[BUG] Weapon reload/COF bug?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MonnyMoony, May 25, 2018.

  1. MonnyMoony

    I have been running with the NSX Tomoe a lot recently

    This weapon has a very tight COF and relatively little bloom - but every now anag again, I open fire with t he weapon and the bullets seem to go crazy, completely missing my target. It's almost like one of those cartoons where one characters fires at another stood against a wall - then the one against the wall moves and the bullets trace an outline of the character being fire at.

    I did some testing in the warp gate and have figured out what's causing it.

    If you reload the weapon - then fire - it behaves as normal.

    If you reload the weapon - but depress and hold the LMB just before the reload animation has finished, when you start firing, the COF is all over the place.

    It seems as if the reload animation sets the weapon to it's maximum COF and if you start firing just a split second too soon, it doesn't have time to reset and thus you lose a ton of accuracy.

    This issue seems to affect scout rifles (Artemis and Tomoe) as well as Carbines. Didn't really notice it with SMGs though.

    Anyone else noticed this. Is it a bug or an intended feature?