[Suggestion] We need Engies appealing for AIR and Tanks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gleerok, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Gleerok

    Exactly. Thats why Engies are completely redundant as ESF pilots.
  2. Botji

    I use one anyway, the times you take heavy damage its nice to be able to quickly repair it... and I think its lame to be a LA just to deny a kill, imo its just a notch above the good old disconnect before you die.
  3. Gleerok

    NAR are still faster for me than landing to repair. I tried running as an engineer with my current loadout, and by the time I got to the ground to repair from around 40%, my health was already replenishing already at more than 75%. It simply isn't worth it.

    I only run light assault for two reasons:

    Because of its usability: The only class with an ability that actually makes sense for those running Fire Supp + NAR (which makes Engies useless)

    And to escape from my aircraft when I get locked on by more than 3 rocket at once (since I am running no flares, that means certain death), yes, in that case its purely being lame by saying "NOPE" to lock-ons

    Bailing during Dogfights is a polemic subject, but I usually go "NOPE" when someone is using coyotes (yes in that case I do want to be a *****). Usually, at "fair" dogfights (classic nosegunVSnosegun) I'm usually too involved to even remember I can bail, glancing at the chance of hitting the enemy just "one more time" in the hopes that he will be damaged and on fire after I'm gone, lol.

    The kill denying is a consequence of running as a LA. Not an objective, at least on my case.

    I don't run light assault because I like being a ***** (although it feels nice when its about coyotes or lockons), I run light assault because its the "least worst" of all classes to fly with.

    Do you think I would ever bring this thread that proposes making engineers more attractive to aircraft if I was satisfied running as a light assault? Nope, I wouldn't.
  4. BeyondNInja

    I support the idea that Nanite Auto repair should be default, with a passive cert line, but acccessible only to engineers (possibly only half efficient without an engineer gunning as well).
    They made Sunderer AMS default because of the almost ubiquitous equip rate, and now there is much more variety in loadouts.
    Do the same for Auto repair on *most* vehicles (may not be balanced for all idk) with the caveat that it only works for engineers.

    I don't think the Engineer is currently unnecessary for piloting vehicles but there's nothing wrong with double synergy.
  5. Flag

    Stealth + NAR on MBTs would probably be too good.
    But if you're not going to let MBTs have it baseline, how can you give it to other vehicles and not run into the same problem?
  6. Gleerok

    Except the default NAR would be much slower than dedicated NAR.

    I don't think Stealth + default NAR would straight outperform other combinations like armor + default NAR, or dedicated NAR. Combinations would still hold their advantages and flaws, just like they do know, with the difference that a much weaker version of NAR would be available for those piloting as engineers.
  7. Flag

    I'm still not convinced.
  8. BeyondNInja

    But if you're not going to let MBTs have it baseline, how can you give it to other vehicles and not run into the same problem?[/quote]

    I think he's referring to the distinction between a NAR variant that is really focussed on being a convenience and a dedicated NAR variant that is powerful enough to give a more tactical advantage.
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  9. MisterBond


    "Flares no longer mandatory -> Lock ons changes"

    What the hell are you talking about?
  10. Flag

    You can evade lock-ons by making them crash into terrain etc + FS is super-strong.
    (for ESFs)
  11. Gleerok

    No. This means you can not use 99% hit rate rockets anymore, and that they can be evade with skill + terrain. Something that should have been there since the introduction of Lock-On Launchers. Definitely a welcome change, since ESFs not longer need to NECESSARILY run Flares to survive and can pick other loadouts, such as Fire Supp, or something else that suits their needs.

    What I meant is: With this new "usable" loadout, more people opted to use Fire Supp.

    Fire Supp + Nanites rendered Engineers basically even more redundant as pilots, SINCE nanites ARE mandatory for Air.
  12. MisterBond

    This has always been the case though, what thet hell?

    The only time you couldn't do that was with the Striker when it flew THROUGH terrain

    And rockets still do avoid terrain, they don't like fly over mountains or anything, but they will to a small degree try to avoid hills etc, unless that's been recently changed
  13. ShadowyN

    Fire AA launcher at ESF or Lib flying overheard. Watch as the rocket does a 55 degree turn into the mountain/roof/misc contruction next to you, because it's trying to predict where the ESF will be in 5 seconds, rather than simply following the aircraft with gradual turning.
    Earlier, before the lock-on changes, this used to be how the Annihilator worked, which made it useful for specific situations where you didn't want rockets to go straight at your target, whereas other lock-ons simply flew directly at the aircraft.
    Now all lock-ons behave the same and do the same stupid headfirst-into-mountains ****.
    Never tried out the Striker, so maybe that behaved differently.
  14. Flag

    No it wasn't always the case.
    Some incarnations of the launchers made it so that once fired it was a 100%* chance to hit, sometimes even if you flared (that last one was a bug however).

    *You could, but the requirements were so insanely specific that you couldn't really do it.
  15. TheBlazing

    I can see your point at least for aircraft - I rarely, if ever, get out of my ESF to repair it since I have level 3 or 4 NAR. A passive buff when flying as engineer would certainly make sense.

    I'm not much of a tanker so I'll leave that to my heavy armored companions.

    Sounds cool. Maybe a short-range marker that directs MANA turret and Hornet missiles to the target and removes their normal range restriction? Or a longer-range one that does not call in any missiles but very visibly "marks" one single target for air strike and "pairs" it with a friendly ESF carrying A2G weaponry or Liberator, so that that particular ESF/Lib will focus its fire on that target.
  16. Cindil

    I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who flies stealth.

  17. Gleerok

    No, the striker doesn't behave differently.

    And do you really think 99.8% hit rate launchers of before were really better? Honestly, if you get locked on and you are too far away from the ground, you are doomed because you can't do much to evade. Now if you fly close to the ground, yes, you can do something about it.

    Even today, after the lock on changes, I still find myself in "doomed" situation where an entire squad locks ons and fires at the same time. Do you know the feeling of not running flares and being chased by 3+ rockets you know you WILL NOT evade because there are no obstacles for you to use? Of course, that is a result of TEAM WORK, and situational awareness. Too bad for the ESF pilot.

    BEFORE the update, that occurred pretty much ALL THE TIME. It didn't matter if launchers were working together, of if they were using them in the right situation. You would get hit no matter what, and you would need flares to survive.

    Lock ons now still do their job pretty well, specially after the range buff -> Locking on is faster in close ranges. Therefore repelling those who farm spawn rooms and such.
  18. Gleerok

    I would say, pretty much xD.

    Rare the times I see a stealth fighter around... wait, that is ironic xD

    Now, seriously, no. Most fighters do use NAR as far as I am aware. Now if SOE would just give us some figures...
  19. Dinapuff

    I use vehicle stealth. It is good for slipping away after getting in the thick of it during group combat or getting an unsuspecting flank off as most pilots have to use the minimap to locate additional targets. It doesn't always work, but I actually think the nerf it recieved in activation time was sufficient to balance NAR. At least its purpose for group combat has become significantly reduced (as you are easily spotted on the minimap and thus risk being shot before it kicks in).
  20. Flag

    You're right -now-.
    But there was a time when the Annihilator and Striker had their own tracking algorithm, one that was superior to the other launchers in just about every way.