir Munitions Corp
    2). J908
    3). Crux Headquarters
  2. DeMaggo

    1. Jaegers Crossing- absolutely awesome for defenders with tactical awareness. Great when fighting in numbers of ~12 attackers.
    2. Mani Biolab- good ways to stop spawncampers.
    3. Scarred Mesa Skydock- interesting to both attack and defend through remote sundys and low effectiveness from air and tanks.
  3. Marked4Death

    1. Splitpeak pass
    2. The Stronghold
    3. Esamir Munitions Corp
  4. AnuErebus

    1. Esamir Munitions
    2. Jaeger's Crossing
    3. Crimson Bluff
  5. Pixelshader

    Do the easiest places to farm with air vehicles count?

    1. ns material
    2. red ridge
    3. quartz
  6. Leondre

    Saerro Listening Post
    Snowshear Watchtower
    Regent Rock
  7. doombro

    This is a very difficult decision. :eek:

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. Indar Excavation
    2. Quartz Ridge
    3. (new) Freyr Amp Station
  8. Elaan

    1. Auraxis Firearms Corp. (Amerish)
    2. Esamir Munitions Corp. (Esamir)
    3. Freyr Amp Station (Esamir)
  9. Metalsheep

    1: The (Old) Crown.
    2: The Stronghold
    3: Beta Techplants. (With the shield gen and SCU INSIDE the main building.)
    • Up x 3
  10. Larolyn

    1. Lithcorp Secure Mine - absolutely fantastic base to be it if a 48vs48 ever kicks off here. Needs to be more centralised to get more action.

    2. Jaeger's Crossing - my favourite tower base to attack or defend. Fantastic outpost and open enough for tanks and air to join in but cover enough to not become a complete farm fest.

    3. Esamir Munitions - a double tower base with catwalks seperating the towers and 5 storeys of unadulterated gun play fun. Can get spammy if attacked from the Tech Plant but the tanks never usually live too long. As defenders, if A ever gets on lockdown you are screwed. Needs a tunnel exit to middle of base and to the tower containing B & C.
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  11. Crator

    1. Vanu Archives [Indar]
    2. Crimson Bluff Tower [Indar]
    3. Biolabs
  12. z1967

    1. J908 because it is unique
    2. The Howling Pass->NS abandoned offices->Mao tech road, one helluva battlefield
    3. Tarwich Techplant because of the surrounding geography

    Remember, geography is just as important as base design. J908 is completely unique in its battleground elevation and the narrow roads down, The Mao road is flat and really puts emphasis on good armor support, and Tarwich just has the kinds of mountains and overhangs to make it amazing for all types of combat. A unique base is more important to me than a cookie cutter good design base.
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  13. Mastachief

    1. Allatum
    2. Mani
    3. Andvari
  14. Mustarde

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. Terran BL-4 Crash site
    2. The Stronghold
    3. Howling Pass
  15. TsubasaKuroi

    1. Esamir Munitions Corp
    2. Crux Headquarters
    3. The Octagon
  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    1. West Foothills Airdock (Amerish)
    2. Camp Waterson (Indar)
    3. Terran BL-4 Crash Site (Esamir)
    • Up x 1
  17. capiqu

    1. Howling Pass
    2. Crimson Bluff
    3. The Palisades.

    Reason if you own the north warpgate it's essential to hold on to these bases and their high ground to protect Mao Tech plant.
  18. DeadlyShoe

    1. J908 Impact Site
    2. Lithcorp Secure Mine
    3. Howling Pass Checkpoint

    I also really like a lot of the more exotic bases like vanu archives but these 3 have the best memories for me.

    P.S. having to run around bases looking for the ways out (ESAMIR!!!!!) is relly annoying :(
  19. Cougarbrit

    Choosing one from each continent.

    1. The entirety of North Indar. (Impact site if I had to pick one from there)
    2. Um. I don't really like new Esamir beyond it having the nicest fps. Two Stone Beach.
    3. Lithcorp Secure Mine

    All time.

    1. Old Crown (though it was a black hole of population)
    2. Impact Site
    3. Dahaka region (not the amp itself, but the surroundings)
  20. NDroid

    My top three bases/outposts:
    1. Howling Pass Checkpoint
    2. The Bastion
    3. Splitpeak Pass
    I should add that I often have some great fights in other popular places such as Crossroads Watchtower and Indar Excavation Site but for me it has more to do with the terrain surrounding the base and the large scale fights that take place there and less due to the design of the bases themselves.
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