WATCH OUT FOR CML (Emerald Server)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ArenBlade, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. ArenBlade

    Hey guys, watch out if you are playing as NC on the Emerald server. Late at night they like to Team Kill hard core.
    One guy shot me up in the warp gate, then another was trolling as a reaver- shooting other reavers and killing them!
  2. FieldMarshall

    They mostly come out at night. Mostly.
  3. BaronVonVirtu

    Lets get down to the important question, are they recruiting?
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  4. FLHuk

    Cambodian Midget-fighting League?
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  5. Lection

    This isn't just them, i can't stand at any terminal at the warp gate without needing to watch my back on that server for my VS and TR characters, or else some twit will come along and mow me down.
  6. =ADK= Turrican13

    Typical wussy VS and TR move, go on alts and TK.
    Not surprising, really, the acts of cowards.

  7. bloodfuchs

    When the fights from the grounds dissapear, there´s apparently action going on warpgate. I wish they add hotspots on WG so everyone knows who´s race is Teamkilling the most currently :D
  8. Dramek

    Canadian Mermaid Lovers
  9. Rovertoo

    This kind of made me think of an idea, what if they added a little zone at the warpgate where teamkilling was allowed, and there were some spawns there that only showed up when you were in the area? That way I could fight my pal 1v1 without really worrying about weapons lock.
  10. Allin

    I wanted to give NC a go after I played Vanu for two years. Got teamkilled 8 times before I finished setting up all my loadouts (first thing I do on new char). Got teamkilled 4 extra times when doing vehicle and air loadouts. Thought, just some morons today. Logged out.
    Next day launched a reaver, got rammed by a teammate. Launched a reaver, got a decimator in the hull. Got TK'd when trying to spawn a vehicle after Instant Action use.

    All that in 20 minutes or so after each login, different people, some high BR. Logged out, deleted NC character.
  11. ronjahn

    You know you can adjust your loadouts from the deploy screen and avoid those deaths? I mean I can understand the first death, but letting it happen 11 more times after that is kind of your fault. You knew they were there tking, but chose to spawn back in and let them keep killing you anyway.

    Getting rammed and decimatored blows though and I feel your pain. What server? on Emerald I rarely ever get killed in the WG(then again there is hardly any need to be in a WG anyway, so why would I be there?). Did you report the offenders?

    That said I wish they would find a way to turn Warpgate invincibility back on without breaking the game.
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  12. Allin

    I know, I like doing the "roleplay" more. I'm playing since closed alpha. Those deaths were my experience not my fault. The fault was the idiot pressing left mouse button. Let's not defend, what is plain stupidity, even for the sake of possible workarounds.

    As I said, this was a test. I gave it a second go too. Also, that was not one crazy guy, that were numerous different people TK'ing. What's the point of testing if I like the faction, if I will use my own wits to lie to myself?

    I don't mind those TK's at all as they are telling a story I needed.
    Server was Cobalt, my one and only. I really do hope they will reinstall WG immunity.
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  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    Just ran a search and it looks like CML is not involved in any intentional TK activity. In addition, the NC character "ArenBlade" who I assume is you has not been killed in any of the 19,456 most recent kills by CML members.
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  14. Phyr

    Excuse me, Sir. This is Forumside, we don't use "statistics" and "proof" in our arguments. The less facts, the better the thread.
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  15. Liberty

    I've heard through a reliable source that CML is indeed recruiting. Sign up now!
  16. Imperium Assault

    Business as usual for NC

    It's the rebel spirit