[Suggestion] We should be visible to NV scopes

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Bastid721, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Bastid721

    Playing as INF it feels especially OP going against any foot soldier armed with these.
    I started as engineer and just figured NV is always good choice, when lo and behold i could see stealthers.
    Then I started playing INF...it as hard at first but ith time aaaai learned how to evdade such gear.
    But now we have it so easy to pick off ayone there is really no challenge. I admit closing ground is the dfficult area, but till then its easy pickings anyone cqc
    Also I see FOTM NW vs FLAK.
    I will always use flak if in assault mode and NW sniper mode.
    I jut wish to congratulate SOE.
    They made a class pure and simple. No frills, no joke.
  2. Sworaven

    Yeah, great idea! Let's nullify our ability for a mere 30 certs!

    Wish I could slap people through the screen sometimes ..
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  3. eldarfalcongravtank

    infiltrators should not be visible to nv scopes but to vehicle thermal vision! after all, thermal vision costs 200certs, has a smaller drawing distance than nv, does not illuminate terrain at night, and hardly has any benefit except for making infantry glow orange (while nv leaves them green). thermal should at least pick up the heat signature of cloaked wreaths and infiltrators up close
  4. Zerran

    Wait... you think the cloak is too powerful, and nanoweave blocking oneshot kills is not a problem? (serious question)

    If so, I have to disagree very strongly.

    I've been running HA lately with Nanoweave 4 (mostly to complement my resist shield). Earlier today I got shot at by a sniper, turned around and made the terrible decision to stand still for a moment to try and see where he was. Naturally, he shot me in the head. Except, thanks to my Nanoweave I was still alive, so I ran behind a corner and popped a med kit. Now I knew where he was, after seeing his shot, so I ran up to his sniper nest. Once again, he outplayed me and managed to sneak around behind me, with me totally oblivious to where he was. He then de-cloaked to kill me, but I heard it, whipped around, and killed him with 2 shots from my SAW and a knife after popping my shield. At that point, there would have been no way for him to kill me outside of a face-hug range BAR headshot followed by a knife.

    So, despite him outplaying me TWICE and playing quite well, I ended up with the kill due to mechanics that he had no real control over.

    The infiltrator class at long range is now counter-able with a suit slot (NW), that is not only useful against them, but quite useful all around. In close range, the infiltrator has to rely on a bag of tricks that fail completely against someone who can see through it, hear it, or anticipate it.

    TL;DR: Making infils visible to NV scopes is in general a good idea as a counter. However, they already have so many weaknesses that I think they would need a heavy buff before that.
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  5. BloodyPuma

    Guys, that person started discusion yesterday which ended with a lot work for a moderator. Cant remember such real life racist, vulgar and offending person on this board.

    This is just his "discussion rage-quit" revenge.

    Dont feed such behavior. Ignore.
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  6. MajiinBuu

    I need my cloak! When I'm trying to hide from that mean ol' Liberator it's my only defense!
    For NV scopes, maybe see a faint silhouette of a cloaked infiltrator, kind of like if you were on low graphics.
  7. Zcuron

    Smoke is infil's best friend: Need IR/NV to see through it, can't see cloaked infils through IR/NV.
  8. Skeith

    far as i know the pair of eyes is more than enough to counter our cloak
  9. Ztiller

    No, there really is no reason to.
  10. usages wnbgrintooth

    Don't mind poor ole Ztiller...he won't be happy till all INF's are removed from the game. I actually get great amusement reading his post though so don't mind seeing them at all.
  11. Jellyman_E

    I don't agree that we should be visible to night vision or thermal. My reasoning for saying that is because our cloak bends the light around us to match the light of our surroundings. Night vision / thermal uses infrared light. Last I checked infrared light is still a form of light, therefore bendable. So where we are not totally invisible to visible light we are completely invisible to infrared light. Most of you should be happy hearing that our cloaks are completely invisible to something.
  12. Fang7.62

    Wrong approach. NV shouldnt work like a thermal scope and simply dont highlight anything thats not a light source or a surface that reflects light good. Everybody is abusing the crap out of it, because its usable even in broad daylight, works like thermal, gives you perfect sight picture without anything blocking your view, makes horizontal and vertical correction way easier because its a giant crosshair. Its a tryhards go-to sight for every weapon except long range weps.
  13. Spoprockel

    Since our cloak isn't perfect when it comes to bending visible wave lengths it shouldn't be able to bend infrared light perfectly either by your logic.

    I'm not saying we should be highlighted like everbody else, but a slight green outline/flickering that can easily lose itself in some bushes/vegetation would be reasonable imo.
  14. Jellyman_E

    I agree with you completely, its only logical, But apparently that's not how the developers implemented it. The only thing I can see is the scope isn't strong enough to pick up the faint signatures of unbent light.