Just thought I would make a new post welcoming everybody to the new vehicle part of town. Post your name and vehicle specialty here!
Hey guys, I herd that vehicle players were colonizing the Medic forums. I'm PK and I fly some dickbutts around for fun in a Liberator!
Hello, my name is Wycliffslim. I do stuff in Liberators and have succeeded in convincing a moderately large number of people that I'm competent at that stuff.
Hmmm, here in the Medic forum are hiding all my vehicle fellows. Hi my name is MrBasher and i am vehicle addicdet, most times i go mosquito... in the last weeks i gone again on the Harasser trip, i thought i where cured from this, but now i got a backflash and i am on harassing again... Btw. As infantry i perfer Max, because its the most vehicle like ;-)
But guys! What about all those vehicle users that started posting in the Engineer subforum when the vehicle forum was removed? Are we just going to abandon our comrades?
Hello, I ramp my mag off of cliffs and spontaneously explode! Sometimes I even explode when I bump a rock! Sorry, rock, my bad.
I hope you're not serious because I actually just killed him the other day with the Dalton (Well technically my gunner did) And all I could think was this dude is gonna nerf the **** outta this thing now.
Maby just give the dalton 1 round ammo cap, with 100 dmg for this one shot, so he can kill one infantry after 9 flights.... at least if his shield does not reload....