Hilariously enough, this is a good strategy for fighting maxes. Most people that aren't familiar with the max don't know that when you get close, their guns lose their zero and don't shoot where the crosshairs are at point blank range.
Sure if your heavy runs into the middle of multiple assailants and doesn't use terrain at all, that might be true. You can't just balls out rush a squad with 2 people and expect to live unless they're really terrible. Yep, deployed sunderers are totally better medics, especially when they're getting farmed by an HE tank or a Zephyr.
Well, for TR at least, the medic has more range. I have 2x reflex on the default weapon and I take out infiltraitors. Couple together the medic self-heal ability with the restoration kit and you aren't only as beefy as heavy assault but far more deadly in a straight up shootout from mid range, and from long range the other classes just don't stand up. Even infiltraitors, putting rounds on an infiltraitor screws up their aim, and you can literally just stand still and kill infils from long range. (not very long range though) My best k/d is on medic and its the class that pushes the battlefield forward even without armor. Engineers + medics + heavies on a ridge will pin down infantry and armor alike without need of a spawn station.
Wasted class my a**. In group fights i keep the fight going, sure there's a sunderer nearby, but i'm the one that make sure we don't lose our frontline while the soldiers run back after falling. In small fights i help the others out fighting at the level of a light assault. Then proceeding to revive my teammates after the battle has concluded, this is where i make the greatest diffrence. And in solo fights i can't see my disadvantage, sure the heavy has a shield and heavier weapon than me. But if i can get through his shield and get to cover i've pretty much won as my shield regenerate and i can heal myself up. Same goes for picking off infiltrators, if they don't take me down before i get to cover, i'll come back at full health.
Need to cert up that med tool. I pretty much exclusively play medic (BR 25) and my med tool is maxed. That allows me to revive someone to full health in about two secs with a range of about six meters. I can run at a downed trooper in my path and have him up at full health before I even pass over him. I am in an outfit that normally runs 2-3 full squads simultaneously per battle location. They do not have to respawn back at a Sundy and run all the way back to the fight. They stay with their squad in the fight.
http://www.planetside-universe.com/leaderboard.php #2 player, NIGG4, K/D is only 0.67 and only has 300 kills, yet he is #2 and the class he plays most is medic. BAM
I most likely have a better KD ratio with my medic than anything else being I play more team oriented and don't over extend myself in Rambo mode. No one complains there are too many medics in a squad.
i dunno i play mine as a combat medic not a heal bot, It has a very good rifle and can easily out shoot the other classes.
I can revive people faster then a sundered can ******* deploy... oh and I revive at full health too and a aoe heal that can heal to full in just a few seconds.
Honestly...medic fits the role of basic grunt soldier between light and heavy...kinda like in battlefield 3. We are the mainstay grunt class with way better healing skills than the gruntz in bf3.
The Medic is actually probably the second best combat class in the game, right after the heavy. (In many situations, a medic can, and often will, beat a heavy 1v1) In fact, with the Medic's fantastic weapon options, they may actually be better than the Heavy in a pure infantry engagement. They certainly have the advantage in CQB 1v1. Sure, the Medic may scrape through a lot of fights with 40% health or whatever, but because he can regen both shields and health, he can keep barely coming out on top at 40% again, and again, and again...