[Suggestion] Weapons lock in spawn rooms

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wind_Walker, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Wind_Walker

    This solves two things: spawn room heroes are no more, giving way to ACTUAL strategies, and people have a spot to be safe from TKs. Just get out of the spawn, and you shoot as usual.

    Opposition may include not being able to defend yourself/the base. But let's be honest. You're not doing much by being there anyway.
  2. WetPatch

    1 single max could stand in front of a spawn room and mowe down people as they pass through the shield?
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  3. FateJH

    The reason we are where we are now is because we came from where you want to take us (not being able to shoot out of the spawn room) and it didn't work that well at all.

    Edit: a nested two shield barrier room might be a proposal. The inner barrier covers the core spawn area and does not permit shooting (into, out of, or inside). The outer barrier aligns with the spawn building itself and can be shot through like normal, from inside to outside, but there is only just enough gap in between the shield barriers for standing.
  4. Wind_Walker

    Should have said Spawn room HEROES rather than campers.

    You're right though, and it's something that I do wanna avoid. However, if it gets to that point, aren't you being spawn camped anyway?
  5. FateJH

    Why is it okay if the MAX outside can do it (spawnroom camp) but the people inside the spawn can not (spawnroom warrior)?
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  6. Wind_Walker

    Spawn camping is more of a base design issue, and I'm all for redesigning the bases so that it becomes a non issue. Spawn room warriors would also disappear with that change. Another solution would be an agony bubble. It's not foolproof, but at least it's a start.

    The main focus I want to bring is that the spawn room is also considered a safe-room. With that in mind, you're still not safe from TKs and c4 trolls. While the lack of firepower while in the spawn may be an issue with some, it's not all that bad. I'd also be all for turning friendly fire off while in spawn, much like the warpgate. Just something to mitigate the 4th factioners and boomerang grenades.
  7. Taemien

    Why can defenders spawn there and attackers can't?

    Other games with base-style gameplay don't allow defenders to spawn in contested bases.
  8. Imperial Sect

    Just make it like warpgates. You immune to damage, that solves the tking problem. However make it so once you fire out of the barrier you are flagged for combat and can be killed.
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  9. FateJH

    Fortunately, PlanetSide is not beholden to answer to other games.
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  10. Taemien

    It does when it has lower numbers than they do.

    No one has ever been able to explain why defenders need to be able to have a 'safe' area in a base that's under attack. Defenders can't be camped if they can't spawn there.
  11. FateJH

    The answer is simple: it is their base and, for many bases, it is granting the only benefit that it can - a dedicated spawn point.
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  12. bLind db

    A redesign will never happen, though. And pretty much everyone should know that by now.

    So basically, you're saying that defenders should be freely farmed. Pretty much means when I die in a base defense, I move to the next fight and don't try to rush out through 15 MAXes spamming flak at a person sized doorway.
  13. Goretzu

    And creates a massive number of farming oppertunities where attackers set up crossfires just outside the shield and farm and farm and farm.

    This isn't fantasy or supposition this is EXACTLY what happened in Towers 2.0 with their no-way shields, hence the reason Towers 3.0 were changed back to 1 way shields.

    The reality is though that you're creating a much bigger problem with your solution than currently exists.

    Most people that TK in spawn rooms are (I suspect) running shooting scripts, as it tends to happen in the same way just after they respawn (which is why I never stand in front of the spawn tube if I'm checking the map etc.). The purposeful TKers..... well a better grief system would help with them.
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  14. Taemien

    Like I said before, other games do this. And its never been an issue. Heck one of the closest analogues to PS2 is Elder Scrolls Online with its PVP map, Cyrodil. It has 3 factions, a lattice system, and even rudimentary vehicles that cost money to plant down (they don't move, they're siege engines).

    You can spawn at any base or fort you own. Unless its being attacked, then you have to spawn one base back. And then hoof it or ride a horse back. Its a little more hardcore there since they don't have an analogue to the Sunderer, so it really is hoofing it base to base. Cyrodil is about the same size as a PS2 continent. Its pretty damn big without fast vehicles available.

    Cept in PS2 we DO have fast vehicles available. Harassers, Flashes, and even a spawnable Sunderer. I think spawn rooms should cease spawning and drop those shields when more than 1/2 of the control points are contested. Let the defenders pull up in Sunderers too. I mean eventually they'll have to anyway if they succeed at defending.

    At least then they'd be on the offensive trying to get a base back and will have a better opportunity with a tank push to retake the base than getting farmed out of a spawn area like they do now. You all complain about the idea of attackers farming outside the spawn. How isn't that the case already? So it isn't right outside the spawn building.. its not even 10m away as it stands now.

    At least if they spawn a base back and ride in together they have a chance.
  15. FieldMarshall

    They already tried something like what you suggested with towers. You couldnt fire out of the spawnroom shields.
    You had to go out of the spawnroom if you wanted to kill anything.
    It was horrible and even more campy than the old system so they changed it back.

    I know its too late and has been said before.
    But its a shame they didnt copy their near-perfect spawning system (and spawnroom design) from Planetside 1.
    Most/all of the problems we have with spawncampers, overpop, stalemates, lattice metagame and spawnroom warriors wouldnt exist.

    I suspect they thought a less streamlined and more complicated system would scare away potential (cod) players.
    Its also easier to make a box with shields than to code/design a more complicated spawnroom system.
    I guess they didnt think cutting corners on the spawnroom system would be such a big deal.
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  16. Eternaloptimist

    Old suggestion - the problem is as stated above i.e. how do you fight your way out of the spawn room? the solution is more probably something like the Hossin base designs where you cannot usefully fire into or out of the spawn rooms because there is no great line of sight in either direction.
  17. Demigan

    Here's a better idea:
    Prevent the whole spawncamping in the first place.

    If players have options to safely leave the spawnroom and getting to various parts of a base without having to go through 50 infantry and 10 vehicles that are lying in wait you'll get less spawnroom warriors. It also means the attackers will have to spread out more to protect all parts of the base, and the people wanting cheap kills will have to go look for players using the alternative exits because no one is going to exit the spawnroom normally when there's people spawncamping.

    I really hate this kind of thinking you do. You basically say "Spawncampers aren't the problem, it's the fact that people shoot from the spawnroom that's the problem".

    Also they had a similar idea a long time ago and actually put it in the game: 2-way shields. The defenders couldn't fire from the spawnroom. This only meant that the attackers were racking up kills because they could simply stand in front of the doors and insta-kill anyone who tried to leave. So we already know your idea would only cause problems.
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  18. DarkStarII

    I think that in the spawn tube thingy you should be invincible like in the warp gate and that the shields on it cannot be shot through. Although, this isn't really solving your problem but it would likely solve others. :)
  19. Azawarau

    Looks like people beat me to it

    If players didnt camp then there wouldnt be spawnroom heroes
  20. Taemien

    I guess spawnroom heroes should have no complaints when someone tosses a grenade through the shields then? I usually don't like things like that. But this is definitely one case where if it happens to someone I'll be the first to tell them there was a way for them to avoid it.

    Seriously, I don't even like my own teammates sitting in the spawn. A buddy of mine hates it even worse than I do. He'll actually start shooting them enough to get them to chase him and then runs to the control point. The ironic thing is it works. And is one of the few ways to get people out of there.

    Sorry to say, but it isn't because a spawn is being camped. Sure that happens. But there are some people who won't come out at the detriment of their own team.