Weapon's Disabled is BS!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WarEagle1, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. loomynartylenny

    FF should probably deal reduced damage.

    And, to balance this, weapons lock may need to happen faster.
  2. Corezer

    if your team mate was in the way, how did a bullet find your head?
  3. Klabauter8

    You can't constantly aim around your teammates. It would take supernatural reflexes and aiming skills to do this. When a team member constantly gets in front of you, you always have to stop shooting, and of course there will be open spaces for your enemy to shoot at you.
  4. HappyStuffin

    Trigger control begins and ends with the operator.

    Please don't blame others for user error.
  5. MonnyMoony

    I personally don't think FF is punished enough.

    I think if you kill a friendly - you should be docked as many XP as the enemy would have gained had they killed your team mate (afterall you have helped your enemy to the same degree as if your enemy had killed that person - so you should be punished commensurately).

    The only caveat to this is if you TK a friendly who has themselves just TKd somebody. There should be a cool down on the XP penalty in order to allow you to take out 4th factioners without being crucified.
    • Up x 1
  6. Luna12

    Then what about the sunderer I took out a while ago? It deployed in front of a vehicle pad with a bunch of friendlies waiting on their vehicle spawn, so they couldn't drive out and were destroyed one by one as a new one spawned. I mined him, but that would give a ton of XP if an enemy would do it.
  7. sojourner99

    Awhile back I witnessed a deranged friendly hopping in our sundie basilisk turret and repeatedly killing our guys over and over. He must have killed 20+ in a row, and no weapons lock on him. So you must have really been slaughtering your teamies to get an actual lock... Even if it wasnt intentional, then the other alternative is you were high/drunk, or just really really suck at the game. Either way warrants you a weap lock.
  8. Juno

    I keep shooting and kill all the dumb NC that walk in front of me and I never get weapon locked so you have to be really going out of your way to TK to get locked.
  9. WarEagle1

    It happened again. Trying to protect a control point everything disabled. I can't even repair mates. I play with intention of trying to survive, and if I'm taking ff I get the **** out way instead of being a bullet sponge of my team mates. This needs to be fixed. I understand a warning but there needs to be a request from other players or something to warrant this.
  10. MonnyMoony

    I think that happens rarely enough for you to be able to absorb the cert hit from taking out a friendly Sundy parked like that. You get 500 xp for killing a Sundy (and so would be docked a similar amount if you destroyed a friendly one).

    You could make that back in as little as two extreme menace kills - so it would cost you what - a couple of minutes of gameplay XP at best.

    Of course - such scenarios could be avoided by adding no-deploy zones close to vehicle pads.
  11. xXGenesisXx

    I donno how many team mates you need to hit in order to be locked but it never happened to me . Didn't even know it was still a thing. Even when i sometimes TK ******** team mates ...... stop beeing kill ***** and you will be just dandy. If team mate gets in the way ....stop shooting for a sec even if it costs you a kill.
  12. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    A Weapon (grief) is hard to get. As soon as you damange someone with your weapon, ramming or whatever it adds "grief points" to your Account, these Grief Points are Account-Wide (means, they are using one Database on all Characters!), each second the grief points are getting removed again, not all at once, but slowly.

    This means, you have to do a) a huge damage to friendlies b) you have to do that over a huge amount of time.
  13. Slamz

    There is a point where well-meaning but careless gameplay is indistinguishable from trolling.

    If people are constantly getting in your way, maybe you should pick a less crowded lane to blindly unload your entire magazine down.
  14. Tankalishious

    How bad can a player be, to get not one, but TWO weapons lock in under a month? HOW?!?!?!?!?!
  15. Moz


    What you suggest may happen once every now and then, if you are getting locked from this it is YOU that is doing it wrong!