[Suggestion] Weaponchangebag for MAX-Assaults

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by chiller23, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. chiller23

    Hey Guys,

    While playing MAX-Aussalts yesterday with the Clan, we had the idea for an little Terminal
    into the Bag of an Engineer for changing the Weapon of an MAX-Assault without running bag to the next Sunderer.
    We thought that it shouldn't be a hackable terminal or a termal where you can change your class or take new Ammunition . The Bag should just be able to :

    - Make a max able to change weapons (and just the weapons)
    - Give (just) MAX-Assaults new Ammunition

    If you have some questions just write it into the comments or add me if you're on Cobalt ;)


    DasChilly // chiller23 Leader of LUDUS Sports on Cobalt
  2. CrimsonEclipse5

    I think if a single engineer could maybe carry around a single weapon for a MAX, that would be cool (so you'd need two engis to switch from AV to AP) but I don't think MAXes should be able to fully refit and resupply from an engi. It kinda defeats the point of the MAX's vulnerability to becoming isolated from terminals.
  3. Eternaloptimist

    Whatever class I play, there are times when I wish I'd chosen a different weapon. That is just part of the game - making choices and sticking with them or paying the price of having to go back home to get changed. Engies (my main class) can already repair and resupply Maxes. I think that is enough of a help for them.
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  4. Meserion

    I have a sudden image of a VANU engineer running after a MAX with a repair tool in one hand and a duffel bag in the filled with blueshifts and comets spilling out inside one of those grand staircase point buildings.
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