Weapon Suggestion for NC Medic?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Gearlock, May 27, 2014.

  1. FreePeeSee

    NC guns are not actually "unwieldy", it's just not as comfortable as TR & VS equivalents but not really much.
    For suggestion: just use your NC1, it's the best one. If you want a gun to use in conjunction with healing, take Carnage.
  2. KariH

    What medic actually need is VERY FAST drawing first pistol. Everything else is SLOOOWWWWWWWwwwwww....RIP
  3. Unclematos7

    NC1-great all-rounder
    NC1 Gauss Rifle S-great at mid-long range
    GR22-go-to gun for close range spraydowns

    Carnage AR-The .75ADS nerf made this less of an all-rounder, still workable however.
    NS-11A(common pool gun)-Easy recoil and good bloom per shot, lacking in dps.

    Reaper: 200 damage guns have horrific bloom per shot. It also has 24 rounds in it's magazine whereas the others have 30.
    Tross: Another 200. Magazine size is back to normal, but it's fire rate is as abysmal as it's bloom per shot.
    Gauss Rifle Burst: An NC1 that is stuck in 2x burst mode.
    Step 1: Take the NC1
    Step 2: Fire it in 2x bursts.
    Congratulations, you just saved yourself 100 certs+attachments.
  4. Unclematos7

    Forgot one.
    Gauss Rifle Burst: An NC1 that is stuck in 2x burst mode. The NC1 and other automatics give you the freedom to fire bursts that are as long as you want them. This one is capped at 2 shots per pull of the trigger. This makes it umpleasant both ingame because you have to deal with FSRM more, and IRL because you have to spamclick.
  5. Epic High Five



    The Reaper is the greatest gun in the game and the Tross is just generally fantastic. Their bloom is extremely margin because of the ROF
  6. Rogueghost

    The Tross has the most annoying sound-effect of any weapon in the game, I make a point of hunting down anyone using one.
  7. Iridar51


    All guns have both horizontal and vertical recoil. Carnage BR has varied horizontal recoil with no angle. Not the best, but not the worst recoil pattern.
    GR-22 has varied horizontal recoil with angle variance of 10 degrees, which is a lot. This angle variance complicates the recoil pattern, and makes it far less predictable, not to mention that angled recoil is inherently worse than not angled.

    Get your facts straight before educating others.
    See my Recoil Guide to find out how recoil really works, link is in my signature.
  8. Epic High Five

    Psshhh, no WAY is it more annoying than Ravens/Phoenixes. I like the weapon sound! It really feels like you're using a totally unique gun. Wish the Reaper had the SAW's firing sound though BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM