[Weapon Tests] TR Repeater vs NC NC4 Mag Shot

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Moxin, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Moxin

    Since I did read difference posts about both weapons and my own feeling about playing both weapons were unsure how fast they kill the same targets, I did do some testings.

    1) Testing Area

    * quiete and peaceful

    2) Testing Objects

    * Infiltrator Class NC + TR
    * Heavy Assault NC
    * MAX unit NC

    3) Aiming

    * directly to the head from very short distance

    4) RESULTS which did lead to the death of the following classes:

    NC4 Mag Shot (NC - Standard Pistol each hit are single shots)

    Target - Infiltrator Class TR: 3x hits to the head

    TR Repeater PIstol (TR - Standard Pistol - each hit is one burst)

    Target - Infiltrator Class NC: 2x hits to the head

    Target - Heavy Assault NC: 2x hits to the head

    --> to my suprise there was no difference in the outcome between HA and Infiltrator using the Repeater !
    This was eye opening since some assume the HA class has more HP.

    Target - MAX unit NC: 17x hits to the head

    I did not test more infantry classes from TR so far, Iam sure the results would be very similar with small differences shown in the test results posted above (1/3).
  2. m44v

    Infiltrators have 100 hitpoints less than the other classes.
    The mag shot kills any class with 2 headshots and one bodyshot. Repeater is a better gun if you are skilled with it (you manage to land all shoots)
  3. Xiphos

    If you manage to land all bullets with the Repeater then the target is either afk or you're aimbotting. The thing has crazy spray.
  4. Vilmond

    Repeater is a pure spray and pray weapon, even just the recoil on the burst alone means its near impossible to put all 3 shots from a burst where you are aiming UNLESS you are super close range at which point just knife them in two hits.

    It works and its pretty good, but generally you just aim for upper torso and spray and generally the recoil will kick about half the shots towards the head the rest hit the chest. Atleast thats been my experience, actually aiming for headshots means about half your bullets will miss unless you are super close.