Waterson TR: Now you know how it feels.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InMedeasRage, May 11, 2013.

  1. Tommyp2006

    We would rather you have more pop, more blood for us to dye our armor with. Also, congrats to the VS on capping indar, job well done. You put up a great fight. I've never seen so many magriders in my life as I did at Indar Waste treatment last night.
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  2. Badname3073

    Why does anyone care who "won"? It is a "pure" game (that is, no monetary or other tangible reward for completing a "victory" condition), which is thus meant to be played solely for fun. Yet, I see many people who take it as seriously as if their real lives depended on it. Why do you take it so seriously? Don't you realize it is not actually real?
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  3. LT_Latency

    The problem is the time commitment. I would reroll to VS but I have like 250 hours worth of cert gain on on my TR character. I am not giving that up.

    Then need to create a way for us to help VS but not lose everything we earned
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  4. Tommyp2006

    maybe people enjoy the competition? We take pride in the fight we put up, and enjoy having a genuine rivalry.

    Loyalty even after death.
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  5. Badname3073

    How can your rivalry be genuine with skewed numbers?
  6. vincent-

    Neutralizing and turning around to warpgate NC than back to TR for giggles.
  7. vincent-

    We live in a society that doesn't have death around every corner were wars are fought in poor 3rd world countries. We don't fight each other everyday to impress the opposite sex with blood on our hands.

    We grow fat now and most obey the rules and laws of today and the only way to get some of that tribal feeling of conquering another being or thing, we have made these games our lives and priority for our deep subconscious to accept without going out to murder our fellow man over petty things like pride, greed, and/or lust.

    Do you even crawl in the pool of madness in your mind bro?
  8. Shockwave44

    Funny, bunch of your TR buddies said it would be capped back today. I guess you can't believe everything the TR says.

    We capped the continent. I'd call that actual victory.
  9. Obscura

    You've yet to inform me of the "actual victory" though.. from what I've seen is that you lost indar to a less populated faction and now own 0 continents whatsoever despite being on the side with the most players. The TR only get cap more than 1 continent from 12am-12pm when they outnumber the other two factions by 40% sometimes, and after the NC and VS get online you quickly lose whatever you took.

    So even though you have overwhelming numbers, you fail to make actual use of them until your opposition has gone to sleep LOL.
  10. Alarox

    TR/NC alternate between being highest by 2% throughout primetime, then NC have the advantage around midnight, then in the morning the TR have a huge pop advantage.

    Source: Me playing all the time.
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  11. ItsJustDash

    I can also confirm this. Sometimes though the TR rock and roll around Midnight.
  12. Kunotron

    Wow. That is possibly the most beta post I have seen on the forums in months. I can practically imagine the OP yelling at his screen and making rude gestures at the screen as his faction took Indar. "What up now TR? You like that HUH!?!?!"

    At least I know what to use my last character slot for. Waterson VS TK character.
  13. Total_Overkill

    Doesnt the entirety of the TR playerbase already have one of those? Do you really need a second?
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  14. Chioxin

    Blah, this thread is so full of ill intentions =/

    The fight was good, and it requires a lot of effort on Indar specifically to push the other team out no matter what during prime time. We did it with the help of NC on Friday during prime time.... Give NC and VS the props they deserve, because that is the nature of 3v3 PVP and it requires 2 people teaming up to push another team out of their foothold unless you have superior numbers. In which case... You practically already have your 2v1 just mostly of your own dudes.

    Also, let me add...

    GG TR. The fight to actually push you into your warp gate and remove your continent bonus was absolutely amazing and a lot of fun. I mean, we broke the server the fight was /that/ epic. I couldn't resupply at ammo boxes and healing/rezzing was lagged. Hell when I put the final round into a vehicle, it would disappear for 5 seconds and finally rubble would spill out from it's last known location.

    You guys fight with the same vigor we VS fight with when we want to hold things, and you've done so on a number of occasions and pulled through. It's impressive.

    The battle, was, amazing. You guys put up a fight to the very end from what I could see, and you deserve props for that. =) Looking forward to doing it again!

    [[ I wasn't there for the cap against NC so I can't say anything about that. I was certainly shocked when I logged on to find that had happened. ]]
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  15. toxs

    Last two nights TR had a dominating victory. I was instructed to change servers by the victors. I originally was going to play as TR, but I cant stand being on the stacked team.

    Hm. What if there was temporarily alliance system during super stacked alerts? Wouldnt matter becuase The pop would still be too high.
  16. NeverWas

    yeah , dominant victory 5 o clock in the morning with 60% server pop. if they couldn't do even that, there's no need of existence for the TR.
  17. Patrician

    No thanks, you don't want to see me in purple spandex honestly. :)
  18. MikeyGeeMan

    So much bitterness.

    I personally have found that through defeat we gain insights into how we can improve ourselves and our team by learning to adapt to new situations.

    The New Sovereignty offensive is full of lessons. So to answer the Op question, how does it feel.

    It feels good, for a short time on the server we had some competition. Now we go back and learn and adapt and continue to play.

    So the real question isn't how does it feel TR?

    The real question is, regardless of agreements to get the manpower advantage..

    How did it feel to win one? I bet it felt good. I also bet it feels hollow.

    That's how we feel. You can win, but winning by overwhelming numbers feels Like a hollow victory.

    You asked how it felt, I told you. The battles worth remembering are these.

    The battles where you were outnumbered, and you didn't give up. Where you put everything you had on the line.

    I don't remember all the matches and competitions where I won easily. Those fade so quickly . It's the epic struggle. And having the ability to adapt and try again that you remember. You won't ever forget it, but more importantly, neither will we.

    Here's what's great about watersons tr, we don't quit, we don't give up. And things like this only make us fight harder.

    So props for your victory. You deserve it. You found a way to get overwhelming numbers and warp gate the infamous TR.

    Great Tactical victory. I look forward to shooting you on the battlefield.
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  19. Arquin

    Just switch to tr lol problem solved
  20. Kaktwox

    I would like to congratulate the Waterson VS on their ability to really show how pathetic they are once again by being the ***** for the NC.

    Have you ever thought that reason no one wants to play your faction is because you have absolutely no integrity?