Hey, recently I was playing engineer in a biolab and I did nothing but repair the past 30 minutes and I get randomly weapon locked.. I think it's because of my spitfire turret. It was never destroyed a single time so it couldn't have exploded and damaged friendlies. Other players said it's known to hit friendlies but not give you a warning. Please fix the bug of spitfire turrets causing a weapon lock.
Yeah, it's a bummer but the Spit will fire directly at a target regardless of what is in the way (including friendlies). The only surprise to me is that your allies kept getting in front of it long enough for a weapon lock without one of them destroying it.
You have to consider where you put it down. If you put it down facing a door that is being defended by allies it is inevitable that it will shoot your own people. A lot of times it isn't possible for it to guard a door and a troop can do it a lot better anyhow. Guard your back to prevent flanks. Have it in a location that means it will spot LAs on roofs. Elevate it when guarding doors so that it shoots over the head of friendlies.
Gotta love those bio lab weapon locks, never had it with spitfire, but get it all the time due to things not rendering.
I haven't had my weapons locked once and I have played since 2012. Sure I have made plenty of friendly damage and TKs but to me it seems that you must specialize in killing teammates to get weapons locked.
It is easy: try emptying a lasher (150 clip with low rpm) in a massive point defending/taking close quarters fight. Just try holding a door. Sorry I went offtopic. I love lasher, just hating the people that get in the middle of the plasma flow and spreads damage all around friendly soldiers. You don´t need to kill people to get your weapons locked, just some continuous damage. One hit here, another hit here, and so.