Weapon Optics?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CJ2DaRescue2, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. CJ2DaRescue2

    Generally speaking what optics are most effective at what ranges for infantry weapons?

    I typically use the reflex sight 2X. I'm interested in 3.4 scopes, at what range they should be used and how effective people are at using them.

  2. cruczi

    "Infantry weapons" encompasses so many different types of weapons that there is no one answer to that question.

    Shotguns: Scopes are useless. Reflex sights or HS/NV are optional, though usually hipfiring is the best at the weapon's effective range.

    Sniper rifles: A matter of preference. Typically though, the shorter range sniper rifles are best used with a the 4x scope for accurate headshots.

    Carbines, LMG's, assault rifles: all of these have variants that are designed for close combat, medium range or longer range fighting. 6x scope is sometimes available but never worth it, it introduces scope sway and messes with your close range effectiveness. 2x reflex sights are probably the most versatile of them all, but obviously long range shooting will benefit from a 3.4-4x scope, while in close quarters and inside buildings, you may feel more at home with 1x reflex or iron sights. As far as I'm concerned, all the scope choices ranging from none to 4x are a matter of preference. I like to use my mid range carbines with a 3.4x chevron reticle, and I often ADS (aim down sights) even in close quarters.

    SMG's: these weapons excel at hip accuracy and are best used at a range where hip firing cone of fire is small enough that you will hit nearly all shots on the torso of a still standing target. This range will depend on whether or not you're using laser or advanced laser sights. Aiming down sights will improve your accuracy though and make it easier to land head shots on targets that aren't very close, or any shots on targets that are too far for hip firing; and as such, you may find yourself benefitting from reflex sights. 3.4x-4x scopes are almost useless because SMG's are not really accurate enough for the additional zoom to matter compared to just using 2x reflex. Personally I like to use SMG's with iron sights, as it gives me maximum situational awareness while ADS'ing.

    Battle rifles: given that these are built for long range, 3.4x-4x scope is probably the best bet, although I can certainly imagine doing well with just reflex sights.

    Finally, there are some oddball weapons like crossbows, automatic scout rifles etc. t

    The HS/NV scope is preferred by many people as a default choice, as it avoids changing their FOV with ADS and better highlights targets. The drawbacks are that it blocks peripheral vision and has a small delay with going from hip to full ADS, which might reduce your response time. Personally I never use HS/NV, I don't really like it.

    The best thing you can probably do is go to VR training, try out various weapons with various scope/sight configs and try to figure out what you're most comfortable using.
    3.4x should be used at the range that isn't too close for you to accurately track a running target without having to reposition your mouse or running out of mouse mat. I have a pretty large mat, an aiming technique that uses both the wrist and the arm (so I don't get "wrist locked" in fights), and a mouse sensitivity that's comfortably low for aiming but easy to operate; so I can use 3.4x scopes at close range and still track moving targets pretty well.
  3. Iridar51

    I don't recommend using anything higher than 2x on automatic weapons, or 3.4x-4x on semi-automatic weapons, not counting sniper rifles.

    There are great many downsides to using high-magnification scopes - reduced field of vision, increased chances of losing a close target to the random sidestep, increased recoil (in terms of pixels per shot), so generally it's better to stick with low magnification scopes.
  4. jaktrobot

    4x scope is nice on alot of lmgs and medic weps.
  5. CJ2DaRescue2

    what distance would be considered midrange and how do you use the 3.4 scope at close quarters. I would love to use the magnification at close range but it restricts your peripheral view so much.

    Edit: I should have prefaced my OP as AR's, carbines and LMG's to be specific.