what sorts of information would be helpful? I've verified that all the appropriate ports are accessible and my connection seems stable (no issues web browsing or playing other online games.) I can fire up wireshark and try and get some captures if that would be helpful
Thanks for the quick reply: I play on the waterson server It was happening on esamir once again like in the video,but it does happen on other continents as well. And it seems to happen randomly at times, the way I fix it is just going to a low pop area for the whole thing to fix itself and even then it may not work and i have to go to the dreaded amerish continent to fight really small fights. EDIT: And like I said in the post above it has been good since you guys restarted the server way back to fix this issue around the time of this video.
Just logged this morning to check, and yep still unplayable and still no response on the matter from SoE anywhere about the FIOS issue. I'm guessing the NYC area playerbase was deemed too small to care about while shoveling in more $10 helmets and pay2win plans.
Absolutely still happening, and Gruntilda is right on with that thread link and quote. We've been comparing notes so we even have a good idea where you should be looking. (And Luperza I PM'd you on these boards about a week ago trying to direct you to that thread. Don't kniw if you saw it, otherwise it's stuck in "conversations" or whatever the forums call it.)
In response to your question, please see the following THREADS. Also, please note that if many people sound totally angry and pissed off, it's because this has been an issue since the ESF update almost TWO WEEKS AGO. Hopefully we can discuss some sort of reparation for the missed game time. Links are as follows: Link 1: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/strange-lag-issue.167959/ Link 2: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/unplayable-lag.168934/ Link 3: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/lots-of-lag-the-past-few-days.170110/ Link 4: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/extreme-lag-on-ceres.169855/ So, as you can see, there are a number of threads regarding this performance issue. I'm hoping that they help you figure out the issue, though it looks like the people in the first link did it already. I'm also curious if any devs play on the east coast servers. If so, fly out to NJ and I will let you try and play from my end so you can experience the frustration personally
I'm having this problem for more than a month now. It did go away, then came back. Today I don't even know if it exists. Tomorrow it could come back again.
Hello Luperza. I hope you can actually make something happen here, since not much has come of our.. several.. other threads. Here's the NEW JERSEY FIOS problem. I can't speak for the other guys since I'm in new jersey and I have FIOS. Sometimes verizon routes my traffic to your east coast server cluster like this: 1 2 ms <1 ms <1 ms Wireless_Broadband_Router.home []2 5 ms 5 ms 3 ms L100.NWRKNJ-VFTTP-124.verizon-gni.net []3 10 ms 7 ms 17 ms G1-2-0-7.NWRKNJ-LCR-21.verizon-gni.net []4 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms 11 ms 9 ms 7 ms 0.xe-10-0-1.GW13.NYC1.ALTER.NET []6 9 ms 10 ms 11 ms llnw-gw.customer.alter.net []7 16 ms 22 ms 33 ms tge2-4.fr3.iad.llnw.net []8 19 ms 14 ms 15 ms sony.ge4-12.fr3.iad.llnw.net []9 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms abepsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com [] When they do that, I lag like a sick animal and absolutely cannot play (ON EAST COAST SERVERS, CONNERY IS FINE.) Other days, they route my traffic to your east coast server like this: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms Wireless_Broadband_Router.home [] 2 3 ms 4 ms 4 ms L100.NWRKNJ-VFTTP-124.verizon-gni.net [] 3 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms G1-2-0-7.NWRKNJ-LCR-21.verizon-gni.net [] 4 4 ms 5 ms 4 ms 5 10 ms 28 ms 29 ms 0.xe-3-0-2.XL3.EWR6.ALTER.NET [] 6 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms TenGigE0-4-0-1.GW5.EWR6.ALTER.NET [] 7 20 ms 16 ms 5 ms llnw-gw.customer.alter.net [] 8 18 ms 12 ms 12 ms tge2-4.fr3.iad.llnw.net [] 9 13 ms 12 ms 12 ms sony.ge4-12.fr3.iad.llnw.net [] 10 28 ms 27 ms 28 ms abepsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com [] When they use this route, I HAVE NO LAG WHATSOEVER AND CAN PLAY FINE. What I suspect you need to do, though I'm no network professional, is put some pressure on Verizon to stop routing traffic through this oversaturated network node, because when they do, I cannot play your game.
Yep, been unplayable for over a month. SOE wont do **** for server transfer either, pathetic as all xp bonus and paid membership is a total ******* waste. Finally learned my lesson.
same problem here. Connery is mostly fine. But both east coast servers are laggy as hell. Jersey FIOS too.
I also been experiencing this, even no damage being registered at all. This must be looked into ASAP; it's a gamebreaking issue.
I live in NJ and have FIOS. PS2 is unplayable for me as well. Someone from SOE will have to communicate with Verizon about this because it is impossible to get them to do anything by calling support. It seems unlikely Verizon will fix it the issue themselves as it has been going on for several weeks and nothing has changed.
Man I am sooooo glad I decided to check what tech issue this game is having before I decided to get the 1yr sub. I'm going to wait a bit longer, bc I would be pissed if I dropped over $200 on the sub and SC just for my game to keep crashing (currently) and lag issue, making this game unplayable. Nothing like spending $$$ on something and regretting it right afterwards. :-/
still happening frequently on waterson/indar during the night alert (1/31.) Game has become nigh-unplayable since 9:30 PST or so
still happening on waterson. Would love to hear some input about what steps can we can take to resolve this
Starting up a new thread specifically for NEW JERSEY VERSIZON FIOS issues, for the sake of having a clear concise ticket to link sony techs to. https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...nc-nj-verizon-fios-waterson-matherson.171499/
Still happening...... you sure you (SOE) can handle a 'Free' Planet Side. I think you don't have the resources to handle it and this is the issue it is causing.... It's un-playable and I pay for it!!!
tryed again... still there for me... no one else has this issue? I was in a squad and no where near a real battle....
so tryed yet again, turned everything way down low, game looks horrible...... and it still does it.... WTF!!! gggrrrrr