Watch out for abusers of this nasty glitch!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Silver Fox

    Ok, this "internet speak" is getting ridiculous. Can anyone translate please? In a real language?
  2. Sebastien

    He's using greentext to illustrate a point, however because this is not 4chan, the text will not change to green when the ">" arrows are used.
    This means he went out of his way to change the text to green. Also, I find it annoying when people use green text in a place that isn't 4chan.
  3. Silver Fox

    I get that, but how does all of that translate to "pls go /ps2vg/"? Or am I just not "hipyoloswag" enough to understand you kids nowadays?
  4. Sebastien

    /vg/ is the Video Game discussion board of 4chan. This board has numerous Threads dedicated to a certain game, or in some cases a type of game.
    /ps2vg/ is the Planetside 2 Video Game general. This is the only place I can think of, unless OP has just visited /b/ and thought all the cool kids used greentext.
  5. Silver Fox

    Thank you for using real words. :rolleyes:
  6. Phazaar

    The English language is beautiful for exactly that reason. It requires thought; it's not intended to be consumed at sight (and clearly without scrolling through the next 4 posts in an already 2 page long thread before jumping on the 'WTFBBQ' train)... Have more faith in humanity and you'll side more on the 'probably being sarcastic' side of things; it'll relax you far more, and hey, you'd even get the distinct pleasure of reading through the rest of the thread before raising the pitchfork...
  7. RasFW

    You could deploy... TWICE. To make REALLY sure you're not going to move. Unless that Harasser hits you.
  8. TheRealMetalstorm

    Enforcer vanguards are easily 2/2.
    Even prowlers, who absolutely LOVE to sit far back and high up on a mountain sniping with deployed AP, have people in their vulcans (with absolutely nothing to do at that range)
  9. TheRealMetalstorm

    4chan isn't the origin of greentext. it's not even called greentext outside of 4chan. 4chan is a cesspit of horrible things that should not be mentioned. i am highly disappointed in you if the first thing you think of when you see what you call "green text" is 4chan. it's an excellent way to sarcastically put your point across, and it seems like it might have been rather effective. Succinct and to the point, it is truly worth every bit of worship that i give it. o lawd, praise be had on the almighty >
  10. biterwylie

    How could you be so wrong? If everyone was immune to lock on then no person would use them and the game would be better for all.
  11. biterwylie

    There never was an issue with this. If it becomes an issue you can pat yourself on the back and say I caused that lol. I will sure as hell be using it.

    You might want to check this

    They have not fixed the Striker. Chances are this will never be fixed! There is no one left to fix it!!
  12. TheRealMetalstorm

    please keep irrelevant (and dangerous) topics out of this discussion, thank you very much.

    @mods don't use the quoted post to lock/delete this thread, this has to stay up.