What Are The Viable Vanu AR's?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by RayDrazon, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. RayDrazon

    At the moment, I have the stock Pulsar VS1 with no attachments and a H-V45 with 1x Reflex Sight and Advanced Laser. So far, I do not know whether I like the Pulsar VS1 better or the H-V45. The main thing that is bothering me right now is how the Advanced Laser Sight looks on the H-V45; I have OCD and the Advanced Laser sight bulging out unevenly to the left annoys the hell out of me.

    When I switched back to Pulsar VS1, I did as well with it as I would with an H-V45.

    So, are there any other Vanu AR's that are viable besides these two? If not, is the Foregrip useful on the Pulsar VS1? If not, which AR should I select?

    People have been recommending the NS-11A to me because of it's versatility but I'm too loyal of a Vanu to shoot with any gun other than ones that shoot laser beams XD So is there a Vanu Weapon the equivalent of the NS-11A?

    I've also heard that the Corvus is good with the Foregrip but it is only useful in long range engagements.

    In most of my engagements, I prefer the support medic kind of playing; I'm in the front lines but behind cover, popping some shots to the enemy a few times to try and get a kill and rez/heal if necessary. So I should think that I'm more of a mid-range type of person.

    So, based on the circumstances listed above, which Vanu AR would you recommend to me?

    Please post and comment below. Thanks.
  2. Dictatorfish

    Haven't we gone over this before?
    H-V45 Or NS-11A
    VS AR Corvus

    Anyway, from my personal experience, I have found it really depends on what you're trying to achieve. I personally have two mid-long range weapons, depending on the situation:
    If I'm in the mood to get kills, I stick a foregrip and x4 scope on the H-V45 and fire it in 3-4 round bursts.
    If I'm working with my outfit and I just want to contribute to providing suppressing fire, I take a Nova with slug ammunition, x3.4 scope and extended magazine. Very little scares the **** out of the enemy and forces them to stay in cover more than having almost their entire shield blown away by a single shot. However, because it does the whole "suppressing fire" and "forces enemies to stay in cover" thing rather too well, I get far fewer kills with this set up than with the H-V45. I guess people are simply that scared of snipers that pretending to be one serves to have the same effect.

    As for the H-V45 vs the Pulsar VS1 comparison, the H-V45 has both lower CoF increase and lower recoil per shot than the Pulsar VS1. Apart from the reload time, I can't think of a single reason why I would ever take the Pulsar over the H-V45.
  3. Izriul

    NS11a is by far the best gun in the game for me. It's what keeps me playing medic so much. People always whine about VS guns, no idea why when they have one of the strongest guns in the game available to them.

    Otherwise, I really do like the Corvus, I'm not sure why, the RoF is so slow (Funny really, something NC whine about and yell out how "hard done by" they are because of it, which, is just BS) so just don't go extreme CQC with them and it's a great gun.
  4. Sebyos

    H-V45 is the only gun.

    Trust me I got 5 fully certed guns and not one comes close to the versatility of the Hydra. It's simply great at any range and can even decimate a really short CQC with hip firing with or without advanced laser sight. Yes, I even find it better at long range then the Equinox or the CME.

    I suggest Forward Grip on it btw it will fix your aesthetic problem while still be great at hip firing. The Hydra has the best CoF when hip firing stock.
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  5. Meccros

    you claim to have ocd yet type in non-standard green
  6. Grimturtle

    I love the equinox, but truth be told I think the NS-11a or the H-V45 are the best ones.
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  7. Kociboss

    Allright so:

    1) H-V45 (Hydra). Hands down the most versatile vanu medic gun. With foregrip, it remains amazingly accurate at medium+ ranges. Adv. laser sight makes it a hipfire beast. Downsides? Long reload time. It also requires some practice, so you dont burn whole clip on 1 guy. My first weapon I had used extensively (untill aux medal) before I swapped to another one.

    2) Pulsar VS1. Standard vanu medic weapon. Very balanced and good for general use. Fast reload time. 102 rpm less than H-V45, which equals in higher TTK (in theory) and higher accuracy (Again - Theory). Easier to handle than H-V45, very newbie friendly. 1x reflex + foregrip and you're good to go. Not to mention, you don't have to burn any cash on other guns, if you want to save money.

    3) Corvus. Basically a watered down version of NC's Gauss, without the bulledrop. High dmg, low rof, balanced recoil (it bounces left and right, foregrip required for maximum accuracy, but it's not necessary, since the gun has the smallest cone of fire of all). It's easy to handle and effective at taking targets down from range.

    4) Shotgun of choice. Personally, I prefer Thanatos, due to low reload time (especially if your bullet is chambered). All you need is extended magazine and NV scope (to search for hidden infiltrators).

    Equinox is debatable. Avoid CME aka gimped Pulsar.
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  8. RayDrazon

    There are different levels y'know ;D All I know is that I like symmetry.
  9. ThePieMaker

    Try to H-V45 with the foregrip.
    Works wonders.
  10. Maer

    Equinox all day.
  11. Trysaeder

    Hydra foregrip 1xreflex
    Exactly the same as the NC Torrent
    Once you've mastered the handling, it's a bad magician; it simply makes people disappear.
  12. Flukeman62

    then you must REALLY hate maps
    just try to imagine that there is one on the other side as well
  13. Aerius

    H-V45 with advanced laser for CQB
    NS11 with 3.4 sight on single shot for medium range comedy. Kills extremely fast if you land a HS at least once.
  14. Naturaliensammler

    The H-V45 with soft point has 133000 damage per minute.
    USE IT!

    If you wanna go medium or long range use the NS11 with either 2x or 3.4x. Whatever suits you best.
  15. tugernut

    take it from me , seriously ive tested these guns more then most people
    i used the hv45 exclussivly in beta when it was called the xm-9

    use the hv45 in cqc w/ adv laser sights - personally i dont use a suppressor or ammo so 230 certs and your basically done
    persoanlly i use the reflex scope for those just in case senarios , but try to use the hipfire more more times then not.

    use the ns-11 for evertthing else outside of cqc , just do the normal attachments and scope of choice.
  16. Vanuub

    Dafuq? How do you do 3-4 round burst on the 45, that thing fires too fast to do bursts that short reliably and repeatedly. 3rdparty macro to the hilt?

    True about the reload, that is horrible. It burns ammo like a pro abut leaves you holding your d;ck in the wind for a long time.
  17. Dictatorfish

    Try it, 3-4 round isn't quick at all. In fact, if you click the mouse as you normally would you'll probably end up with a 2 round burst or even just a single round shot (at least that's what happens when I do). Sure, 3-4 round bursts are hard to get reliably but if anything often I make my clicks too short and end up with just 2 rounds coming out the barrel.

    I'm tempted to try a x3.4 scope on my H-V45; I feel the recoil on an x4 might be just a bit too much for me. Shame because I personally love crosshairs far more than laser dots or chevrons.
  18. Maer

    Equinox, because Grenade Launcher.

    How can you play a medic without free explosives? Or do you not use revive grenades?
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  19. Grimturtle

    No, soft point hurts the gun alot.
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  20. Buntfunk

    Please expand, for the less enlightened like me.