This is just a half baked idea, but I was thinking of being able to rent weapons for a day. For maby around around 10-20 certs. I know we have have vr, but it's not the same shooting at still figures. And I understand that people will take the rentals as cheap ways to have their favorite weapons, so I suggest the price for said rentals go up by 10x every day until it reaches the full price to buy it. So one day, you rent it for 10certs, next day it's 100, on the third day, you reach the full price of 1000 to buy the damn thing. That way, players test their weapons in the actual battle to get a better feel for it and know if they'll actually like it. Any attachments are kept until they actually buy it (attachments are the same price so people don't exploit them as a cheap buy)
Yeah but in most cases they're only 30 certs, at least sights are. It's been like that since forever. Click on unlock and you have the choice to use DBC, certs or trial. I don't know about PS4, I've just got one actually but not got PS2 for it yet.
30mins of playtime is hardly enough though to really get the feel of the weapon. I think the OP has a good idea renting with certs.
It's a good idea, but it really needs limits. Say I rent a banshee, I get my money back and I spend no certs certing it out, I just equip everything. So we'd need a limit to how many times you can rent something without buying it because then you redouble your certs without losing anything. Although I do agree it would be a nice feature, I think I'd rather have free trial just let me use what I want.
No trial on PS4 8( Weapons should let you trial them until you get 50 kills or 24hrs (whichever comes first)- with all attachments unlocked until the trial ends. Vehicle turrets not operated by the driver only trial for 30 minutes.
I think a 24 hour trial with all attachments unlocked would be better. Maybe at the end of it, give the trialed weapon a 10% discount if buying it with DBC and throw in the most used attachments for free. Would give more incentive to buying virtual guns for 7 bucks a piece. 30 minute trial with no attachment makes no sense. Especially in a game like Planetside where attachments are often flat upgrades and fights are player generated where being stuck in crap gridlock fights for an hour is not uncommon.