Waterson VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WarpNaccele, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. WarpNaccele

    Since TR and NC seem to have threads about their current states, behold Waterson's population balance:
  2. Ghosty11

    According to the Waterson TR and NC we are OP and not allowed to have a higher server world pop. ;)
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  3. MorganM

    They are all just mad we can still take continents from them even during prime time. They gotta have their off-hours guys clean up for them! HAH!

    Oh and Waterson VS are not only 27.5 % more classy but twice as sexy!!!!:p
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  4. LowTechKiller

    They probably fled to Mattherson where they enjoy a hefty population advantage.
  5. CaptainYamerica

    If VS matched NC or TR numbers, I would be very scared.
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  6. Stadulator

    The thing a LOT of TR and NC on Waterson don't realize is that the VS on Waterson are pretty much all PS1 vets, former outfit friends ect... We hold our own because we outfight the zerg.

    A couple of big outfit leaders combined with smaller ones often use the same TS channel and parse the tactical info down, i.e. the Waterson VS Alliance (read brain trust/hive mind.) :D

    And the whining would be deafening
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  7. PieBringer

    You guys use weapons that shoot hot plasma, your aircraft flies by making reality move around it, and your tank is powered by Magnets- HUGE F***ING MAGNETS!

    How would we be able to fight back if your population was higher?

    It's difficult enough to fight crazies in such small groups, I pity anyone who has to fight entire armies.

    Seriously, it's worse than fighting those guys that don't wear shirts, and it takes a really messed up head to fight without a shirt!
  8. Stadulator

    Actually, our tanks are powered by the blood of the vanu soldiers. It's well documented
  9. Ghosty11

    NOM NOM NOM says the Magmower.
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  10. Ash87

    Stadulator pretty much confirms what I say on the matter these days.

    To address Yamerica, no... you Really want the VS to match the TR and NC in numbers.

    Your assuming that skill of a tight knit group would scale up, when I do not see that happening. This is not an insult aimed at the VS outfits on Waterson, it's simply a matter of numbers.

    Currently with the VS numbers being so small, the VS are able to keep a tight leash on the people they have. You have outfits like XOO and the Sents who are capable of rapid deployment, because: When your outfit leader says jump, you ask how high. This is possible, because the groups have few people involved who don't know what they are doing.

    Contrast that with Waterson TR. I have not been in an op, where it did not stop at one point, while someone either Asked what the group was doing, or asked why they were doing it, or asked how to do something simple... because the Waterson TR have a ton of new blood people who don't quite know how things work yet... And our population numbers are nowhere as bad as they used to be (NC Pretty much Match TR numbers these days).

    When the Waterson VS gain equal pop, you'll have them zerging, because they can... You'll have infuriatingly annoying, and unquestionably idiotic people who believe superior numbers=superior tactics.

    With equal pop, comes equal levels of silliness.

    Right now, VS on waterson, is what would happen if you stripped out all the fat and ignorance from the Waterson TR or Waterson NC.
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  11. hawken is better

    In regards to individual continent population, they regularly do. I personally haven't noticed the "mega unbeatable tactical VS" presence that I see people chanting about. Whenever my outfit is on ops, we pretty much never lose to them unless we're severely outnumbered.
  12. Scatterblak

    yeah, there's plenty of mine on the bottom of a bunch of them. Harrassers are apparently powered the same way....
  13. The King

    Nah....was always this low..The ones who stopped playing isn't playing. They're waiting for SOE.
  14. Eclipson

    It doesn't really make a difference, as Waterson TR is so uncoordinated with each other that we lose most of the time. So you hardly even notice that we have more pop, except in the early mornings.
  15. CaptainYamerica

    Never said they were unbeatable, but they win a LOT with the numbers they have. Out of the last 8 alerts I have been on for, they have won 6 of them.
  16. ReconTeemo

    you are clueless poor thing. Most of the time they don't often get focused by TR and NC during alerts. They just ghost cap conts with little to no resistance, while the TR and NC go to head to head each other and ignore the VS(which happens alot). The vanu also tend to use the NC to tag team the TR (vice versa), and TR ended up getting pinned down to their warpgate. That's when the NC and VS have no choice but to fight each other. NC don't see Vanu as a big threat. That's when they are wrong, and underestimate the Vs. What's even funny is how the NC typically lose to VS (even when NC have the most pop). VS on waterson is a great faction, just low on numbers.
  17. Slyguy65

    Not really, in fact the NC pity you, why else would they focus only on TR and let you ninja alerts...

    VS, don't realize they actually have a pretty nice gig, sitting back and ninjaing alerts without dealing with double teams or even consistently hard fights.
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  18. CaptainYamerica

    Can you ever make a post without trying to be a ***** or belittling people? Or stroking your own ego?

    Think we don't know that VS ghost cap? Think either of the other two factions don't do it as well?

    Point still stands that VS have the best organization for their numbers.

    You can't generalize about any of the factions. Not all players think, feel, play or communicate the same. And there are enough differences among the factions that you really can't play them the same way and shouldn't be played the same way... not unless you want to simply play with a bunch of AI bots running around.
  19. NeverWas

    all while the TR doing nothing about it and farm waves of NC.

    good job making so many excuses and couldn't even spare a squad or two to defend VS force.
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  20. Flying Mug

    It's super fun being Waterson Vanu.

    I do feel like we don't have enough Lasher spam sometimes though.
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