WDS ruin gameplay, offer no rewards and no recocnition

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kite Carling, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Kite Carling

    Seriously, WDS played hell with already thin strategic objective-based-play, always devolving into blobs of tanks and sundies waiting out caps, and aircheese divisions arriving just as the flip occured.

    This took place for weeks, after which you where left with loads of single-use camos that duplicated permanent camos (extra waste of time here: SOE say you can ask for an exchange - but you can't, despite how many emails go back and forth, all you can do is delete those camos, via more emails!).

    Don't try anything like this again please SOE, it was rubbish!

    Please work on a dynamic system whereby control of strategic, defensive and resource-rich locations determines the flow of battle over the various continents. Decisions between reinforcing a bridge for safety, or trying to flank an opponent to open up an attack on his nanite supply is much better play than "wait here and spam the spawn lads, there's 50 WDS points coming when this cap goes through"
  2. Kite Carling

    * ...no real rewards, incentives or recognition

    dunno how to edit titles, and they scroll around so I can't see them easily :(
  3. 6n0m0n

    I personally think the modification to how points were awarded (that is, rewarding base defense as well as base capture) solved most of the problems with the wds's structure. I'd agree that it initially rewarded silly pushes a bit too much, but I think they sorted this. Just my opinion though :)
  4. Santondouah

    Fully agreed, this destroyed the gameplay: zergs zergs zergs and only even fights were 100 vs. 100. I don't like this Planetside 2
  5. NyaR

    Death to WDS