What a dirty trick Mattherson TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devrailis, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Devrailis

    That you pulled on us at Allatum today. You made me wet my tin-plated panties, before blowing it to pieces. Well played. I wish I could see more platoons out there pulling the hilarious, awesome stunt you pulled today.
  2. Madcat9

    Would you kindly explain what the trick involved? I play TR Mattherson but later at night.
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  3. WyrdHarper

    Ditto. I know we've dropped on VS-NC fights to deny one faction or another a victory before though; was this something like that?
  4. Devrailis

    They snuck a few squads of MAXes, engies and medics from the South into the Allatum generator room while we were busy going at it with the VS at the Broadcast Hub. I stepped in to change loadouts and noticed a blip on the minimap so I stomped off to investigate...

    and walked right into several TR MAXes staring at me.

    Oh God.

    The pain.

    The agony.
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  5. Madcat9

    I can only imagine those red unfeeling eyes on you.
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  6. Devrailis

    I felt the boot of tyranny stomp solidly upon my face.
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  7. Pikachu

    I don't play Mattherson ever. ;_;
  8. Madcat9

    Well to be fair when ever I bump face first into a NC Max (Happens more than you would think.) I stare at that helmet and all I can think is oh crap I am about to be "tackled".
  9. Madcat9

    Play on a different server or stuck forgotten somewhere in a PC?
  10. Pikachu

    I play in europe. I would get 130 ping for USA east coast. Btw why dont you people just have 1or 2 in the middle instead?
  11. EliteEskimo


    What you felt was the boot of refined and exceptionally executed tactical superiority, and deep down you know you loved every minute of it. Your corporate checks may bring a smile to your face and make your wallet heavy, but in the end it pales in comparison to the well oiled machine and the strength in unity that represents the Terran Republic. :cool:

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  12. Devrailis

    Haha! I have to admit, I was really really impressed. The discipline your squishies had to not trigger that D control point to give yourself away early showed great teamwork and communication. I don't think I've ever seen NC pull a stunt like that before on Mattherson. Probably won't anytime in the near future.

    I also learned that shoving Ravens into the generator room at range was a great way to get cheap revenge kills on MAXes out of line of sight. ;)
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