What about the Recruit Rewards?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RemingtonV, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. RemingtonV

    If the SOE Recruit Rewards program is gone, what about the reward items? There are a few I never got that I REALLY wanted. Hell Ill buy them if they sell them. I just want them Vanu Damnit!
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  2. Thagyr

    Those MAX lights were kinda spiffy...
  3. IamnotAmazing

    blame optr
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  4. STR1D3R109

    Dammit I was going to invite everyone on my ps4 friends list xP

    Couldve got the prowler quad cannons o_O
  5. Selerox

    They should have been released anyway. It was a dumb idea to start with. The idea of granting those items as rewards was fine, but making them excuse wasn't.
  6. EagleGuardian

    Some official statement about this would be nice. I personally wouldn't mind them selling those items: the original recruiters received them for free and got them as early access as well. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be more than happy to buy that Recon camo.
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  7. RemingtonV

    Yeah Im totally cool with that too. I just want those damned NS-011 helmets SOMEHOW!
  8. RemingtonV

    Heck they could totally just sell the platinum weapons (including the platinum ns44 and ns-11) for those jacked up prices like they do the black and gold versions.
  9. Torok

    What? really?
    Are they gone?

    I do know an outfit member saying something about being unable to receive his last 15-20-25 rewards milestones, but from what I'm reading here, you have some sources hinting that the Recruit system itself is being removed?

    Anyway if the recruit-a-friend won't come back anytime soon you can expect those very same rewards to be somehow... rewarded through the upcoming Directives.

    Give it a look

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  10. Cinnamon

    Apparently there is some legal problem with them being used for anything other than the recruit reward thing. Their legal staff probably worry about that eccentric millionaire who created 50 paying accounts to get some reward will take them to court if they sell them.
  11. EagleGuardian


    Not sure if the Recruitment system is gone entirely, but it's been in 'maintenance mode' for a really long time now. It just seems kind of odd to not give us any official information about its current state.

    Thanks for sharing, dude :) That Directives system looks pretty interesting. I just hope they don't go overboard with the requirements for unlocking things...
  12. Cinnamon

    Just take it as a rumour unless a dev wants to make a statement in a place like here.
  13. Goretzu

    Surely their "it is ours and we can change anything we like whenever we like" EULA covers all that?

    Certainly there's a lot of nice stuff for it never to go on direct sale. :(
  14. zelp

    They just have a lot of friends...
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  15. IamnotAmazing

    friends that apparently are good at exploiting text systems?
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  16. Tigobit

    Don't hate us cause your helmets suck.
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  17. RemingtonV

    June 11th, server is still down. Have lost nearly all hope of aquiring a NS-011 helmet.
  18. Halo572

    Cheer up, on the scale of 'losing hope' it isn't really up there is it?

    It could be worse, you could be stranded somewhere and have run out of food and water, now that would be somewhat hopeless.
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  19. RemingtonV

    Its all about perspective. Since I am current in a nice house, with plenty of food and water, this counts as a relatively hopeless situation in regards to acquiring a NS-011 Compound Helmet
  20. dmorr145

    lolololol. In what way is this our fault man? What could possibly make you think that my outfit had a hand in bringing down the recruit rewards system? How about this, why don't you think about idiotic statements before you make them?
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