Whatever. Watched this guy for a bit - he could clearly see what he wasn't supposed to see. You can save the 'maybe he could see a shimmer', 'you're not completely invisible' crap as well - a lot of us have been here since beta, and you get a pretty good idea (well, the veterans get a pretty good idea) what you should be able to see and what you shouldn't. This was just me testing that theory - I knew he was in the tower, so - Deep Operative, me not moving, squatting, he didn't see my approach, and he's pretty far away - as soon as he looks over the rail, he opens fire. You can pretend it didn't smell funny - but it did.
Yeah, I don't see anything funny there. I shoot infiltrators at that distance frequently. I mean sure he could be cheating but he did not do anything I have never done. You can be seen it's not at all impossible especially if the user has a large monitor and or is running a higher res (which is why I suspect I can see them frequently).
Nah I agree with the OP. I've actually been up against, and then talked to a guy running a Deep Operative Stalker before. I ran right by him multiple times while searching until he finally called me out in Yell chat amazed, and decloaked for me. When a deep operative Infil is stationary and crouched they're near impossible to see. For that player in the video to just glance over at the stairs that far away and start shooting dead on is incredibly fishy.
No cheats here. With Ultra settings and 2k/4k resolution it is possible to see cloaked stalker infil. And this guy saw OP not immediately. It took some time. Aimbot doesn't require this time.
Infils are a weird one, ive shot my fair share of sneakers in situations like this, plus this game is super buggy, I remember being in the top of a tower base a long time ago and seeing a floating pistol sneaking around far below so I killed the infil, to them it probably looked like i was cheating too, unfortunately floating heads and guns (or heck the entire visible infil) are cloak bugs that occur in this game, So i won't grab my pitchfork when it comes to cloakers, the game is just too unreliable.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'call out". Do you mean make others aware, or confront the person you suspect of cheating?
This. So you knew he was in the tower but somehow think he doesn't know you are there? You think you are fully invisible but were just running toward the tower a moment earlier. (and you predictably go up the stairs instead of wallclimbing the outside I might add) The guy is clearly searching for you. He saw you heading for the stairs. If he had an aimbot or could otherwise see you why did he search? Why didn't he fire right away? I'll tell you why: Because he wasn't cheating. Yeah. Take that fact in. He wasn't cheating. He just beat you. When he did fire it was after searching a bit. He *might* have seen you but at this point it's 100% unnecessary. Exploratory rounds fired at the corner of the opening would be prludent. And lo and behold that's exactly where you are. Next time this happens retreat. He's searching. Yes your movement will be more visible but you can break LOS (y'know the way non invisible classes handle this). Reengage by some other method. The whining of caught infiltrators gets pretty amazing. I run infravision almost constantly so they are 100% invisible. And I catch them frequently. You all do the same predictable (and might I add chicken !#$) stuff all the time.