[Suggestion] We need a beacon status somewhere on the Squad area.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Feb 13, 2022.

  1. AntDX316

    It show like this and have like a Green indicator beacon icon by it showing it's up and where. If there is no beacon it should be a Beacon Red Indicator. This way people don't replace beacons that are already up and see where it is as they can see the location on the map. We can also see for "bad" beacons as narrowing down the location is there. The other issue is people not putting beacons for fear or replacing good ones and have a bad reputation. Having it as a quick status would make it where people can tell if it's up and where it is on the map so they don't have to search All of the Planetside 2 map to see. Also when there are tons of people in an area the beacon could be where all the icons are making it even Harder to see. When time is of the essence, not having my proposal exist is bad.

    Sure, it can bug(as with many other bugs in Planetside 2) and say the wrong thing or nothing at all but having something is better than currently nothing.

    Also this Beacon active status should also show up on the Social Menu too this way everyone in the Platoon especially the Platoon Leader can see where their squad's beacons are setup. The map isn't small like Counter Strike. There are around 80 maps on some continents. Not having it narrowed down like this is not good.

    We need to know if beacons are down when in a heavy battle where concentration for that cannot happen. This way people can put beacons up when they are down even if it's next to them in the open as they saw their whole squad wiped besides themselves. It could become Beaconside 2 which is why having a 5-7 second timer before respawning after death should be set.


    A lot of people like the game after understand after goals have been known. Some people like having No goals as shown in the Bio Lab discussions.. I'm just trying to make it easier for goals to be understood, known, and done.
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  2. RabidIBM

    Bumping because it's a good idea.
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  3. Towie

    Yep agreed.

    I go to great lengths to place the 'perfect' beacon, usually on a tower and with protection, only for some dumbo to place another one on the ground where it lasts for seconds. Even though I clearly state in squad chat that i've just placed it.
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  4. AntDX316

    there should be a confirmation too, are you sure you want to replace beacon (location) and a small photo of it on the map first.

    Also, I just use ejection seat on the ESF with drifter jump jets on light assault to place the "perfect" beacon headache free. This way people Have to take the effort to destroy it rather than placing it on ground level which Any novice can take out like it's nothing. You can get a bunch of good spawns out before it gets destroyed.