What are the downsides of VS weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigMacDeez, May 9, 2013.

  1. MrDerpAssault

    VS weapons are ugly in design, unlike the hardcore sexy NC weapons (TR weapons carry demon souls).
  2. IamDH

    Before joining the game i really wanted to become a vanu...untill i joined them
  3. BalogDerStout

    I didn't realize SOE released a preview of the new charge pistol. Looks like a solid upgrade over the Beamer.
  4. IamDH

    Lol :)
    I hear they are getting this to match it
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  5. Malebranche

    Thats pretty much the Magrider in a nutshell, the only thing missing is the duck body. :oops:

    On the other hand if it could shoot its main gun from the beak I would pay to get that skin! :D

    We can call it the Vanu Duck of Death.
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  6. Drealgrin

    Why magrider hate? it's the funnest to drive.

    Our guns are, meh, we don't stand out with those. Middle ground for sure. wish the no bullet drop applied to sniper rifles, The one weapon in the game that it would matter with.
    NC get the best maxes
    TR get the best heavy assaults.
    Why shouldn't the Vanu get the best infiltrators? It makes sense.
  7. Rown

    Nobody knows.

    Not even the devs.
  8. IamDH

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  9. IamDH

    I have a horrible time driving the magrider..i find the TR and NC tanks much easier to use and funner
  10. Dregan

    There is actually a valid question here... but it is not only for VS weapons. On paper the TR and VS weapons are just too similar. There is nothing really making them different... on paper.
    NC have a general trend towards higher damage and lower ROF. They have access to fast firing weapons that rival those of VS and TR but these weapons are clear outliers (we are here talking about the GR-22, GD-7F and EM1). The other outliers are the very high damage weapons as well (Gauss Saw, Reaper DMR and AC-X11). These weapons represent a very big spread in weapon behaviour, not just damage but also recoil, bloom and accuracy.
    This kinda cements and aggravates the problem with VS and TR weapons. Not only are they too similar across factions but they are also too similar inside their own faction. This is most clearly evident when looking the SMGs. Again the NC has 2 SMGs that are wildly different, not only in damage and ROF but also in recoil. VS is hit slightly less hard here with a nice difference in some stats (but not nearly as different as the NC ones), while TR sports 2 nearly identical SMGs.

    I play primarily as NC so if you have other experiences I would love to hear them.
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  11. Drealgrin

    they're both so boring! Magrider basically doesn't let you hit rear armor unless the driver is bad or you ambush them. I've magburned behind so many Vanguards and Prowlers and nailed them with my AV that i feel sorry for how impotent they seem to become when faced with such tactics.
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  12. IamDH

    Tbh the vanu duck of death looks alot stronger than the magrider lol. DUCKS SCARE ME!
  13. }{ellKnight

    Why do you think the TR get the best HA?
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  14. IamDH

    The problem i encounter is its turning is horrible...i run alot of teammates over kinda reminds me of this
    [IMG]Rest in peace Dave
  15. sindz

    So you dont think higest first shot recoil, and by your logic only got 1 carbine that surpasses 800,10 bullets less, lower bullet velocity, worst max weapons, worst tank.

    Id take long relong and more recoil which is 0.250 more than other factions on some guns, AND 10 bullets more over any VS crap guns.
  16. IamDH

    You know i think if the question was what were the upsides of vanu weapons this thread would be alot smaller lol
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  17. Caydn

    none they are op
  18. IamDH

    I feel the magrider needs better turning...ik it can move over hills and all its just feels WAAAY to heavy to drive..Speaking of the magrider does any1 kno if that bouncing on the secondary turrets will ever go (whenever they go over a bump you feel it alot get in the harrasser and youll know what i mean)
  19. FatSheriff

    This thread is pointless there are people in each faction that say the other is OP so #dealwithit as a now famous Microsoft person likes to say.
  20. FatSheriff

    Yeah and did they fix the rocking the vanguard and prowler main guns suffer from?