Weapon Attachments are a bit too pricy...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Braken, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Braken

    In my opinion, weapon attachments are too expensive. If you could buy them with SC, then the current cert prices would be justified.

    It takes too long to customize weapons, especially since some low level cert upgrades are MUCH cheaper (1 - 50 certs for up to the middle level of an upgrade)

    Please revert the attachment prices to what they were before you doubled prices. 15 for sights and 50 for the others were fair.

    Also, make the flashlight 1 cert, or even free, since it's COMPLETELY useless.
  2. Braken

    Odd, this thread doesn't even appear on any of the forums... If this reply doesn't make it show up, then I'll re-post this thread.
  3. OpolE

    Foregrip was 100 certs. So lame should have been half
  4. Braken

    Honestly, I'd be fine if they kept the sights at 30 certs, but they really should lower the cert prices on the other attachments...

    As it is, it takes 340 certs just to unlock one attachment for each slot. ONE for each slot. That's 34% the cost of the most expensive weapons, and an even LARGER % for the cheaper weapons. (340% the price of the cheapest weapons...) Also, 340 certs can buy you up to the semi-final tier of Nanoweave Armor/Medic Gun/Repair Tool...

    It's just not right.
  5. Phyr

    Attachments are fine, the 1000c weapons on the other hand...
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  6. Eric Foxtail

    I can understand the prices for buying new weapons, but attachment prices are way too high, so I did some searching around and on a wiki page it displayed all the prices of the certifications for the game. All of the sights were in a 15-35 cert point range, and some of the other attachments were also incredibly cheap, like the flashlight which was 1 cert point, and the foregrip which was 50.

    Seriously...what the heck...

    Also, i noticed something in the profile page of my guy in-game, there was a percentage next to the amount of cert points i had. I'm wondering if this means there is a cap to the maximum amount of cert points you can get. If that's the case, does the cap raise? I'm just saying this because i've been saving up for a barrel supressor for a gun, if there's a cap, i probably won't be able to get it until a higher level, which would require me to grind until I got to that level.

    Not something I expected I would ever do in a FPS.
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  7. Braken

    Yeah, the attachment prices were like that late in the beta, when it was 500 xp per 1 cert. However, they changed it to 250 xp per cert, but doubled the cert prices for most things to "compensate" a few days before the beta ended. However, it doesn't really even out. It takes longer now than it did then to unlock attachments, it seems.

    ESPECIALLY since they didn't increase the passive cert gain like they said they would...
  8. tommygunyeah

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  9. Goats

    Nope, I'm pretty sure that percentage is how far you are to getting your next cert. It's possible I'm wrong, though.
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  10. Braken

    No, I believe you're right.
  11. VKhaun

    Playing for an evening and unlocking nothing is deeply disheartening. 100 certs is too much for attachments. It needs to be adjusted somehow. Maybe give them 'recommended' attachments which are only 25 points each and 5points for the scope or give the player one free attachment choice when they unlock a gun. Something to ease up.

    Or, you know... just make them not have stupid prices...
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  12. Eric Foxtail

    You are absolutely right, I figured that out when I was playing the game, the percentage bar had gone back down to 0% when I checked to see if I was near the "cap" of cert points >_>
  13. JP_Russell

    Yeah, I agree. 30 certs for the scopes is pretty reasonable. The typical cost of 100 certs for the other attachments, each on a per-gun basis, seems grossly overinflated to me. They really do seem about twice as expensive as they ought to be.
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  14. Braken

    Really, anything that makes the attachments easier to get is great in my book.
  15. Frosty7

    The thing that irked me the most was that most of the attachments don't really help much at all. Fore grip and laser sight? Guns hardly recoil vertically at all and it doesn't take much work to simply pull the mouse down to compensate. The only weapons which truly struggle at all when hip firing are NC weapons. Even then, the cross hairs are still acceptably tight when you are in situations which actually warrant hip firing. The sights are some what helpful, but the irons are very good too. Especially the TR and NC iron sights. Because of the emphasis on base capturing, I rarely find it necessary to use an optical scope. When that situation does occur the irons still work fine. Flashlight? Pfft! Night isn't dark enough (and for good reason).

    For the most part, weapon attachments are currently nothing more than novelty items. Hopefully they will either remedy that or reduce the costs to reflect the out-of-the-box efficiency you get on all guns. Then again, I still refuse to upgrade past the default weapons :D They're just that good to me.
  16. Braken

    Not really, but if that were the case, then the prices would be even MORE ridiculous, which is saying quite a lot.
  17. SpruceMoose

    I got a flashlight just to flash it at other people when they're trying to snipe
  18. FrontTowardEnemy

    100 certs for a compensator is crap. I say 50 max.
  19. Superdano

    I like the cert cost right where they're. 200 certs and you have a ****** out gun. You usually only buy 1 or 2 guns, that is one night of playing and you got your attachments.
  20. zbomb

    its def too expensive for free players. which makes me more inclined to pay to play. but since the game is free i cant complain. lol. makes it more to play for when attachments are an arm.and a leg each