[Suggestion] Weapon: Bare Fist

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. PasitheeVS


    I recently had a Killing Spree of 18 with the Orion and thought:
    "totally UP, when I can't do at least 30 kills in a row, I could fight with my bare fist as well"

    This would be such a nice feature.
    The bare fist could use the knife slot and knife mechanics/damage model etc.
    just without knife and a maybe slightly different animation.

    Or 250 Damage, a 2,5-times as fast RoF and higher range would be interesting...

    It would be so cool to be able to beat enemies out of the life with your bare fists.

    It could be done like the No-Helmet-Helmet, selling us this "nothing" for either 5000 Certs or 1000 DBC

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  2. TheFlamingLemon

    And slowly the vanu infiltrator strips off more and more
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  3. FateJH

    Or we can just nerf the Orion.

    *goes to wash his mouth out with soap*
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  4. cbplayer

    I didnt even read the post and I give this post a 1-up
    also reverent
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  5. Lemposs

    Isn't the knife good enough to kill players with? I mean come back when you have killed a MAX with a knife, then we can consider if you're hardcore enough for fists :D
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  6. Pikachu

    Pay SC to be able to use your fists.
  7. PasitheeVS

    Like paying DBC *cough* to take off your helmet xD
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  8. LordAnnihilator

    Pay DBC to allow you to dual wield fists: higher RoF, lower DPS. Also let us pay DBC to put developer faces in place of enemy helmets and give us bonus points for finding and punching these faces. Instant returns!
  9. FunBotan

    It's not as simple as it looks. Your helmet actually contains stuff like HUD, armor, sheild surface, GPS, communication system and who knows what else. For the no-helmet you have to install all of it directly into your head, which is alot more complicated. Otherwise we'd just die from a single beamer headshot :confused:
  10. DooDooBreff

    hydraulic uppercut ftw
  11. AxiomInsanity87

    This idea is extremely relevant as there is a monetary incentive lol.
  12. SarahM

    What about boots & kicking?

    Now where did i put my gum...