Wasted Class

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by OneShadowWarrior, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. OneShadowWarrior

    Personal opnion, this as a standalone class is worthless. It should be absorbed into Light, Infiltrator, Heavy and Engineers as a Combo.
  2. iEatGlue

    I forgot this is a standalone game.
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  3. GetBrocked

    Mind backing up your statement? I find that medics are one of the best classes when you have people on comms (and even without) with you. It is very hard to take down even a squad of 3 when they're reviving each other non stop. If you're not being overwhelmed medics might be on par with a max -engineer combat in terms of force multipliers.
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  4. Fuman

    right.....stupid shallow statement
  5. Cymoril

    I would like for it to show how many revives/heals, etc on my stats page when i play this class. I mainly support when I play medic and the K/D ratio for being a "team player" makes me want to be a selfish basterd instead. I have more luck with the engi than the medic with kills but I like both.
  6. irishroy

    i mostly always play support classes in other games, too.
    they are essential (?) for a team to win, but nearly always they are mostly ignored or not played, like in Tribes:Ascend (
    ) the Technician
    or TeamFortress2 the engineer.
    but i like these games a lot, and i am also pretty good at T:A
  7. Kageru

    The best medic is a deployed sunderer, because it revives on full health, in a probably safe area, at a place where you can re-equip doesn't reduce from your combat strength at the point.

    In TF2 a medic on a heavy can make it much harder to kill. The medic can't do that. The engineer on a max can because they take less damage and have more durability (plus provide some cover).
  8. saltin

    All classes are worthless or totally unplayable to some,medics is no different.All depends how you enjoy your game,the kinda things that are fun for you ect,,
  9. saltin

    It doesn't revive it respawn,medic is what's needed when you need your teamate back asap into the firefight into the very same spot he was killed without wasting a second in travel time.With a maxed tool you fallen comrade is back to full health,his shield back in 10-15 seconds.Without medics you could not take well defended bases,because the enemy is spawned in the base while you have to walk to the base from sunderer.

    Engineers don't have aoe heal that you can use on of of regular heal,it can heal you and heal your target and heal the entire group with you,also you can always revive if your buddie dies.Engies cant revive max only medics can revive maxes.

    Also keep in mind very few people run maxes because frankly they suck for the most part,but medic have a huge amount of choice who they want to heal and be with.

    Note i was engineer/sunderer driver during most of the beta and enjoyed it but i enjoy medic even more now.
  10. BombrMan

    I disagree with the OP of this thread completely. I think the medic is the best standalone class hands down. Just like the OP I will provide no useful reasoning to support this statement.
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  11. framperton

    Sorry? Have you played this game, or have you played it with your eyes open?
    The medic is both essential to maintain the momentum of a base assault and provide some nice mid to long range fire support.

    Why the hell would to give that role to Heavy Assaults, whose role is taking out infantry and armor? That would completely detract from the point of that class. They are supposed to be stuck in, and more often than not are the majority of the people medics are reviving.

    Light assaults? Uhh no, they are flankers and tank sappers and are often airborne or on top of some unreachable location.

    Infiltrators? Seriously? The most lone wolf and distracted class of the game?

    Engineers are already repairing vehicles and passing out ammo and setting up turrets, but I guess they can be merged into the other classes as well, right?

    No clue what the hell you're on about since you provide no reasoning for your claim. All you seem to do is confirm that you're an idiot.

    As for the Sunderer as the 'best medic' comment;

    That is perhaps the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. Sunderers in a safe spot during a base assault? Where? 300-400m away? Yeah good luck taking that base when it takes 15 seconds to spawn, and then another 1-2 minutes to get back to the front lines. And once the enemy gets wise to where the stream of troops is coming from? Say good bye to your 'medic'.
  12. Ashur

    I love these threads, it's like the OP didn't even play the damn game before posting.
  13. Paulus

    I play Combat Medic exclusivly when i'm on foot. I want to give every human being at SoE a hug for giving me this class to play, its the role i dreamed of when PS1 launched, and i was disappointed when it didn't do what i hoped, but i muddled through for 6 years with my beloved Cycler rifle and a Med App. I don't have the reflexes to be a twitch killer like most of the FPS front line, so i tend to favour support roles (i play a priest when i'm on WoW). Fast forward to today, and i'm loving it. T1 is a nice ballenced rifle now i've got my 3.4x RDS, and i'm saving up for the laser dot for the rail. My rank 4 Med App is just right, and its all so close to what i wanted for so long, i feel like its my own personal game made just for me.

    Its taken 9 years, but you gave me my dream, Thank You.
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  14. deusex2

    Medic is worthless?! My infiltrator would like to have a word with you...
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  15. Refraxktion

    As a medic I needed to post in here. The medic CAN be the most useful class in the game, depending on the situation. Maybe in the zergs when you have 3 sunderer spawns up and a few spawn points the medic has a smaller impact, but when traveling in smaller groups (crazy I know right?) the medic is what keeps the unit together.
  16. saltin

    Aha! infiltrators are worthless they are like leeches of PS2 world,doesnt matter if they are in enemy camp or if they are your teammates,also same for the little flying turds, the ones known as light assaults completely worthless both classes don't have the guts for straight fight so they got to hide and sneak/steal kills lol
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  17. CrimsonDaemon

    OP is probably buttdevastated MAX player who doesn't get revived by a majority of the medics out there
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  18. Werefox

    I play almost exclusively as a medic, and it is fantastic even as solo. The rifle(s) are hard hitting with decent accuracy, and I nearly always find myself with a positive k/d ratio. The key is to dump as many points into the med gun as you can so that when you do revive players it 1. doesn't take very long, and 2. revives them with a lot of initial health. That way when they run off ignoring their surroundings they don't immediately peg it again.

    About the only thing wrong with the medic class, imo, is that you can't heal stupid.
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  19. xkefKa

    Guys guys,if u see a post from oneshadowWarrior just ignore it,its a forums troll,nothing else.
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  20. Joust

    I play medic exclusively, and honestly I don't see why I need any of the other classes. My sniper loadout with a 6x scope lets me frontally assault any base, and my A11 loadout lets me go toe-to-toe with lights and heavies. When I come upon a Max, after popping a heal-over-time medkit and my ticking self heal, I have enough health to survive long enough to dump two clips into their heads (honestly, Max players can't seem to counter you when you charge them straight and strafe them in circles).

    Then to top it all off I get thousands of free XP per hour for topping off and rezzing? How is this a bad class? With a +50%xp powerup and the +35% sub bonus, in heavy firefights I'm getting 2000-2500 xp per minute. Show me an Infiltrator putting up those numbers.