WDS: The Battle Begins

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 7, 2014.

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  1. Bungee

    If the winner is meaningless then why bother to change it? It wont get cancelled.. it cant be reliably changed. So... you just have to suck it up and say GG.

    I kind of agree it is meaningless but there will be some NC out there who are utterly convinced that its their MLG skills that are winning them this event.. Nothing can be gained by shattering those illusions.. (they are probably enjoying this) We should let SOE learn from this and then they will do better next time.

    What happens next is probably a whole bunch of threads drawing fanciful conclusions about factional weapon balance from the WDS results.
  2. ncDieseL

    It needs changing/cancelling because it's currently destroying the game play. I couldn't give a rats *** about the competition, I just want to see game play return to normal. This weekend has been bad enough, I can't imagine 3 weeks of this.
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  3. Bingabong

    Well said. It needs to be pulled as a game mechanic immediately. It is total crap. The person who came up with this idea seriously dropped the ball. I don't think it can be implemented successfully because it is always going to encourage population imbalances, as do alerts. Get rid of these "events". They destroy good battles and ruin the game.
  4. MGP

    Just give the victory to NC and end this farce.
  5. ncDieseL

    It's nothing to do with pop imbalances, it's more about zergs ghost capping uncontested continents. I had a decent game last night because of an alert. While the zergs went off and did their thing, those of us that actually wanted to fight went for the bio labs.
  6. Ganelon

    It's terrible, end it.
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  7. Bingabong

    It has everything to do with population imbalances. You plainly play NC who are the current flavour of the month so have the overpopulation much of the time. Whilst you have the population advantage you don't think it's a problem. It is. Overpopulation needs to be discouraged. It isn't good enough to give xp bonuses to the underpopulated side. The overpopulated side need minuses.
  8. SirTekno

    Let's not start the overpopulation complaints again. Seriously, the TR used to overpopulate the NC and VS all of the time, and now after the NC start having more players join more often, you think it is time to start complaining. It's not like NC was always overpopulating. Seriously, I don't want to hear another faction overpopulation complaint.

    It is not hard to dodge the overpopulated areas and go elsewhere, it is not like this 24/7 and on each continent. GET OFF INDAR!
  9. Bingabong

    No let's continue the overpopulation complaints. It's quite predictable that NC players at the moment will try and make out there's no reason to complain. There is. However it's not like people complaining about population imbalances are calling for the NC in particular to be nerfed or something. Whatever side has the population advantage server wide gets an xp minus. This will encourage balance. It's not specifically against the NC. It's real easy to go and play your Vanu alt for a change. This way the overpopulated side gets no more xp than the underpopulated side. So there's no reason to play the overpopulated side.
  10. SirTekno

    However, people should not have to switch from their main to go and satisfy the unpopulated.

    I stuck on NC the hole time TR would overpop us for weeks!

    Each faction has their own time of overpopulation. It happens, get over it and make the best to counter it.
  11. ncDieseL

    We are talking about WDS zerging here, take the over pop dead horse somewhere else.
  12. WarmasterRaptor

    WDS or "the days Alerts stopped meaning something"
  13. Bingabong

    As I pointed out and you being an NC player want to ignore, the WDS is encouraging overpopulation, so it is completely appropriate that the subject be brought up in this thread. You NC players have no credibility at the moment when discussing overpopulation because you are the main beneficiaries of it. If SOE do something to discourage overpopulation, as they should, you will benefit from that some day when you aren't the flavour of the month. You need to be discouraged from being on the overpopulated side. It shouldn't really effect dedicated NC players too much. It's the 4th faction players who will be brought in to line. If you want to concentrate on zerging then fine. But you can't dismiss the overpopulation problem so easy, much as you'd like too.
  14. Yottos

    I don't think overpopulation has much bearing on WDS. It simply IS NOT POSSIBLE for one faction to control every single continent in the game. The minority zerg just has to pick it's battles.

    Onto WDS: it is easier than I thought to farm these points. There was a NC zerg at...well I can't remember the base right now. Anyway, we simply skirted them and went along the lattice to Paris (100 WDS at the time) and got over 400 WDS in 20 minutes. The capture timers were the only bottlenecks.

    I'm not convinced WDS is having the desired effect that SOE wants. It is so much easier to dance around each-other, bypass the big fights, and go right for the high value WDS capture locations. Whether that's on the other side of the continent or on a different continent all together. An outfit mate of mine for the 2K WDS in the first two days will little to no "work." We're just farming the WDS at the expense of farming each other ...:confused:
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  15. Wusl

    The WDS transfromes the game into a huge massive zerg .... nothing more nothing less kills the game ... well like u guys did with star wars galaxies ...
  16. ncDieseL

    Sure, discredit me because of my colour.
  17. ScrapyardBob

    The problem with WDS at this point in time is that you have done nothing to address the 4th faction and population imbalance issues on the servers.

    - Bring back the server-level XP bonus for playing an under-represented faction. Make it as large as the per-continent bonus and make it stack.

    - Add a "local" bonus. Every 2-3 minutes, examine the hex and the surrounding 6 hexes. If there are at least 24 players within those 7 hexes, then the center hex gives a bonus to the underdogs. Max out the bonus at 50% for being outnumbered 5:1.

    - Give incentives like 7-day or 14-day +50% XP boosts to players who roll up a new character on an under-popped faction on a particular server.
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  18. Tragachinos

    Some thoughts on how to improve WDS without completely redesigning it:

    =Zerg control

    Increase the amount of WDS points gained by defending the facility in order to encourage zergs to fall back and defend a valuable base, potentially fighting off a zerg of enemy faction. This will potentially increase the amount of actual big fights we all love and decrease the appeal of ghostcaping a base on the other end of the map. To make it work the amount of WDS points granted for defending a facility should be slightly bigger(10-15%) than amount of WDS points granted for capturing a facility. Also, to avoid potential exploit, a cooldown for granting WDS points for base defend should be implemented.

    =Population control

    4thfactioning is something that affects all the servers and so far the measures taken to reduce impact of faction switching weren't very effective. To reduce WDS impact on the population imbalance problem the personal rewards system must be tweaked. Reducing the amount of WDS contribution points needed to be grinded to unlock tier3 rewards every week will be a step in the right direction. With supply caches costing say 200-500-1000 points it will create an opportunity to grind those points on another character. For example, you did get your tier3 reward as an NC and there are still 4 days left in WDS week and some people will find it tentative to start grinding those rewards on another character on another faction. Everyone loves free stuff. With 2000 points cost not all the people have this opportunity to grind those points on more than one character, this way encouraging the 4th factioneers to stay the entire week in one faction. As much as I despise 4th factioning, it's a mentality and a way to play for many people. So instead of restricting it, why don't you try to encourage faction switching when they are done grinding free stuff on one character to at least somewhat reduce the population imbalance.

    =WDS and Alerts controversy

    As someone pointed out in this thread, Alerts and WDS almost always create different goals. While having more objectives is good for tactical play it also can lead to frustration and situations where part of the empire ignore alert objectives going after juicy WDS objectives and viceversa, leading to rage and calling names in command channel. To avoid it, Alert objectives for Biolab/Techplant/Amp Station types of Alert should have bonus to WDS points granted for capturing/defending it. It will make organized play a bit easier and at least spare most of us from hearing "Your noob outfit went to Zurvan", "No, your noob outfit went to Saurva when it's amp station alert!" on command channel.

    =Community stuff

    Introducing some kind of announcement both on login screen, facebook and those weekly shows SOE does on twitch can improve population situation by redirecting influx of the new players to some server. Say VS is vastly underpopulated on Cobalt, I'm sure Luperza (or whoever hosts those streams on twitch, i don't watch them) coming out and saying something like "Hey, do you like spandex, cyclism, lasers and crabs? Join Vanu Sovereignty on Cobalt! They do love all those things too and need your help to spread spandex wearing fashion across the Auraxis", or some video posted on facebook/twitter: "Hey, do you like goggles, dakadaka and being an ******* in general? Join TR on Miller! Those guys need your help!" will make an impact on new players choise of the faction redirecting them to underpopulated factions in an attempt to improve population balance.
    No offense inteded, just kidding about the factions, servers and traits :) I'm sure you get the idea of promoting underpopulated factions on certain servers.
  19. Chazt

    Last I checked the Vanu is still winning. Why are people complaining about NC exactly?
  20. Yottos

    I suppose that depends on which server you're referring to.

    I don't see how overpopulation/4th faction has any bearing on WDS. Yesterday I/we earned 400 WDS in 20 minutes without firing a single shot. We didn't even encounter resistance until we had finished capturing Paris (100 WDS at the time) and even then it was half hearted and easily overcome. Regardless of your population size you can and should bypass the major fights for the high value, poorly defended WDS nuggets.
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