WDS Preseason and Upcoming Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malorn, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. Vandali

    WDS was a reason i picked up PS2 again, so it's sad to see that it's all about the zerg and you'd think that issues like the faction switching would have been fixed sharpish, as they're actually pretty good when numbers are near to even as possible.
  2. Spazmatism

    I think the scoreboard for week 1 and 2 should be erased after this...
    NC and VS have over 100,000 points to catch up on now.
  3. Sovereign533

    This post settled me down a bit. I did praise the alert system when it first came out. I did think of it as a great idea. I had to take a long break due to real life. And I came back to a completely demoralized NC and an overpopulated TR.
    And I agree that I'm not helping the situation by logging off when an alert starts. But I've been a doormat to a TR (dominating) victory to many times to be motivated to try and defend again versus them.
    On our server the TR has a zerg that's conditioned to go for the alert objectives head over heels. And the other factions are basically conditioned to show apathy to the alerts. Resulting in the situation you're describing.
    (I would even go as far as to ask to completely disable the alert system on my server, I know it won't happen, but can't blame me for asking, right?)

    I don't think tying alerts to wds would stop people from showing apathy. As it stands here, I try my best to show apathy towards the wds to not be incredibly frustrated and demotivated in the game. I try to ignore the scoring as much as possible. Basically shoving my head into the ground and go "If I can't see it, it isn't there".
    Tying alerts to this system won't change that. And I don't think it'll change much for other players either.

    With the alerts on off peak hours won't fix the problems on Miller. Because from what I can see is that during the off peak hours the populations are even more out of balance. I don't have all the data of course. I think I saw the NC won 2 alerts in the past 7 days. And both were Indar territory.
  4. ViXeN

    The changes were awesome! VS on Waterson are now in the lead. :D
  5. Crowne

    It's not lettuce, it's just been too many tomatoes.

    Have these changes been implemented? I thought they were for the future™.
  6. ViXeN

    If they haven't then we're still in the lead even with the pop imbalance. Holy Jebus! :eek:
    • Up x 1
  7. Scudmungus

  8. Peter Daniel

    I like the cheating they done to the score so the TR are not nerfed....
  9. Keldarris

    Regardless of the tinkering, tooling or changing of game mechanics or the rules of the WDS. The end result is the TR win. An that's said with sarcasm. The Ultimate Empire Showdown when the game was released went to the TR even though the VS one. Hell, the NC argued on the forums that the VS were the winners. Of course, my server at the time, Genudine won all three major contests for the NC!

    There are so many balancing problems with this game, that its hard to take SOE serious on the WDS. If the VS or NC get gear or weapons that are good, they'll be nerfed within a week. If the TR gets gear or weapons, its NEVER nerfed, unless the other two factions also get the same nerf. An then there is the 4th faction players that have just about switched to the TR these days. Each day, I watch my faction on the server lose alert after alert. Moral is low and sinking quickly. Many players are simply cynical of PS2....unless.....your on the side of the TR. Then things are great and awesome.

    I do not even play for the WDS. Not even on my radar. This game is slowly losing all attraction. Frankly I have $60 for the 'game budget'. I'll decide on one of two purchases: Battlefield 4 or Planetside 2 (more SC). Right now, I have very little incentive to spend it towards SOE and rather towards their competitor: EA Games. So many it might be a good idea to place the VS and NC on equal footing with the TR. I'm not alone when I say I'm tired of the B.S. from SOE when it comes to the NC.
    • Up x 2
  10. Targanwolf

    Do it ...already.
  11. NccWarp9

    a shocker .. week 2 winners are .. TR. Who would have predicted that, ha ?
    Let me be the first to predict week 3 winner..... its TR... another shocker, a perfect trifecta, a hattrick.

    On Cobalt about 90% of people I talked to dont even know about the WDS and when explaind they dont care. They dont care about alerts let alone WDS. The most used term is "that other ******** SOE ****** up".

    So, none is paying attention to WDS. It does not even register. Its just Zerg here, zerg there. So much open space and its useless. Planetside is a series of TDM maps:( while once it was a huge sandbox and now bullies without imagination have taken it hostage with lettuce.

    Such a shame SOE, such a shame
  12. Tragachinos

    Well, after watching TR population grow and other factions drop for the last 3 weeks, I have this to say: **** this ****. And **** SOE inability to react, good luck in playing optimized TRside. I'm done with this ****.
  13. Kaale

    Hate to Burst your bubble but the only changes since last week are warpgate rotation. Scoring changes not yet implemented.

    And since that we have actually seen TR pop dropping (that and the fact people have realized you only need to log on once to get your free XP bonus).
  14. Being@RT

    Speaking of the scoring changes, isn't it amazing how much confusion there has been about it? And the devs didn't step in at any point to say "yes, the scoring changes are in" or "no, the scoring changes aren't in yet".

    edit: that second comment would be followed by "..we are actively talking about it but can't give an estimated time or more information, sorry." of course ;)
  15. Kaale

    Yes I resorted to Tweeting Malorn directly after seeing the shift in scores last week. His reply was no changes yet.

    --- No timescale :rolleyes:
  16. dirtYbird

    Is the intention to beta test these proposed changes for another 5 weeks at the completion of the "pre season #1"?
  17. Being@RT

    "We're meeting every day (sometimes several times a day!) about this very subject. Rest assured it is very important for us to give the best possible answer. We'll try to get it out to you ASAP. For now though, I can't give any details or ETA, sorry."

  18. NinjaTurtle

    Every concern I have you are addressing so thank you
  19. HerpTheDerp

    Well guys, hope you ******* love Indar because with this change that will be only continent ever played, even more than it is now
  20. NccWarp9

    And the winner of third week is .... TR.
    That is a surprising development.....
    I think I will go and make a TR character.