Waterson [PXP] Planet Express Crew - Organized and fun outfit. Play with friends every night!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by FlexoRodriguez, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. FlexoRodriguez

    Fun on the bun!
  2. EverestMagnus

    What? We won 2014 funnest outfit of Planetside 2... No we actually didn't, because that's not a thing. But if it was oh baby we'd totally be a shoe in!
  3. EzioDevil

    Group of some good guys and pilots but I always confuse you guys with PHX (they suck)
  4. FlexoRodriguez

    Thanks. We were on Waterson before PHX. I don't think they'd react well if we asked them to change their tag though.
  5. FlexoRodriguez

    Got us a new video made, check this out: PXP Video
  6. ghostfacejoey

    I'm interested. I really want to get into this game but its hard to do going solo!
  7. FlexoRodriguez

    Yeah, we'll get you a nice group of people to play with. No matter your style I'm sure you'll find someone in the outfit that will run with you anytime. We have some good events and operations are run every night.

    Use the instructions in the text or the video above to get in. Main thing is to jsut get on Mumble voice chat and someone will help you. Ask for a "Bending Unit" to get you into the outfit and onto our forums and such. I'll be on after about 9pm tonight so friend me at "FlexoRodriguez" and send me a /tell message to get set up.
  8. FlexoRodriguez

  9. EverestMagnus

    PXP- Because someone has to deliver your package to the enemy. Also the package is HIGH EXPLOSIVES!
  10. FlexoRodriguez

  11. gnometheft

    Now with more walrus juice!
  12. FlexoRodriguez

    Join our community! We are expanding to other games as well as PS2. Star Citizen will be awesome!
  13. FlexoRodriguez

    Still having fun. Weekly training events and tactical ops nights are making us a good fighting force. Join up!
  14. Waffle Fartsparkle

    Do you guys frequently form specialized squads?
  15. Snyx

    This game was stale for me, then I swapped to Waterson because I heard about this outfit from STLYoungBlood and DRANKtheKoolaid on YouTube, and I'll gladly say after joining the outfit, I've never had more fun in my gaming experience than this. It's a great outfit where you can have loads of fun, but still get good certs by playing to win. I remember once when it was 7:59 and we were all telling jokes and stuff and laughing and having a good time, but at 8 PM on the dot the entire Mumble server when silent and we started discussing what base we were going to attack. Anyway, JOIN US!!!!!
  16. FlexoRodriguez

    To answer the questions about specialized squads, yes we do have some specialization on our tactical nights once a week. Other times we are mostly running organized squads but not demanding people play certain roles. We have outfit night training once a week and tactical night once a week and participate in server-wide events.
  17. FlexoRodriguez

    Mattherson bump.
  18. FlexoRodriguez

    Fun fact, PXP has weekly prizes for our fun event contest winners and a monthly prize worth $50 or more for members recognized for good teamwork.

    These prize offers have been going on for over a year!

    Yes, we are that organized and supportive of our members!
  19. FlexoRodriguez

  20. FlexoRodriguez

    Still recruiting for a while. Just up now while you can!